It's Piracy!
Yep, you heard correctly. All of RID's Ace Pilot's are being invited to attack transport convoys! The Piracy addition to the game is supposed to be almost on par with the ground heroics, so that means we'll be in for one hell of a ride. This will be a regularly scheduled event for all RID ace pilots. Most likely later then 6:30 PM EST and on a Saturday or Sunday. (This is not a mandatory event. You chose to participate on your own accord.)
I've picked up the required items, the Interdiction Burst Generator ( ) and the Droid Interface Scanner ( ).
After I loot the required Convoy Flight Plans ( ) we will be able to locate the convoys and attack them. (PLEASE SEE NOTE 1)
Here's what we will encounter:
---Security Rating 1: Cargo vessel, 1 Assault Gunboat, 2-4 escort fighters
---Security Rating 2: Cargo vessel, 2 Assault Gunboats, 1 Nova Courier or YT-1300, 4 escort fighters
---Security Rating 3: Cargo vessel, 2 Assault Gunboats, 1 Nova Courier or YT-1300, 4 escort fighters
---Security Rating 4: Cargo vessel, 3 Assault Gunboats, 1-2 Nova Couriers, 1-2 YT-1300, 4-5 escort fighters
---Security Rating 5: Cargo vessel, 4 Assault Gunboats, 1-3 Nova Couriers, 1-3 YT-1300, 6-8 escort fighters
---The Cargo Vessel's are usually HC-A1A Medium Cruisers, a Warlord Crusier, or an Unarmed Transport. Aside from the Unarmed Transport, the cargo vessel's usually come equipped with 3 turrents/weapons.
---We only have **5 MINUTES** to complete this Piracy attack, so we need to strike hard and fast. If possible, load up a gunboat with some people to take us directly into the fight. Imperial Pilots should use Bomber Strike 1 or 2. Bomber Strike 3 would be too powerful, and would run the risk of destroying the transport. I think with enough Bomber Strike 1's going, it will be the eqivilant of having one or two Bomber Strike 3's going, without all the damage they'd cause. *(See note 2 on bottom)*
---Escort fighters are usually from the Freelance line of chasis.
---The Cargo Vessel IS NOT TO BE DESTROYED. It shall only be disabled, where I will dock with it and take it's contents.
---The reward for completing these Piracy missions is a Crate of Components ( ) While the crate itself is No Trade, the contents inside (which range anywhere from 8 to 15 items) are in fact tradeable.
The overall contents of the crate (along with all the above information) can be found at this link:
Once all the pilots have landed after a completion of the mission, the loot received will be announced. Anything that can benifit the group as a whole will not be distributed. Anyone who wants some type of loot, say a weapon, need only ask. If someone else wants the same thing, a decision must be come to at that point in time. (There will be no bidding or buying out of my inventory. If the two people who want the same item decide for a trade, they must do it.) Anything that does not get distributed (Group Benifical drops, unwanted parts, etc.) will be dropped into the RID Navy HQ in Fort Oasis. (Lexx, If that building is not around anymore, I would like to place a new one.) ALL RID Ace Pilots will receive access to a storage unit inside the HQ that is specific to that person.
For example: Aleemah will receive her own storage unit which she can take items out and put items into.
Please limit the items you put into the containers to items relating to space. (Parts, Asteroid Minerals, etc.) Feel free to donate unwated parts and minerals by dropping them into your storage containers, where Lexx or myself will pick them up and move them into the structure.
1) Please drop off ANY level Droid Interfaces you loot in the RID Navy HQ. This will help me find Convoy Flight Plans easier.
2) The only reason I say try to avoid Bomber Strike 3 (aside from running the risk of them destroying the cargo ship) is because I've seen them take out a Corvette all on their own.
***I will update this with more content later.***
Attention Ace Pilots!
Moderator:Lexx Yovel
Last edited by Xoseh on Tue May 10, 2011 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Attention Ace Pilots!
I feel like I'm running out of characters in my previous post, lol.
I would just like to add that I will most likely be mailing this to my list of Ace Pilots in RID. If you are an Ace Pilot (or close to it) and have not mentioned it to me, please let me know ASAP.
Considered Group Loot is as follows:
1) Any schematic's looted from the container. *See Note 3*
2) Convoy Flight Plans
*Rebel Ready Chip: Rebel Hyperspace algorithm for Deep Space will not be distributed amongst the group. They are considered contraband and will be destroyed on sight.*
Imperial and Freelance ones will be distributed amongst their respective pilot profession.
3) As for the schematics (the three ship parts), they are only 1 use each.
Recommendation for Security Clearance 3 or higher (Group of 6 or more)
2 Pilots will lure the fighter escorts away and fight them a distance away from the gunboats/transports.
The remaining 4 pilots will attempt to disablethe gunboats. By disable, I mean their weapons.
We need to keep in mind we only have 5 minutes to do this.
PRIORITY 1 - Disable weapons on gunboats (Including weapons on the transport ship itself)
PRIORITY 2 - Destroy fighters
PRIORITY 3 - DISABLE the Transport.
PRIORITY 4 - With whatever time we have remaining, we can go to town on all the remaining gunboats and ships.
Any Convoy Flight Plans with a security clearance of 3 - 5 will require a minimum number of 6 pilots. (See Note 4)
Any Convoy Flight Plans with a security clearance of 1 - 2 will require a minimum number of 3 pilots.
Note 4: If we come across a Security Clearance 5 Convoy Flight plan, I would like to pack most of the group into a Gunship.
Distribution of People will go like this:
Group of 6 Pilots: 5 in a Gunboat, 1 in their fighters.
Group of 7 Pilots: 5 in a Gunboat, 2 in their fighters.
Group of 8 Pilots: 5 in a Gunboat, 3 in their fighters.
You will have a choice of going into your personal fighter or the gunship, but as soon as the spots fill up, everyone will have to take the other option. (I.E: Fighter distribution is full, everyone goes into a gunship, and vise versa)
The team in the Gunboat will be the one going for the Gunships in the Transports group. You will need to MAINTAIN your rate of fire or else you will be sitting there with an empty capacitor in five seconds. DO NOT hold down your fire button.
One of the pilots in the Gunboat will need to switch between the Operations Chair and their choice of Weapon location. We cannot have the pilot of the Gunboat itself switching during a battle to run Shield Shunt or Emergency Shield Power.
The fighter wing will maintain their original plan. 2 will lure fighters away, while 1 fighter will fly with the gunboat to help divert fire from the Gunships.
Please keep in mind. The Gunboat stratagy is only an idea. If it does not work out well for our first Security Clearance 5 event, I will change it around. I would still like to have a Gunboat for Security Clearance 5 but not with nearly as many people in it.
I would just like to add that I will most likely be mailing this to my list of Ace Pilots in RID. If you are an Ace Pilot (or close to it) and have not mentioned it to me, please let me know ASAP.
Considered Group Loot is as follows:
1) Any schematic's looted from the container. *See Note 3*
2) Convoy Flight Plans
*Rebel Ready Chip: Rebel Hyperspace algorithm for Deep Space will not be distributed amongst the group. They are considered contraband and will be destroyed on sight.*
Imperial and Freelance ones will be distributed amongst their respective pilot profession.
3) As for the schematics (the three ship parts), they are only 1 use each.
Recommendation for Security Clearance 3 or higher (Group of 6 or more)
2 Pilots will lure the fighter escorts away and fight them a distance away from the gunboats/transports.
The remaining 4 pilots will attempt to disablethe gunboats. By disable, I mean their weapons.
We need to keep in mind we only have 5 minutes to do this.
PRIORITY 1 - Disable weapons on gunboats (Including weapons on the transport ship itself)
PRIORITY 2 - Destroy fighters
PRIORITY 3 - DISABLE the Transport.
PRIORITY 4 - With whatever time we have remaining, we can go to town on all the remaining gunboats and ships.
Any Convoy Flight Plans with a security clearance of 3 - 5 will require a minimum number of 6 pilots. (See Note 4)
Any Convoy Flight Plans with a security clearance of 1 - 2 will require a minimum number of 3 pilots.
Note 4: If we come across a Security Clearance 5 Convoy Flight plan, I would like to pack most of the group into a Gunship.
Distribution of People will go like this:
Group of 6 Pilots: 5 in a Gunboat, 1 in their fighters.
Group of 7 Pilots: 5 in a Gunboat, 2 in their fighters.
Group of 8 Pilots: 5 in a Gunboat, 3 in their fighters.
You will have a choice of going into your personal fighter or the gunship, but as soon as the spots fill up, everyone will have to take the other option. (I.E: Fighter distribution is full, everyone goes into a gunship, and vise versa)
The team in the Gunboat will be the one going for the Gunships in the Transports group. You will need to MAINTAIN your rate of fire or else you will be sitting there with an empty capacitor in five seconds. DO NOT hold down your fire button.
One of the pilots in the Gunboat will need to switch between the Operations Chair and their choice of Weapon location. We cannot have the pilot of the Gunboat itself switching during a battle to run Shield Shunt or Emergency Shield Power.
The fighter wing will maintain their original plan. 2 will lure fighters away, while 1 fighter will fly with the gunboat to help divert fire from the Gunships.
Please keep in mind. The Gunboat stratagy is only an idea. If it does not work out well for our first Security Clearance 5 event, I will change it around. I would still like to have a Gunboat for Security Clearance 5 but not with nearly as many people in it.
Last edited by Xoseh on Tue May 17, 2011 9:29 am, edited 4 times in total.