
Read and post about events occuring in RID

Moderator:Lexx Yovel


Post by Tenvik » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:15 pm

We called it at the Closed Hand of Hate basically the 3rd boss after him you have the 4 horsemen, the other guy, then EK himself 4 horsemen can be a pain, kinda like DF2 where you have to keep mobs within the same HP and such is a similar thing with them. that is the fight alone I would say you need 3 medics for due to the possibility of instant death.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:50 am

Yeah, during part of the last part it's a annoying. Where you have a jedi on each side and try to keep the health of the two NPC's equal.


Post by Tenvik » Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:43 pm

Well tonight was a Failed Heroic run I logged in at 730 pm EST and did a /who regal and there were 3 members on. I stated 3-4 times for the next 45 min that if there is anyone interested in doing a heroic to let me know and I was meat with silence. There was quite a few members of SUNDER on so there was no doubt we could have gotten something going. I have been trying to get Feedback as to what time is good for the guild as a whole for this so we can get as many members involved as we can but it seams all I have been getting is silence from most of the members. There have been a few that have gotten back to me as to what times are good for them and such but it is few and far between. I started trying to plan these heroics by using the guild Forums to get it planed but there are only like 5-8 members that still play the game on a regular basis that even check the guild forums. So since I wasn't getting a lot of feedback on the forums I went to sending out Guild Mails. I sent the first one out a few days before the run trying to get the guild members hyped up about it and the first heroic run I did consisted of Bovive, Arramen, and myself where were the only member of the guild who were on at the time. Now normally I group with them anyway the reason I am trying to get these groups together is to get other involved in the guild and get the members interested in grouping up rather then just log on, soloing whatever and chatting a little in guild chat. To me that is not what being in a guild is.
I know this is a rant but it kinda gets under my skin trying to get events or stuff together for the guild and basically get nothing in return. So please post here those who actually make it to the bottom of my 89 page post please post here what times/days are best for you to run heroics and I am going to make a new rule to these runs I will post each week at the beginning of the week what day/time the heroic will be ran and I will take those who post under the forum post 1st to the instance, then I will start to look for those who are on in guild and after that I will look to Sunder then to my friends list or to pugs. If the group fills up to just those who had posted under the forums then those are the toons who will go. The reason for this is I am going to be trying to get the guild more active on this forums I know almost everyone has a account since you need one to post a application to join the guild. Ok ok I am shutting up now no more ranting I will send out a guild mail later tonight or tomorrow about what I stated in the above paragraph about people who post under the planed run get group preference 1st.

Shutting up now.

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Post by Bovive » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:54 pm

Well honestly we really are not a large guild and many of our members also are not level 90 yet. I do not foresee any 100% RID heroic groups running on a regular basis anytime soon. But that's just my personal opinion.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:33 am

I feel your pain Tenvik, and sorry I wasn't able to stick around to help form a group. Though before I logged, I found that pretty much all members online were either Traders, or non-level 90 combat professions.

Finding a peak day and time of the week may be the first best step, and then we can contact unguilded CL 90's who may be a help with heroics.

It may not seem like a perfect recruitment strategy, but I may often do /who imperial commando, /who imperial officer, etc, and introduce myself to any of the unguilded CL 90's of that profession. I then casually ask them if they'd be interested in applying.

I'm sure we can soon get full RID groups going, but we can try aiming for groups of at least 4 RID's, and use the rest of the slots for unguilded Imperials or allies.

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Post by Monthigos » Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:24 pm

Man I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I actually do want to come out to all the heroics. I got caught up in some of my other interests and got side tracked. Plus with the time difference its rare that I accidentally happen to be on since its usually around 3-5am when they happen.

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Post by Daiho » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:44 pm

Hey Tenvik what do you think if we move the friday night heroic to tuesday night? and we should start invites at 730 pm et and fill with PUG at 745 pm et to be in at 800 pm et.

Plus we should says one week before wich heroic will be cleared nect week and people should register themselves in the right topic.

So there should be a post for each instance.

What do you think? all :)


Post by Tenvik » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:58 am

It sounds possible to make them for Tuesdays, but only problem with that is the Bunker busts at 9PM. I know it gives us a Hour if we start going at 8 PM but that is all depending if we can get the group together at 8 PM. All in all I was trying to put the Heroic runs on a day that we didn't already have a event already planed. My original Idea for these heroic runs are do run a few in one night and I know I have been kinda slacking on sending out a guild mail in regards of the heroic instances but lately I have not been getting a lot of feedback from guild members that are interested in actually running the instances other then the few that post and check the forums on a daily basis.

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Post by Arev » Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:55 am

As an FYI, Mondays and Tuesdays are completely out for me.

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Post by Monthigos » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:29 pm

Tuesdays are out for me too. I can only swing these on weekends.

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Post by Arev » Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:36 pm

I guess that would make Vincen a swinger...am I right?

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Post by Daiho » Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:16 pm

We won't be able find a day that will do for everyone. We just don't have enough player interested in doing instance on regular basis.

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Post by Saurat Seerdon » Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:22 pm

just pick a day and stick with it. thursdays are usually good. unless there's a base bust on that day. other than that, sundays. friday and saturday...for me has always been tough, cause my local friends (you guys are my friends too so i won't use the 'Real life' bs) want to hang out on those days.

but it doesn't matter right now for me anyway...my computer's barely running as it is. saving for a new one.
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Post by Arev » Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:05 pm

Daiho wrote:We won't be able find a day that will do for everyone. We just don't have enough player interested in doing instance on regular basis.

Of course not, but I've found that Mondays and Tuesdays never really attract a large number of players anyways. Thursdays or Saturdays are good.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:08 am

Yeah, unfortunately there won't be any single time or day that works best for every member. We just need to start with a time and day that maximizes the amount of members online, and then maybe add additional days to do stuff as time goes on.
