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Pre-Planning: 5th Anniversary Event

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:24 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I'm going to be making posts for other more recent upcoming events, but I will first be allowing everyone to post suggestions for our 5th year anniversary.

It will be on November 23rd. This may seem far away, but believe me, the day will come quickly, and I want us to be over-prepared and hyped for the server-wide event.

For now, here are my ideas/comments about the event:

1.) November 23rd (our anniversary) will be on a Sunday. This should allow for a considerably sizable turnout. I'm thinking 6:00 PM EST should be the time the event starts... perhaps later.

2.) While it is our guild's anniversary, and may seem like it should be a guild-only event, I'm thinking we should invite the entire server. For one thing, no matter if there is a huge turnout from RID, it will never seem as lively as with other people. I want it to be an event which displays the pride of RID to not just ourselves, but to prospective members and other people.

3.) I'm considering meeting up with an entertainer guild to set up a band/dancers dressed in red/black with red/black props.

4.) Considering having a preliminary march in Mos Eisley, Bestine, or another city on Tatooine as a guild before the official celebration. Perhaps a march from Mos Espa to Fort Oasis?

5.) Will definitely set up a race track, and other city venues such as a jukebox, stages, ships, etc.

6.) Will also have a large supply of fireworks to be launched from our theater.

7.) Considering a dueling tournament, but must take into consideration the amount of people to handle and how to keep track of guidelines and other things. Previous tournaments usually resulted in upsetted people.

8.) May deliver a short speech depending on the circumstances.

That's about all my ideas right now.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:56 pm
by Xoseh
A speech thanking all the members of RID who are no longer with you guys would be awesome. :p

Just suggesting.. lol

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:49 pm
by Mikal
I SHOULD have that day off since now that I'm "in management" I don't work on Sunday...however, with storm season fully upon me (I'm still alive from Gustav btw) our work schedule is "Get your ass to work...we have 300 people outside the door fighting over food we are throwing out, the police are here, but they can barely control them"...That was what I was telling people on the phone today lol. I personally recommend having it at 7 eastern or maybe even 8, since I don't get off work until 6:30 eastern if I work that Sunday.

As far as the parade, great idea...just don't have people follow me cause I'll be there, but I'll be lagging like a mofo lol.

I agree there shouldn't be a tourny...a small tourny is fine (like the little guild one we had recently), but with a bunch of people around it can turn into chaos very quickly, and let's not forget about lag issues hehe.

For this event we need a guild uniform that ALL members MUST wear for the event. If I had the Imperial officers cap I would suggest the officers wear those (even though the hair is hideous) as well. Many members don't have a "uniform" (me for instance, I always seem to miss the meetings when they are being given out). Also, some members have uniforms, but they aren't all alike. I suggest having the same clothing style for everyone, especially during a parade.

Also, for this event, I recommend that EVERY able bodied crafter get a fully stocked vendor up in the mall. After the event if they wanna put it back where it came from, fine, but this would be a great opportunity for some bonus sales.

Definately make it a server wide event. I would recommend asking that everyone come to the event on leave...PvP is fun and all, but it can quickly ruin a celebration event...especially if we somehow lose lol.

That's it for now...if I think of anything else I'll post some more!

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:34 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
the 23rd? i'll request off.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:08 pm
by Corvallon
Nice. Looking forward to it. 8)

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:29 pm
by Jaysont
Xoseh wrote:A speech thanking all the members of RID who are no longer with you guys would be awesome. :p

Just suggesting.. lol

i expect a comment about me here, and i want a screenie to prove it.