suggested event... (DWB)

Read and post about events occuring in RID

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:47 pm

LexxYovel wrote:I would, but it's kinda inconvenient. I only ban people who have harm to the forums like spies or whatever. Problem is that it wont physically remove people from the member list itself.

Why don't you just delete users from the forums who are inactive, non-guilded/etc.??? I mean, it's pretty pointless in having all those people as forum members when none of them post and half of them are gone.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:29 pm

Problem is that I dont see an option to physically delete users, only able to ban them.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:45 pm

Lets try to get this thread back on topic. I'll start by saying, does this interest anybody besides Gesro, Waucod, and I?

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:27 pm

It definitely interests me of course :D
I will write a more in depth post later. Right now my fingers are lazy.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:37 pm

lol, ok. Maybe your ingame mail will interest people enough to come here and right their thoughts and if it interests them, maybe.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:30 am

Lexx, check the PM I sent you.

kyubi maduzi


Post by kyubi maduzi » Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:17 am

I have been involved in 30+DWB raids lately, tryin to get a feel for the place , ive studied it, over, and over, I even have 3-dimensional maps of it on the wall beside my computer for reference, over the course of the times and experiences I have had in DWB I have learned neat"nifty" tricks that would be quite an asset to our raid team

1) CONSISTENCY: you cannot trow together a DWB group in one evening and expect to get anything, better yet, dont even expect to make it past the third locked door. The group MUST be well organized and POWERFUL,everyone full temp, I like the way gesro layed out the type people we should have in the group, that sounds exactly right.
Oh and, hehe, before we do this, make sure someone has done the Boba Fett quest and has access into the Deathwatch, one person can get us all in as long as they've done the quest.

2)NO LOOTING THE FIRST LOCKED CONTAINER:At the moment there appears to be a loot bug of some sort in that particular container, meaning if you open or try to access this container it autospawns 2-3 sbd's(superbattle droids cl92) and there not too happy :)

3)DONT BOTHER ENTERING THE ROOM TO THE RIGHT AFTER YOU GO DOWN THE FIRST INCLINE: Always stay to the left side of this room because failure to do so will result in the whole right room getting "aggroed" and that's just more enemies to deal with, (btw) nothing to see in that room anyways.

4)WHEN YOU ENTER FIRST LOCKED DOOR ROOM STAY AGAINST BACK WALL: meaning take a left as you walk in to avoid full room aggro, failure to do so can wipe out the best of teams in this room

5)LOOT KEYS TO OPEN DOORS FROM THE ROOM KEEPER ( HAS SPECIFIC NAME: these keys looted from their bodys access the door terminal unlocking the next room

6)YOU CAN MOVE EXPLOSIVE DROIDS JUST LIKE FURNITURE: When you enter the rooms with debris in the corners you must use the control panel to control the droid , the droid has a detonator in it and can be activated when you have moved it in place, or near the debris, to move the droid is just like moving items in your home, ex. /move up/down #spaces

7) REZZERS , READ THIS: Any rezzers in the group needs to forget about fighting if someone is killed, they arent there to do damage anyways, stop what you are doing when this happens rezzers and IMMPEDIATLEY rez your fallen comrad, failure to do so in this manner may also be innoperable .

8)DO NOT USE AREA ATTACKS: I suggest targeting the designated tanker in the group and then do /assist , this command will enable you to attack what the tanker is attacking

9)REZZERS MONITOR HEALTH BARS: this is mandatory in DWB raids and pvp's alike , no need to elaborate, just focus on healing and dont let the rezzer's health bar in the group get too low, if the rezzer dies, the entire team is therefore DOOMED<hehe

10)HAVE FUN: The best part in this game isn't about the reward, it's about the experiences you get along the way, don''t get mad if the DWB raid goes bad and everyone dies horribly by an sbd's carbine, lol, stuff happens :twisted:

Well, if this team works out, and by the looks of it , it's quite promising, we should be just fine, I hope any of this info I included from my firsthand knowlege of the bunker will give some of you a quick head's up before we enter :D


RID- Master BH/Master RIfleman, Combat medic 4 0 0 0 , Medic 0 4 0 0 , Imperial Pilot Ace, OWNER OF THE ALL MIGHTY JETPACK< rofl, haha


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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:05 am

Okay cool, I just read it in detail and gonna write a longer post. I'd be up for leading one of the groups, but since I know little about the DWB, I think there should be the one main group led by you (Gesro), and somone else like Kyubi. You two seem to know a lot about the DWB, and I think if we ensure we pick the right people, IE: Kuiloo/Gounk for healing, Cerex/Phow-jin for tanking, etc.

Only big problem is our lack for any master crafters. We'd need to grab somone from another guild to help, or get some close friends, or possible recruits for that job.

As for this event, maybe the first run could be sometime in the middle of august before I leave for a trip. I also think it's important to try avoid grabing people under level 65 to help, and we need to make sure everyone knows what they are in for and how to follow directions. With 24 people, we should be alright though. And since the DWB is easier than what it was last time I went, it seems more likely to get our hands on some mando armor/jetpacks.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:08 am

Also just read what you written Kyubi, almost makes me want to do meetings as "schooling" for when the event takes place :lol:

We could also read out instructions while on our way driving to the DWB, to refresh their memory. Also, I'd recommend forming a "DWB Chatroom," that everyone goes into this event.

kyubi maduzi

Post by kyubi maduzi » Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:31 pm

BTW, I have a suggestion that would be quite an asset to the DWB group and would more than likely improve our successes greatly...

We need to complete the rez arm Quest for the cybernetic rez arm, this will enable, (NON combat medics) to rezzurect a player once every 30mins, this means that if our CM's get targetted and die someone that's still standing in the group , with the rez arm, can get em back up on their feet , then enabling the CM to continue rezzing everyone else,

I would like to get a group formed and try to get everyone in the DWB group to participate , if everyone in the group has a rez arm we will most definitely fair MUCH better :)

Master BH/Master Rifleman, Combat medic 4 0 0 0 , Medic 0 4 0 0 , Imperial Pilot Ace, OWNER OF THE ALL MIGHTY JETPACK<rofl, haha


Post by Gesro » Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:38 pm

To solve the problem of communication between 3 groups, we can create a channel for each raid. This will alow leaders to relay orders just like in the battle last week.

The DWB is a fairly straight forward place, you can't get lost in there, but the tricky part is knowing where you get specific items, complete the foreman quest and where the good loot drops. If we hold a meeting 1-2 days before the raid we should be able to get everything planned, the first raid will be our least successful because we will be moving in and unlocking stuff for the 1st time, but after that we will just be able to zip right threw it to go farm components.

Everyone we bring will need to be able to listen, not like last time I went with Kyubi where someone kept running ahead and eventualy got some people killed. If we have any of that on one of the raids we could be in for trouble. So as long as there is obedience and everyone knows their role we should be ok.

The 3 group leaders need to know what their group will be assigned to do, one group would be point, the other two groups would support them and not pull, only the frist group would pull unless other wise stated. Untill we get a feel for the place we would need to be extra careful. But after that Leaders will have more free will on what they can do with their group. Each leader will also need to know what that run is for and where we are headed.

If all, atleast most, of this is done then we should be able to have many succesful raids. The components we need have a 1% drop chance, but the way I see it is, on our 2nd run if we can get to the Ghosts/Wraiths within 30 min, we can stay there for 1-2 hours farming components, with 24 people chopping them down shouldn't be overly difficult. So we should atleast manage 5 components/loot run. We would probly be able to craft a full suit every 2-3 runs.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:41 pm

I can arrange a meeting with 1-2 weeks notice. Also, I can imagine the first DWB strike being like the first time we ever tried to destroy a base. We never really did good, and failed, but we got close. However, now we can destroy bases relatively easily. I'm sure the DWB will be the same way.

kyubi maduzi

Post by kyubi maduzi » Sat Jul 30, 2005 10:49 pm

Guys: I believe you can pick the color of the mandolorian armor piece that is being crafted, (you notify the crafter of the color your heart desires and he/she makes it accroding to your desired color)

ill do further research and clarify this at a later time but I know a couple in game players that have mando armor and they said they had the option of picking the color

Im also talkin to various Cm's to see if they might be willing to help, I have a few on my friend's list :wink:


Master BH/Master Rifleman, Combat medic 4 0 0 0, Medic 0 4 0 0 , Imperial Pilot Ace, OWNER OF THE ALL MIGHTY JETPACK<rofl, haha :lol:

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:19 pm

can you make the armor multiple colors (Red & Black)? :mrgreen:

Waucod Meesman


Post by Gesro » Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:44 pm

There is a low lvl Black Sun spawn on Rori at 4846, -1084 but I have heard they may not drop the armor, I will find out for sure.

Other then that the only other Black Sun spawns are random on Yavin IV
