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Regarding Hunting Events, need some feedback

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:49 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Me and Klivyn were discussing some guild events, and one of the ideas was to form hunting events. One of these events could include a Rancor hunting trip on Dathomir this weekend. But more in depth details are below.

These hunting trips would serve as social, fundraising, skill raising, recreational events. Apart from all the Rebel faction battles against our worst enemies, there will always become a time to gain skills, get hides, resources, or credits for our base, treasury, or other important guild ameneties. Such missions where you get credits, would be tipped to I, or a designated stock piler to use for a varying task, such as maintenance.

Also, there is always need to test leadership, or improve in skills. And whats a better way to learn skilled and leadership methods on hunting animals? We can test battle tecniqes, while leveling out on needed skills. If large numbers of people come, we could use squads to practice the leadership of our Commanders and Captains.

Last but not least, the gathering of resources in imparative for many reasons... reparing base defences, crafting much needed goods, and more. This is just one of the other reasons we could do these hunting missions. Also, members who want to join RID, but arent quite skilled par say, could be put on a sort of probationary period. If this neutral scout wants to join. We would ask him to get a decent increase in proffesion status, and join the Empire. While the member would not officialy join, he could become a loyal citizens of Fort Oasis, and come to recreational and/or hunting events to get to know members beforehand.