Event Final Draft:January 15th at 5pm PST/8 PM EST

Read and post about events occuring in RID

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Joined:Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:30 pm
Event Final Draft:January 15th at 5pm PST/8 PM EST

Post by Issele » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:01 pm

Since we changed it around a bit, I thought it best to make a new post for the event:

Event: Tatooine Battle, Imperial Oasis

Date/Time: January 15th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST

Description of event: The Empire focus on Tatooine. A call is sent out to all Imperial Units. Orders are sent to Imperial Command, Tatooine with warrant documents.


Imperial: Issele and Lexx (RID)

Rebels: Xaneth (TRGA)

Added Details: PVP/Role-playing event. All are welcome to take part. Leaders are welcome to contact me for details. Imperial forces will defend Imperial Oasis from incoming rebel forces as the rebels attempt to free the detainees from the Imperial Forces at the stronghold.


1. Fun!

2. 2 Death rule is in effect, meaning 3rd time you clone you are dead/can not re-enter the battle. Honor Code. (more info pending for rules to post a cloning NO-Attack zone for both sides )

Title: Revenge, the voice whispered again, revenge means justice. Justice must be served!

Storyline Feed-IN: After suffering a loss on Lok, the Empire issues several warrant for 3 Rebels and a Jedi. Lord Vader has taken up command at Imperial Oasis, Tatooine, where the detainees are to be brought for some Imperial Justice. Lord Vader has been in touch with Holowan Laboratories and has ordered all Imperial Units on High Alert.


The Emperor leaned back in his throne, staring out at the Imperial fleet orbiting his home planet of Naboo. They had attacked the Rebels on Lok, and they had taken heavy losses, they had failed in ending the insignificant Rebellion once and for all. Behind him, heavy artificial breathing alerted the Emperor to the presence of Darth Vader, but Palpatine did not turn to greet his apprentice.

“So, young Skywalker escaped you and we still do not have what we seek,” he said to Vader. It was not a question.

Vader paused, and then nodded once. “Yes, my master.”

Turning to Lord Vader, Palpatine studied the damage where his apprentice’s left gloved hand was, and then looked away from Vader.

“There is another matter that has surfaced. The Rebellion presence on Tatooine has been growing. Take care of it.”

Vader bowed, and then turned to carry out his master’s will.

“Oh Lord Vader,” the Emperor raised his index finger slightly and did not lower it until Vader turned back to face him. “Do replace your hand before you go.”

Leaning back on his throne as Vader strode towards the turbo lift, the Emperor checked the progress of a space battle raging above Tatooine. Idly pressing on a comm. button, Palpatine demanded a status report.

“The shields are down, my Emperor,” the Moff reported, clearly terrified of the consequences of his message. “Rebel fighters are making a strike run on us at this very moment.”

“It is of no concern,” the Emperor replied, deciding to temporarily forgive the Moff. “Lord Vader is making ready to handle the issue. In the meantime, take down as many as you can.”

Sticking to their original course, the six TIE Fighters kept up their pursuit; steadily gaining on the slower Rebel ships ahead.


The scientists at Holowan Laboratories could not have been more naïve. The shortsighted droid developers, under the auspices of Imperial Supervisor Gurdun, traded caution for ambition when developing Project Phlutdroid. Within seconds of the activation of the new generation of combat droid, IG-88 achieved sentience and ran amuck, slaughtering the Holowan scientists. After activating and downloading his consciousness into three mechanical droids, IG-88 was able to quickly spread his brand of mayhem across the galaxy. The four mechanicals were denoted by letter-suffixes…


“Don’t make me hurt you.” Vader said with a smirk.

At that moment, a familiar chorus of frantic beeping was heard. Lord Vader paused, taken by surprise. The Droid rolled in and positioned himself between Vader and the Jedi and the beeps began to sound more like he was fussing at Vader.

"Out of the way Jedi, I don't want to hurt you," said Vader. How strange those words seemed to him after he had hurt so many.

Suddenly the Jedi was nudged from behind in the back of his legs by a very, very stubborn droid pushing him forward. The eerie hum of Vader’s saber filled the room, as he sliced into the Jedi, ending his life. Vader turned to face one of the Imperial Commanders.

“Have the others been captured yet?” Vader barked.

“Not, yet my Lord. The warrant are ready to be sent out and soon we shall have them.” The Commander said handing the Dark Lord a data disc.

Vader uploaded the information with the warrant data to the Imperial database console, sending the information to Colonel Lexx Yovel of RID.


From: GALACTIC EMPIRE Warrants Division: The Imperial Security Bureau

The Galactic Empire does hereby issue arrest warrants for the following persons whom are wanted by Imperial authorities for breaking the law. To encourage the capture of these individuals, the Empire offers 20,000 credits to those who assist or provide information that leads to the capture of suspected criminals.

Suspect: Epani Tesh
Rank: Colonel
Rebel outfit: TRGA.
Hair color: orange
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Blue

Must be apprehended alive by order of the Emperor. No disintegrations. Target is considered a key link to the traitor and former Imperial Lt. Governor of Naboo, Alena Tesh who escaped over 2 1/2 years ago.

Suspect: Crim'Fuzor
Species: Twi'Lek
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Rebel Outfit: TRGA.
Skin Color: Blue
Lekku Pattern Color: Red
Height: 6'2
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Red

Target must be apprehended alive by order of the Emperor. Suspect is considered armed and dangerous, proceed with caution. Use of excessive force is granted however the target is wanted alive and in stable condition, no disintegrations. Target is wanted in connection to the destruction of an Imperial Space Facility in the Kuat System and unauthorized release of detained prisoners 7 years ago. Additional charges are also pending for the destruction of countless Imperial Facilities and assaults against Imperial personnel.

Suspect: Kylun

Rank: Jedi

Rebel Outfit: IOI, Jedi Council

Height: 5’7

Weight: 167 lbs.

Imperial Warrants Division File: Summary of Offenses

SUB-SECTION 2: Indictable OffensesIndictable offenses are serious crimes committed against the Galactic Empire and its citizenry. Those found guilty of Indictable Offenses against the Galactic Empire and its citizenry may be issued sentences in either a Medium Security Imperial Penal Facility, a Maximum Security Imperial Penal Facility or may be sentenced to execution at the discretion of the prosecution. Punishments identified as indictable offense punishments may be issued to those who have committed Summary Offenses and who have been repeatedly convicted as felons.

Any person who--

(1) Kills or attempts to kill a member of High Command, or does them any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds them, or imprisons or restrains them.

(2) Levies war against the Galactic Empire or does any act preparatory thereto.

(3) Assists an enemy at war with the Galactic Empire, or any armed forces against whom Imperial Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between the Galactic Empire and the entity whose forces they are.


Lord Vader had no desire to be on Tatooine. The fact that the Emperor explicitly instructed him to go there rankled in a most humiliating manner, but to admit that to his lord and mentor was unthinkable. Snarling inwardly like a hunted beast that is finally cornered, he had lowered his head to the yoke of necessity that was the will of Palpatine and had come to Tatooine, to carry out his Masters orders. The Droids annoyed him.

Light streamed through the gigantic windows to puddle in gleaming geometric patterns on the marble floors of the Theed Starport. Bathed in its severe glare there stood a girl, gazing anxiously out, her face emotionless, lovely and precise. Heavy Jedi robes weighed her youthful frame like an anchor. She stared up at the crystal blue sky above the Starport of Theed. In it an imperial battle cruiser hung like an ominous thunderhead, casting black shadows on the city below.

The young Twi’lek female took out her data pad, reading the incoming transmission and once done, made her way to the Imperial shuttle parked at the landing bay, destination: Tatooine.


Lexx, find me so we can talk... hope you like the event draft

Last edited by Issele on Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:41 pm

I saw this post on the Starsider Forums, I suggest that all RID's/forum users post your insight here ;)

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Post by Issele » Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:18 pm

LexxYovel wrote:I saw this post on the Starsider Forums, I suggest that all RID's/forum users post your insight here ;)

Lexx we need to speak because looks like the location will be Imperial Oasis. When can we meet in game?

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:43 pm

I should be on later this evening.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:28 pm

Okay, I'm going to make a quick "briefing" video so to speak. It'll only be available to Imperials (untill after January 15th), as it will contain some combat strategies.

Where are the Rebels going to launch from? A temporarily placed Rebel base? Also, where are we going to capture the two Rebels?

And for those who do not know, the battle is instead taking place at the Imperial Oasis, which is only a couple meters from Fort Oasis. Also be sure to attend for a little surprise in the battle.

Post feedback/questions here.

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:59 pm

What's the suprise


Post by bizob » Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:55 pm

Waucod Meesman wrote:What's the suprise

If he tells you, it won't be a suprise now, would it?

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:04 pm

Lol, correct :wink:

To find out, you need to attend. If you dont play SWG, however; somone will fraps the event and you can watch how it went.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:10 pm

NOTE: The below is the final draft copied from another post made by Issele

Final Draft ::: Posted on Starsider:::

Since we changed it around a bit, I thought it best to make a new post for the event:

Event: Tatooine Battle, Imperial Oasis

Date/Time: January 15th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST

Description of event: The Empire focus on Tatooine. A call is sent out to all Imperial Units. Orders are sent to Imperial Command, Tatooine with warrant documents.


Imperial: Issele and Lexx (RID)

Rebels: Xaneth (TRGA)

Added Details: PVP/Role-playing event. All are welcome to take part. Leaders are welcome to contact me for details. Imperial forces will defend Imperial Oasis from incoming rebel forces as the rebels attempt to free the detainees from the Imperial Forces at the stronghold.


1. Fun!

2. Pending…. to be updated with rules of battle soon

Title: Revenge, the voice whispered again, revenge means justice. Justice must be served!

Storyline Feed-IN: After suffering a loss on Lok, the Empire issues several warrant for 3 Rebels and a Jedi. Lord Vader has taken up command at Imperial Oasis, Tatooine, where the detainees are to be brought for some Imperial Justice. Lord Vader has been in touch with Holowan Laboratories and has ordered all Imperial Units on High Alert.


The Emperor leaned back in his throne, staring out at the Imperial fleet orbiting his home planet of Naboo. They had attacked the Rebels on Lok, and they had taken heavy losses, they had failed in ending the insignificant Rebellion once and for all. Behind him, heavy artificial breathing alerted the Emperor to the presence of Darth Vader, but Palpatine did not turn to greet his apprentice.

“So, young Skywalker escaped you and we still do not have what we seek,” he said to Vader. It was not a question.

Vader paused, and then nodded once. “Yes, my master.”

Turning to Lord Vader, Palpatine studied the damage where his apprentice’s left gloved hand was, and then looked away from Vader.

“There is another matter that has surfaced. The Rebellion presence on Tatooine has been growing. Take care of it.”

Vader bowed, and then turned to carry out his master’s will.

“Oh Lord Vader,” the Emperor raised his index finger slightly and did not lower it until Vader turned back to face him. “Do replace your hand before you go.”

Leaning back on his throne as Vader strode towards the turbo lift, the Emperor checked the progress of a space battle raging above Tatooine. Idly pressing on a comm. button, Palpatine demanded a status report.

“The shields are down, my Emperor,” the Moff reported, clearly terrified of the consequences of his message. “Rebel fighters are making a strike run on us at this very moment.”

“It is of no concern,” the Emperor replied, deciding to temporarily forgive the Moff. “Lord Vader is making ready to handle the issue. In the meantime, take down as many as you can.”

Sticking to their original course, the six TIE Fighters kept up their pursuit; steadily gaining on the slower Rebel ships ahead.


The scientists at Holowan Laboratories could not have been more naïve. The shortsighted droid developers, under the auspices of Imperial Supervisor Gurdun, traded caution for ambition when developing Project Phlutdroid. Within seconds of the activation of the new generation of combat droid, IG-88 achieved sentience and ran amuck, slaughtering the Holowan scientists. After activating and downloading his consciousness into three mechanical droids, IG-88 was able to quickly spread his brand of mayhem across the galaxy. The four mechanicals were denoted by letter-suffixes…

“Don’t make me hurt you.” Vader said with a smirk.

At that moment, a familiar chorus of frantic beeping was heard. Lord Vader paused, taken by surprise. The Droid rolled in and positioned himself between Vader and the Jedi and the beeps began to sound more like he was fussing at Vader.

"Out of the way Jedi, I don't want to hurt you," said Vader. How strange those words seemed to him after he had hurt so many.

Suddenly the Jedi was nudged from behind in the back of his legs by a very, very stubborn droid pushing him forward. The eerie hum of Vader’s saber filled the room, as he sliced into the Jedi, ending his life. Vader turned to face one of the Imperial Commanders.

“Have the others been captured yet?” Vader barked.

“Not, yet my Lord. The warrant are ready to be sent out and soon we shall have them.” The Commander said handing the Dark Lord a data disc.

Vader uploaded the information with the warrant data to the Imperial database console, sending the information to Colonel Lexx Yovel of RID.

From: GALACTIC EMPIRE Warrants Division: The Imperial Security Bureau

The Galactic Empire does hereby issue arrest warrants for the following persons whom are wanted by Imperial authorities for breaking the law. To encourage the capture of these individuals, the Empire offers 20,000 credits to those who assist or provide information that leads to the capture of suspected criminals.

Suspect: Epani Tesh
Rank: Colonel
Rebel outfit: TRGA.
Hair color: orange
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Blue

Must be apprehended alive by order of the Emperor. No disintegrations. Target is considered a key link to the traitor and former Imperial Lt. Governor of Naboo, Alena Tesh who escaped over 2 1/2 years ago.

Suspect: Crim'Fuzor
Species: Twi'Lek
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Rebel Outfit: TRGA.
Skin Color: Blue
Lekku Pattern Color: Red
Height: 6'2
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Red

Target must be apprehended alive by order of the Emperor. Suspect is considered armed and dangerous, proceed with caution. Use of excessive force is granted however the target is wanted alive and in stable condition, no disintegrations. Target is wanted in connection to the destruction of an Imperial Space Facility in the Kuat System and unauthorized release of detained prisoners 7 years ago. Additional charges are also pending for the destruction of countless Imperial Facilities and assaults against Imperial personnel.

Suspect: Kylun
Rank: Jedi
Rebel Outfit: IOI, Jedi Council
Height: 5’7
Weight: 167 lbs.

Imperial Warrants Division File: Summary of Offenses

SUB-SECTION 2: Indictable OffensesIndictable offenses are serious crimes committed against the Galactic Empire and its citizenry. Those found guilty of Indictable Offenses against the Galactic Empire and its citizenry may be issued sentences in either a Medium Security Imperial Penal Facility, a Maximum Security Imperial Penal Facility or may be sentenced to execution at the discretion of the prosecution. Punishments identified as indictable offense punishments may be issued to those who have committed Summary Offenses and who have been repeatedly convicted as felons.


Any person who--

(1) Kills or attempts to kill a member of High Command, or does them any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds them, or imprisons or restrains them.

(2) Levies war against the Galactic Empire or does any act preparatory thereto.

(3) Assists an enemy at war with the Galactic Empire, or any armed forces against whom Imperial Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between the Galactic Empire and the entity whose forces they are.


Lord Vader had no desire to be on Tatooine. The fact that the Emperor explicitly instructed him to go there rankled in a most humiliating manner, but to admit that to his lord and mentor was unthinkable. Snarling inwardly like a hunted beast that is finally cornered, he had lowered his head to the yoke of necessity that was the will of Palpatine and had come to Tatooine, to carry out his Masters orders. The Droids annoyed him.

Light streamed through the gigantic windows to puddle in gleaming geometric patterns on the marble floors of the Theed Starport. Bathed in its severe glare there stood a girl, gazing anxiously out, her face emotionless, lovely and precise. Heavy Jedi robes weighed her youthful frame like an anchor. She stared up at the crystal blue sky above the Starport of Theed. In it an imperial battle cruiser hung like an ominous thunderhead, casting black shadows on the city below.

The young Twi’lek female took out her data pad, reading the incoming transmission and once done, made her way to the Imperial shuttle parked at the landing bay, destination: Tatooine.

Joined:Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:30 pm

Post by Issele » Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:18 am

LexxYovel wrote:Okay, I'm going to make a quick "briefing" video so to speak. It'll only be available to Imperials (untill after January 15th), as it will contain some combat strategies.

Where are the Rebels going to launch from? A temporarily placed Rebel base? Also, where are we going to capture the two Rebels?

And for those who do not know, the battle is instead taking place at the Imperial Oasis, which is only a couple meters from Fort Oasis. Also be sure to attend for a little surprise in the battle.

Post feedback/questions here.

Xaneth and I visited the area and he picked a spot about 1000m away for the Rebel Base. I will get a Rebel Recruiter dropped for them. Also would it be possible for both sides to use the cloner in Fort Oasis and make it, just for the event, a no attack area? I need to meet with you in the game to go to Imperial Oasis so I can run tell you what will go where... also I have another surprise that Pex suggested that will put the fear of the Empire's power in the rebels :twisted:

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:11 am

Rebels can use the cloner without being banned. Since they are automatically on-leave when then clone, it shouldn't be a problem. They'll need to drive back to the base to go SF, while we have a shorter distance, but since the Rebels numers may be greater, it wont matter.

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Post by Issele » Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:28 pm

LexxYovel wrote:Rebels can use the cloner without being banned. Since they are automatically on-leave when then clone, it shouldn't be a problem. They'll need to drive back to the base to go SF, while we have a shorter distance, but since the Rebels numers may be greater, it wont matter.

Ok I will add that to the rules, yeah they will have to go back to thier start area that TGRA picked out to go SF. So I will put into the rules that Fort Oasis Cloner is a No Attack zone for both sides... our Recruiter is at Imperial Oasis.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:19 am

Events tomarrow. See you then!

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:08 am

So guys how'd it go last night?

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:14 am

I'll post an offical report momentarily in a seperate post.
