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Attack on Aurora Dou

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:03 pm
by Lexx Yovel
(The following post is as copied from my post on the Starsider forums)

Hello everyone,

The following event is planned for either Sunday of the 7th, or Sunday of the 14th (I'm hoping to get it formed for the 7th, but keep updated)

Anyways, here is the basic information. On either Sunday of the 7th or Sunday of the 14th of May, at 8:30 PM EST, all Imperials are encouraged to assemble in Fort Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to engage in a capture the flag fight against the Rebel city of Aurora Dou. Imperials may contact me (Lexx Yovel), or my alt (Hel'mut Yovel), for formup information, but there will also be other contacts.

At the same time, all Rebels are to assemble in Aurora Dou, Tatooine. Garsh is the mayor of this city, and you may contact him for any specifics if you are a Rebel.

This fight is a capture the flag PvP event. One or more flags will be placed throughout Aurora Dou. Once all Imperials are formed up and ready to fight, they are to drive or march towards Aurora Dou, "capturing" the city. If the flag is held in the favor of the Empire, the battle will be won for them, and Aurora Dou will be renamed to Fort Dou symbolizing Imperial control. It will remane under that name untill the next battle in June. If the Rebels successfully defend their city, Aurora Dou will remane under Rebel control... when the battle in June begins, the Rebels will then have an oppurtunity to "capture" Fort Farpoint Valley, and it will be renamed to Aurora Farpoint Valley.

All guilds are encouraged to come; however, you are asked to be on your best behavior. Griefing will NOT be tolerated.

These battles will take place usually on the first Sunday of each month... and depending on who is the victor or loser of the previous battle, different attacks will occur. I will keep you updated if any information changes.

Thank you,
Lexx Yovel/Hel'mut Yovel

Re: Attack on Aurora Dou

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:14 pm
by Apium
LexxYovel wrote:(The following post is as copied from my post on the Starsider forums)

Hello everyone,

The following event is planned for either Sunday of the 7th, or Sunday of the 14th (I'm hoping to get it formed for the 7th, but keep updated)

Anyways, here is the basic information. On either Sunday of the 7th or Sunday of the 14th of May, at 8:30 PM EST, all Imperials are encouraged to assemble in Fort Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to engage in a capture the flag fight against the Rebel city of Aurora Dou. Imperials may contact me (Lexx Yovel), or my alt (Hel'mut Yovel), for formup information, but there will also be other contacts.

At the same time, all Rebels are to assemble in Aurora Dou, Tatooine. Garsh is the mayor of this city, and you may contact him for any specifics if you are a Rebel.

This fight is a capture the flag PvP event. One or more flags will be placed throughout Aurora Dou. Once all Imperials are formed up and ready to fight, they are to drive or march towards Aurora Dou, "capturing" the city. If the flag is held in the favor of the Empire, the battle will be won for them, and Aurora Dou will be renamed to Fort Dou symbolizing Imperial control. It will remane under that name untill the next battle in June. If the Rebels successfully defend their city, Aurora Dou will remane under Rebel control... when the battle in June begins, the Rebels will then have an oppurtunity to "capture" Fort Farpoint Valley, and it will be renamed to Aurora Farpoint Valley.

All guilds are encouraged to come; however, you are asked to be on your best behavior. Griefing will be tolerated.

These battles will take place usually on the first Sunday of each month... and depending on who is the victor or loser of the previous battle, different attacks will occur. I will keep you updated if any information changes.

Thank you,
Lexx Yovel/Hel'mut Yovel


Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:17 pm
by Lexx Yovel
AAAAH. I need to fix this lol.

EDIT: Good catch. I just went back to all the forums and edited it. No one noticed it at least :lol:

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:55 pm
by Szul
Damn, there goes my fun. :cry: Got all excited there for a minute, thought I was getting the nod to take some fools to school. :twisted:

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:46 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Just as an update, this will take place on the 14th, not the 7th.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:59 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Sorry! Yet again another update. Because of mother's day being on the 14th (many people said they couldn't make it), it will now take place on the 13 of Saturday (Tomorrow). Both sides will gather at around 6 PM EST, and attack around 7 PM EST.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 3:05 am
by Szul
Unfortunately, today, well Saturday, was a bad day for me. I had to take my son out shopping for Mother's Day stuff. Plus she's been really ill of late. Sorry I missed it, but from what I hear I wasn't even missed because the Imperials absolutely dominated the event.

I know that I preach up a storm about people needing to show and support RID at PVP events, and wanted to apologize for missing this, but RL > games, as always.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:16 am
by Lexx Yovel
That's alright. It was a pretty bad time for this event. We won, but we destroyed the Rebels instantly. We outnumbered them, so it wasn't much of a fight.

Next month will be another one of these events.