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A Christmas Carole Play...

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:36 pm
by Lexx Yovel
...or should I say a Life Day Carole. This Sunday in the Fort Oasis Cantina, we will be performing our first play thanks to the support of Telemchus. Instead of Christmas, we have Life Day, and Ebenezer Scrooge is replaced with the Emperor, who pushes around Cratchet (who is now Stormtrooper TK-518), and needs to feed and raise little Timmy, (a Storm Trooper Clone #117393...or somthing like that). This event takes place at 7:00 PM Est Sunday, so we hope to see you there! We will see the Emperor in his semi-good spirits for 10 minutes only, after he gets scard by the 3 Life Day spirits! :lol: