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Battle of Vreni Island!

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:48 am
by Arev
The latest thing these days is PvP events and with the influx of new transferees, it would be great opportunity to get RID's name out there for potential recruits with a good ol' fashioned RID-sponsored PvP event.

Battle of Vreni Island
A Rebel turncoat reveals hidden weapon caches to the Empire on Vreni Island, Corellia promoting an Imperial strike team to infiltrate and capture the sites. The Rebels learn of the treachery and prepare to defend the weapon caches delaying the invasion of the island in space and on land while awaiting evacuation. The Empire sends reinforcements from Talus to thwart the uprising and crush the pitiful Rebellion.

Basic setup:
  • Rebels organize from the Rebel Outpost on Rori flying into the Corellian System and landing in Tyrena.
  • Imperials organize from the Imperial Outpost on Talus and landing in Coronet.
  • Rebels start closer on land to create the "defensive" illusion, yet start farther away in space to create a sense of "desperation" of evacuating their reinforcements.
  • Imperials start closer in space because Talus is home to one of their Outposts and to add to the desperation of the Rebels. Coronet, being the capital of Corellia, allows for a beach assault by the Imperials.
  • Only V-35s and Desert Skiffs would be allowed by both sides to use as 'transports' for assaulting/reinforcing Vreni.
  • Standard SF declarations are made prior to loading into the Corellian System and approaching Vreni Island by both sides.

Let me know what you think. If you guys like it, I'll start organizing something.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:12 am
by RettVescan
Sounds fun but will it be free-returns or are you dead after the first time you get slain. If its free-return, where do you return from? I think it should be as close as possible, cause nothing kills an event like having to be away from the fighting for an extended period of time while you're rushing to get back hoping the event won't be over by the time you get back.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:30 am
by Arev
Good point. To be fair, the Rebels would clone in Tyrena, the Imperials in Coronet, and both would be sent in as another 'wave'.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:47 am
by Lexx Yovel
Thanks for bringing this up Arev. A battle of Vreni Island was something I wanted to do for years. I was thinking that now would be the best time to get one going. Should we do this right after the free transfer service?

Anyways, I was thinking of having the Imperials set up camp north of Vreni Island, and have the Rebels set up a camp elsewhere. I'll do a little geographical charting to see what would work best.