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Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:00 pm
by Tenvik
Ok I am going to start putting together some heroic runs. I will be running them every Friday night starting this Friday 1/9/09 at 8 pm EST I will start invites to the guild at 7:45 PM EST. At 8 PM EST I will start looking elsewhere such as SUNDAR and my friends list to fill the rest of the group. Group make up will be a priority and first come first served (I can't take a group of 7 Jedi to ISD we will just fail, not enough ranged DPS) I will be running this group mostly with Ulso who is a medic, but as need be I can bring Tenvik if needed.

I would love to have this group make up: 1 Officer, 2 medics, 2 jedi, Smuggler, for the last 2 party members I can either go with a extra jedi and medic if we are doing EK but for any other instances BH/Mando or any other DPS classes are ok in my book.

For those who haven't gotten flagged for the heroic instances please start working on them the walk thru for the heroics pre quest can be found here.

Most of the quests can be soloed rather easily with a few exceptions here and there with the ISD and the NS one. I will be in game off and on due to my current work schedule but i will try to help others get flagged for these but you all should be able to do most of the work yourself.

The main reasons for doing these heroics are for the Jewelry set which can be viewed here, but you also get skill bonuses each time you successfully complete a Heroic.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:34 am
by Arev
Very cool, sign me up!

I'd recommend doing a 'pre-quest' day in advance though. In the past, when we've attempted heroic nights, someone always said, "Oh, but I need that pre-quest done." And, since the purpose of a PA is to help each other out, you can't turn a guildie down. The unfortunate part is that slows the group as a whole down, the positive side is that get more people through pre-quests.

Also, no group must have certain professions, almost all instances can be beaten with any setup.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:55 am
by Lexx Yovel
Tenvik, thanks for stepping up to the plate to get this heroic instances run. If you need any help, just let me know, I'll try to be there this Friday for heroics as well.

Before Friday, I'll try to figure out who needs to do the prequests. Auren for example just returned to the game, but I think he did most, if not all of the prequests. He's a CL 90 Commando, so would be a good name to mark down for heroic groups as well.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:11 pm
by Tenvik
Cool glad to get some good feedback on this from now until the 9th I am down to give whoever needs a hand with the prequests as much as I can but the guy that I Sub for at work is on vacation till sometime mid January which means I am working non stop with only Sundays off, so my help will be limited unfortunately other then in the evenings. I will be sending out a guild E mail in game regarding the heroic runs today and see who needs help with what. Since I am announcing this a week in advance it should be no problem getting folks who aren't flagged for these instances flagged. I was thinking about starting with either the Tusken instance since it is rather easy and is good practice to get a group to work together rather then individuals. Then working toward IG88, Night Sister, ISD, and then finally Exar Kun since it is the hardest but as long as you know what to do in EK and have the correct group make up it is rather easy just a matter of learning the instance.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:09 am
by Zorbinafrii
i'll usually be home around 9:30 central on friday nights ... so i guess i'll catch the last half of everything.

course .. for the next 5 months i'll have tuesday, wednesday, and thursday off EVERY week .. hehe

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:59 pm
by Tenvik
Oh I am almost always down to run heroics anytime of the week, this one is just trying to get more guild members interested in running some =)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:34 pm
by Tenvik
Hey guys just letting you all know that the guild heroics run that I will be heading up are still set to begin this Friday the 9th. Again sorry for my playing schedule being a bit off as of late, the guy I sub for at work is on vacation until the 15th of this month so I have been working everyday since the 19th of December.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:36 pm
by Arev
Where are we meeting or will that be decided after the group is established?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:28 am
by Lexx Yovel
Looking forward to the heroics tomorrow (I'll try to attend, or at least log on to help form a group).

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:23 pm
by Tenvik
Cool there is really no point in mind to group up I would say Eisley since that is where the buffers are Ent and Doc

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:01 am
by Tenvik
Well we had a great turnout yesterday, it was Me, Arramen, Bovive, and Daiho so after trying to find more Daiho had to jet and Arramen, Bovive and I joined up with Sunders group in progress and we hit up EK which got bugged and was being a unruly bitch hehe

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:45 am
by Daiho
So if I understand Friday there will be another H group? I hope if we do EK this bitch won't be bugged again! Put me on the attending list as a Jedi :)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:08 am
by Tenvik
Well my Idea behind these scheduled Friday Heroic runs was to get some of the other members of the guild who haven't been into running heroic to do so, that was why I was going to start out on the easier of there heroics like TK or NS, but since it is just basically us Vets grouping up with Sunder hell we will start doing to tougher of the instances.

The key I have found in a successful EK is the group make up. and a groups ability to follow directions. My 100% Dream EK run team would be as follows. 1 officer, 3 Medics, 2 Jedi, 2 Ranged DPS, one hopefully being a BH for the De buffs they can put up but this is not 100% needed. If we can get close to that group makeup then EK should be no problem at all.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:58 pm
by Redaxe
Ill be back in a few days you can sign me up for this. Lvl 90 officer

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:54 am
by Lexx Yovel
I understand EK was bugged when you did it, but how far up did you get? Indeed it requires a great amount of coordination, and an ideal group set-up.

Anyways, now that my computer's fixed, I should be available to help out Friday for real this time 8)