Jeapordy in Planning

Read and post about events occuring in RID

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:32 pm

Fingolfin wrote:if you set the price lower then 10k then some of us combatents who do dant missions could just buy out the vendor....,..

Don't bother me. It's like a raffle. The more tickets you buy, the better chance you have of getting in. And with this raffle, there is no guarantee you will even win anything. You can go spend 100k on tickets and even if you are lucky enough to be a contestant on Jeopardy, there is no guarantee that you will win your money back.

Perhaps raising the price to 5k is a good compromise. I still think that if someone wants to buy all the tickets on a vendor, that's fine with me. The more tickets we sell, the more potential we have for getting money for the guild.

Ticket Profits - Jeopardy Prize Money = Profit for RID!!!

And the only reason I will really argue the 10k price for a ticket is that I know many in the guild who hover at less than 100k on a regular basis. At 1k or 5k, tickets are a bit more affordable.


Post by bizob » Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:49 pm

the money we make off tickets is just to defer some of the cost of the prize money. it is not intended to cover the prize money completely. i will cover the prize money, minus what we make off ticket sales. perhaps we could have a 2nd raffle after the game and give out some small prizes, like loot stuff or armor or whatever we can scrape up.

the purposes of this party/game is to
1) get people outside the guild to come see our city and check out our vendors
2) show people we are a fun-luving ACTIVE guild and maybe attract new members
3) do something together as a guild and have some fun

this is NOT intended to be a fund raiser. i have no problem donating the money for this event and helping kurke get everything set up. thats the hard part really. me and kurke will do most of the work on this thing. i do expect ALL RID members to come. This is a public relations thing, if we have alot of members show up it others will see a guild they would want to be part of. if we have a city with no empty vendors people will come back to shop ( i just went back to Rahua last nite because i noticed they had some good stuff on thier vendors when i was at thier party last week)

i would like to see more than just a jeapordy game at this event. some kind of entertainment would be nice and maybe a fireworks show. for the PvPers out there perhaps we could organize a duelling tournament after the game. we would have to come up with some prizes for this too and someone will need to take on the responsibilty of organizing and running it.

i really want this event to be a success and the only way that will happen is if we work together as a team.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:57 pm

Xan wrote:christ i remember way back when...the first day i had joined was jeapordy night funnily enough...took him what?? 20 minutes to count the points?? and i still think he might not have had it 100% accurate..I pray for your math teacher lexx, i really do.

hehe, I will admit they weren't 100% acurate, but trust me I got who was 1rst, 2nd, and 3rd nailed down in general :P

This time I would be more than happy to do it again, I think I get the jist of it now. It's not like I dont have basic calculatory techniques. hehe

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:11 pm

Just because it isn't intended as a fund raiser, doesn't mean it can be one if it is popular enough. I would be more than willing to donate the leftover ticket sales (what's left after the prize money is taken out) to the guild. That's if there is a lot of money. Otherwise it would just serve to help with the prize money.

But, the main purpose of the event is to create interaction amongst guildies and non-guildies. We, as a guild, need to get our name out there that we are a fun bunch. This is a way to do it. However, while I would like everyone in the guild to come, if there are going to be immautre brats running around with the attention span of a two-year old, don't waste our time. I know that sounds cruel, especially considering that I want everyone to show up. But, if you can't follow simple rules like "Don't speak in spatial during the game" or "Don't crawl on the floor", then just don't come. I don't want people in the guild acting like toddlers and ruining the event for us.

And, if you are such PvP fanatics, than don't be afraid to try to set up a PvP dueling event. In fact, I encourage it. Biz and I will be working on Jeopardy and will be mostly occupied with that. But, don't be afraid to try to organize one yourself. Just set up simple rules like no buffs or no armor. Or schedule some yacht party fun or a space PvP event using noob ships. Jeopardy is the main event, but that doesn't mean the fun can't continue after it!!!
