War-Game details

Read and post about events occuring in RID

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Lexx Yovel
RID Leader/Mayor
Joined:Fri May 14, 2004 10:26 am
Location:Fort Oasis, Tatooine
War-Game details

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:58 pm

Hello everyone,

This is a compiled list of details relating to the war-games.

-An exact date of commensing these training sessions has not been issued. A time will be set once all details are set.

-For the war-games, two squads (One lead by me, the other by Zetagala) will be divided equally.

-If the people who arrive for the sessions is uneven for one particular side, some people may be taken from that squad temporarily to even things out.

-When commensing the training sessions, all members will duel each person from the opposing side.

-The battle will commense at the Imperial Oasis (300 meters west of Fort Oasis) One squad will set base about 6000 meters north, and the other 6000 meters south of the base. Exact waypoints will be set. Once the groups assemble at the waypoint, they will organize.

-This isn't a real battle. But as close to a replica we can get to a Rebel battle. Armor and buffs aren't to be given. RID uniforms are to be worn. Medics can of course heal or resusicate if they have the skills. Pets aren't allowed either. Some of this may change in the future, please note.

-It is currently undecided whether the members should try and DB people. There are two options. Each with upsides, and each with downsides.

1.) Death blow incapped enemies- This gives the reality of a battle, and sense of adrenaline knowing you could die. The downside is you would be killing a fellow RID.

2.) Dont death blow- This allows for people to get up and try again. However this may be troublesome. An incapped person could just keep getting up and stimming. It wouldn't give the sense of a real battle. The one thing that decides a winner is if all opposing members are gone.

In my opinion, I would go with option 1. Everyone clones at Fort Oasis so they wouldn't gain wounds. Death blowing will be neccesary to determine a winner.

Whichever squad wins most likely would have better leadership, and/or obeying soldiers. The training sessions are to teach members what to do in combat. Whether it be follow orders, formations, or other combat practices. Hey, me and Zetagala would learn some leadership skills while we are at it.
