Battle of Fort Keen - RPvP Event - Saturday, 8/29, 7 pm CST

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Battle of Fort Keen - RPvP Event - Saturday, 8/29, 7 pm CST

Post by Arev » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:50 pm


Where: Dearic Theater
When: Saturday, August 29, 8 PM EST
Why: RPvP GCW Event with opportunity to 'capture' faction officers.
Contact: Arev or Kai'lek

Table of Contents
1. IC Background
2. OOC Event Organization
3. Capturing Officers
4. Rules of Engagement

1a. IC Background

"Sir, we're coming out of hyperspace." The Rebel helmsman droned to the Captain of the EF76 Nebulon-B frigate Consulibus.

"Very well. Signal the fleet to prepare for engagement. Have the drop-ships ready for departure. All hands to battle stations," the veteran captain stated. The frigate was the flagship of a new Roving Line. Flanked by Corellian Gunships, Corvettes, fighters and freighters, the battle-group was to engage the Victory-class Star Destroyer Manifest Destiny and her fighter contingent long enough for the Rebel reinforcements to land on the surface.

The fleet lurched out of hyperspace, the Destiny and her escorts dead ahead as the Rebel fighters and freighters moved forward to attacked followed by the Corellian ships. The captain ordered, "Drop-ships, prepare to depart,. He sighed for a moment as the lasers began to flash around and explosions could be seen, "You know the plan, stay on the surface until transport can be arranged off Talus. Good luck, and may the Force be with you."

A miscellaneous assortment of shuttles, freighters, and fighters, which the captain called "drop-ships" faded on to the planet's surface. The Consulibus captain transferred the remaining data to the Alliance intelligence operative in the Sector as Operation Grassy Plains was about to begin.

1b. IC Background

"Commander! Our scanners have picked up several Rebel ships entering the Sector! They have engaged the Manifest Destiny. The report should be uploaded to your datapad, sir.," the young Com Operator enthusiastically reports to Major Arev Basten. The Fort Keen Commander did not share his optimistic appraisal of the situation, however.

Basten reclines in his office chair, watching the holovid, mumbling to himself, "Even with the Outer Rim reinforcements, we may not have enough to hold them back." Arev rises from his desk, taking charge of the situation, "Contact the commanders, have them meet me in the Command Center. Senty Outposts on full alert," looking away, taking a breath, "...and summon the Militia."

"Yes sir!" the operator dutifully replies with a salute, leaving the office.

The officer casually strolls away from the Commander Center, his hand in his pocket, and a gentle breeze blowing against his hair, "And so, it comes down to this. The Rebels underestimate this Fort and her Commander."

2. OOC Organization

This event is an RPvP event with specific Rules of Engagement (as outlined below). Participants will meet in Dearic Theater to exchange /duel requests. Imperial players will travel to Fort Keen. Rebel players will travel to 'Arev's Camp' set up about 1km north of Fort Keen.

8 PM EST - Meet in Dearic Theater to exchange /duel requests and review rules (earlier you arrive the better!)
8:15ish - Travel to respective meeting areas for IC debriefings.
8:35ish - Travel to battlefield locations (close enough to walk)
8:40ish - Open fire!


Rebels: Capture four Waypoints by having three Rebels stand inside them (they are Merchant Tents) for one minute. The Rebel Commander must also sit at Arev's Desk in the Command Center (City Hall).

Imperials: Defend four Waypoints by pushing the Rebels back. Beware of flanking maneuvers!

Areas protected by NPCs are 'heavily defended' and cannot be breached. This applies to both sides.

In-character messages will be sent out to those operating within Imperial and Alliance Intelligence. Such messages will be forwarded to respective parties and participants. Please let Arev know if you would like to be included on the mailing list.

3. Capturing Officers

All Officers (those IC Lieutenant rank and above) will have the chance to be captured providing they are still alive at the end of the battle. This will present an certain risk to those who RP faction officers. Of particular interest will be the Imperial and Rebel commanders.

To Capture an opposing faction officer the following conditions must be met:

1. Officer must consent to being captured.
2. No opposing faction soldiers may be within 100m or less.
3. No Officer may be captured while inside the Cloning Center, in transit to their site of incap (from subsequent DB), or loading into the battlefield area or respective shuttleports.
3. Duration of capture (and possible torture) will be determined between the captor and prisoner.

4. Rules of Engagement

(Based off of Cas-ru's RoE and SixT's RoE.)
I. No buffs outside of equipment
II. No specials outside of Bacta Spray (which should be emoted out)
III. No Heavy Weapons
IV. No Auto Attack
V. Try to fire in bursts, short for pistols and carbines, long for rifles.
VI. When incapcitated, go prone until revived by IC Medic (does not have to be Medic profession)
VII. If DB'd respawn in Fort Keen, return to your previous location, go prone, and await revival by a medic.
VIII. If revived, you are limited to walking, not running, and may no longer engage in combat (all duels are canceled). IC injuries are at the player's discretion.

NOTE: These rules are designed to create and immersible, tactical RP. Without using Specials, communication will be crucial as your team must rely on open communication to defeat targets effectively. These rules may be adjusted up to one hour before the event. If you have any questions, please let me know.


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Post by Arev » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:31 am

Updated and finalized!

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Post by Arev » Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:45 am

Thank you to Lexx, Ramd, Crazygun, Juns, and Mooke for helping! (Apologies if I missed anyone.)

Sorry it turn out quite as I had hoped, but that's life.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:38 pm

Don't worry about it. I've never really participated in an RPvP event before, and I must admit it was pretty cool taking part in one last night.

I think the one thing I noticed last night was that the Imperials understood the rules better than the Rebels. I guess just conveying to the Rebels the proper rules is all that is needed for the future.

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Post by Ramd » Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:53 pm

LexxYovel wrote:Don't worry about it. I've never really participated in an RPvP event before, and I must admit it was pretty cool taking part in one last night.

I think the one thing I noticed last night was that the Imperials understood the rules better than the Rebels. I guess just conveying to the Rebels the proper rules is all that is needed for the future.

Convey rules to Rebels? Lol, I really doubt that can be done...I was on the ground, "dead" and Zaviour comes running up blasting me. I tell him I'm already "down" and he just keeps firing, kills me.

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Post by Arev » Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:11 am

Well, I heard the same thing from the Rebels. On the positive side, I had a long talk with Malcar about the event and he even offered to consider a class on infantry techniques as he spent several years in the Army.

On that note, check out the screenshots! They turned out great. (Bottom of the thread.)

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Post by auren » Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:42 am

Arev wrote:Well, I heard the same thing from the Rebels. On the positive side, I had a long talk with Malcar about the event and he even offered to consider a class on infantry techniques as he spent several years in the Army.

On that note, check out the screenshots! They turned out great. (Bottom of the thread.)

i came along using my loan computer and i loved it
i think it was confusing at first but it has the means to be a fantastic event

It might just be me but i felt the city offered great cover and a good maze type layout for increased fun. :D

Arev please dont be put off from the couple of negative people there, i brought along brogen who i met while at heroics he loved the event and i loved the event too.

Please do another and i would love to come. It made a change to doing the "normal stuff" we all do in game a lot
Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Arev » Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:37 am

Thank you, Auren, I appreciate it. :)

I wasn't sure who that Brogen fellow was, but he caught on quickly. I was very happy to see you there, you were a more than welcome surprise. :D

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Post by auren » Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:46 am

Arev wrote:Thank you, Auren, I appreciate it. :)

I wasn't sure who that Brogen fellow was, but he caught on quickly. I was very happy to see you there, you were a more than welcome surprise. :D

well we did a heroic and chatted ramd sent me a message about your event so i came to see it. All the event needed was maybe a caller droid with the rules coming out constantly so anyone landing would know what to do. I myself had buffs and forgot until someone told me to turn them off lol
Has seen lexx's sabre and it was glowing pink............again

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Post by Arev » Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:38 pm

That's not a bad idea. Unfortunately, I could hear complaints about how that breaks immersiveness, but it's definitely something to consider. Thanks!

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Post by Waucod Meesman » Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:14 pm

ugh... make sure you keep all those punks off my lawn.

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Post by Arev » Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:31 am

I think Crazygun's dewback pooped there.
