Results and partial video of the huge PvP event last night

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Lexx Yovel
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Results and partial video of the huge PvP event last night

Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:16 am

5:00 PM EST: Imperials from all types of organizations (RID, TIO, AE, NoS, etc, etc) assembled in the city of Fort Oasis to prepare for one of the largest special forces battles the galaxy has ever seen. Imperials stored their clone data in Fort Oasis, healed, and prepared their weapons and armor for a battle in Fort Tusken. As they spoke, Rebels were already preparing in Mos Espa, and then driving to Fort Tusken where the battle would take place.

6:00 PM EST: The Imperials were given orders to launch the attack immediately. 7 Sorosub transports, and multiple other vehicles zoomed across the hilly terrain towards Fort Tusken.

6:10 PM EST: The Imperials launched on foot, beginning the attack. There was a huge ammount of Rebels in Fort Tusken, and the excessive combat began. The first foolish Rebels to die were the ones who decided to patrol the base of Fort Tusken.

(Lost track of time): The fighting seemed to last forever, but finnally, the last of the Rebels were utterly destroyed. The Imperials were cheering, and mounted up to drive back to Fort Oasis. Their next objective was to kill Rebels in Anchorhead.

There were reports of Rebels in Fort Oasis. They knew that the Imperials next stop would be Fort Oasis. Unfortunately for them, they were low in numbers and slaughtered easily. When all the Imperial finnally arrived, they shuttled to Bestine and met in front of the space port (where Darth Vader happened to be). While they were waiting to prepare, they enjoyed the show of any Rebels that happened to enjoy punching Vader in the face (which was soon followed by a swift force choke and incap). Once the Imperials were prepared, they mounted up, and moved towards Anchorhead.

Once in Anchorhead, it appeared like the Imperials would win once again. The only problem was Rebels had instant access to the recruiter and cloning facility in Anchorhead. Their lives could be infinitely spared, so in no way could the Imperials have won. However, the fighting lasted a long time, and considering the Rebels had a huge advantage, we managed to strike a blow against them. Finnally, the last of the Imperials were killed, only a few handful retreated and managed to escape.

Afterwards, (I had to log by then) there was more fighting in Theed, not sure who won their though.

Below are pictures and a video of the event.

A picture of Vader and his quest... also a Rebel standing up after being choked:

Beginning to assemble in Fort Oasis:

An armada of troop transports... and this isn't even all of them I dont think:

Dismount troops, and set your blasters to kill...:

Climbing up to the fort:

1 down, just 235 to go:


A look at the destruction:

Patrolling the bridge:

Rallying to Vader:

Fighting at Anchorhead begins:

Holding the line:

Joining the snipers on the hill:

Anchorhead fight Video (copied from the Starsider forumsm and filmed by a Rebel): mms://


Post by Gesro » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:59 am

The fighting was great fun! I really enjoyed it.

kyubi maduzi

Post by kyubi maduzi » Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:52 am

HAHA, rofl, that's me in one of the top screenshots saying "We should go to DWB"

I thought that with that big of a team , we could own tha place, lol

Master BH/Master Rifleman, Combat medic 4 0 0 0 , Medic 0 4 0 0 , Imperial Pilot Ace , OWNER OF THE ALL MIGHTY JETPACK<rofl, haha :lol:
