Guild Agenda Winter 2008 (Please read)

Read and post about events occuring in RID

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Post by Bovive » Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:53 am

IMPHL was a meek little guild 3 years ago, and I didn't bother to ally with them, despite the fact they proposed it.

Amaste is a long time IG friend of mine, you want to strengthen ties with them? Wouldn't be a prob.

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Post by Bovive » Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:08 am

Kurke_Aumea wrote:Given the confines of the system, it is a rather painful process to setup guild-only vendors

Actually all you have to do is set a house to private and on the entrance list add "guild:rid". Then drop unlisted venders inside and done deal. I'm not really a fan of this, but it does work.

Basically I see what you are saying here. Arramen and I run a trader only guild. Basically the way crafting works you are always going to need an item that only another type of trader can craft. Instead of paying for it on the bazaar, you pay the cost of that item and have another guild trader make it for you. You of course do this for them as well. The key aspect of any trader organization is that traders only help traders. Anyone else simply is a customer and you can deal with them in any way you choose. I do not offer guild wide discounts, but I deal with it on a member to member basis. Play with me a lot and poor? You'll get stuff for free. Asshat on the forums and don't play with me? No discount for you, probably wont even craft for you to be honest. But ya know some RID members are really good about saving statted loot items for me to RE (Zorb, Tenvik and Corv). Anytime they need some 35s they always get a nice discount. I am out to make credits with my trader, but I certainly do not count on RID members for my income. Honestly most of my credits come from selling looted items anyway. Sets of capped armor only sell for a couple million credits anymore. I can sell a rare housing improvement for 70 mil. But I digest.

The key element is traders helping traders. What that trader does with his products is his business.


Post by Corvallon » Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:58 am

LexxYovel wrote:Sorry I have not yet responded to this thread. Corvallon, thanks very much for posting this, as I hope it'll bring us a step closer to improving the strength of RID. In response to each of the proposed objectives, I say we do the following:

1.) Inter-guild grouping for individual and common goals: Often, while there is usually 8 RID members online at a time, not all of them are able to, or want to partake in things such as instance groups. So usually we must rely on the grouping of other people outside of RID. Generally, this is what I do when I need to recruit non-RID's into instance groups:

-I first start by grouping *unguilded Imperials* who fit the needs of the group (IE: If we need a medic, I try to recruit an unguilded Imperial medic first). The reasons for this are quite simple. For one, unguilded Imperials make potential recruits, and for two, the group will still feel like a "RID group," since there'd be no other guild to push us around (since they would be unguilded).

-If that fails, I then try to group up Imperials from guilds, preferably ones we are most friendly with.

-When we're really desperate, we recruit Rebels.

What I think we need to do is strengthen our ties with more Imperial guilds. With the great "free character transfer service" of '09, we will likely see a great influx of guilds coming from other servers. I propose we take advantage of this, by becoming friends with those Imperial guilds early on. This could create a long-term bond. I've made many mistakes in the past where I failed to establish relationships early on. IMPHL was a meek little guild 3 years ago, and I didn't bother to ally with them, despite the fact they proposed it.

2.) Increasing R.I.D's appeal: Well, there's several ways to go about this. First and foremost, it's simply a matter of letting our voice be heard on the forums. Register on SOE's forum, bear the banner of RID in your signature, and post frequently. People will see the "RID stamp" in everyones banner repeatedly, and the image will be engrained in their mind... basically just like advertising without blatantly saying "join RID." Of course, we also have a big recruitment thread which should be bumped periodically, and stickied guild recruitment threads which should be replied to as well.

In terms of appealing R.I.D's appeal in-game, the most important thing is to act mature! If members act mature, people will recognize that, and it will speak greater than any actual advertisement campaign. However, things such as wearing the RID uniform, saying to others how happy you are to be in RID (even if you aren't, lol), and partaking in guild events, will improve our image drastically.

3.) Merchants: We got kind of a dicussion going now in our Executive forum about how to deal with traders. I think we need to first identify the traders we do have. We need to know why they are a trader, if they like being a trader, and if they are alts, or mains. We then need to help them get up to CL 90, or if they are CL 90 already, give them a boost start in crafting things. I also think we should require that all traders place at least one vendor in our RID mall, if nothing more than to boost Fort Oasis' appeal.

4.) Boosting guild cities: With the housing purge coming up, this is especially important. Fort Oasis is our capital city, so while it may sound selfish to other RID mayors, our capital has top priority when it comes to cities. Fortunately, Fort Oasis has plenty of citizens, so it should be just fine during the purge. However, it has a lot of gaps which homes could fill in, so I may do a recruitment campaign for Fort Oasis soon.

As for the other cities, it's the mayors responsibility to ensure that it will be able to survive the housing purge. This means recruiting more citizens than is needed to maintain your current rank. Fort Victory on Rori (formerly Fort D'aroo) needs to be secured, as the land it is built on is very valuable. It's technically in a no-build zone, enveloping the Imperial Restuss Base.

I think all the RID mayors should meet up to discuss how to best recruit for their cities, and what each city should specialize in.

5.) Regain PvP status: This is something that needs to be regained both in space and on the ground. With Erougn's new space squad, I foresee RID becoming stronger in space than ever before. Ground PvP may be trickier to deal with, but we can start small. Just having three or four people who love to PvP would do wonders for our PvP appeal. Just having them go to Restuss several times each night would be great, but we'll also need to help them get the equipment they need.

6.) Guild Events: Well, we got our Life Day part on the 18th. Aside from that, I think we need to work on some weekly get-togethers in one of our RID cities. Basically social events, where people can race for prizez, duel, or just get to know eachother. I also want to get another guild meeting formed soon. I'm speaking with Corvallon on when would be a good time to form one. I'm thinking guild meetings should be held at least once a month.

Thanks Lexx.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:01 pm

Bovive wrote:
Kurke_Aumea wrote:Given the confines of the system, it is a rather painful process to setup guild-only vendors

Actually all you have to do is set a house to private and on the entrance list add "guild:rid". Then drop unlisted venders inside and done deal. I'm not really a fan of this, but it does work.

Basically I see what you are saying here. Arramen and I run a trader only guild. Basically the way crafting works you are always going to need an item that only another type of trader can craft. Instead of paying for it on the bazaar, you pay the cost of that item and have another guild trader make it for you. You of course do this for them as well. The key aspect of any trader organization is that traders only help traders. Anyone else simply is a customer and you can deal with them in any way you choose. I do not offer guild wide discounts, but I deal with it on a member to member basis. Play with me a lot and poor? You'll get stuff for free. Asshat on the forums and don't play with me? No discount for you, probably wont even craft for you to be honest. But ya know some RID members are really good about saving statted loot items for me to RE (Zorb, Tenvik and Corv). Anytime they need some 35s they always get a nice discount. I am out to make credits with my trader, but I certainly do not count on RID members for my income. Honestly most of my credits come from selling looted items anyway. Sets of capped armor only sell for a couple million credits anymore. I can sell a rare housing improvement for 70 mil. But I digest.

The key element is traders helping traders. What that trader does with his products is his business.

I don't play anymore, so I cannot verify whether or not your access list would work. Tried it various other ways and it was just annoying if nothing else...

You're absolutely correct about traders helping traders and in that sense, they are better off in a traders-only style guild. If the premise of having traders in RID is to have exclusive and easy access to high quality goods, then your key element changes. It works fine if you have a small number of dependable traders. More than that and people start getting their toes stepped on.

In my eyes, traders within RID need to make a decent profit off of guild members in order to make RID worth it for them (otherwise they are better off in a trader-only guild). That does mean non-trader guild members should be encouraged to buy RID-only goods as much as possible, but many simply shop out of convenience and that can leave RID traders out to dry... That brings up guild discounts and a lot of other things to entice guild members to shop RID traders.

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Post by Bovive » Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:56 pm

The access list works, trust me.

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:09 pm

Fair enough, but we still had trouble getting guildies to come shop.

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Post by Erougn » Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:21 pm

ive read the posts and thought a lot about the trader system

i always come back to the fact that trader got fukt wen they removed decay...tbh id rather pay a guildie who is trying to make a trader work 150% of the cost on the open mkt

assigning a guild trader is like taking the price tag off a whore...yeh its fun for a while, but eventually we all get AIDS
Last edited by Erougn on Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Erougn » Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:26 pm

Erougn wrote:ive read the posts and thought a lot about the trader system

i always come back to the fact that trader got fukt wen they removed decay...tbh id rather pay a guildie who is trying to make a trader work 150% of the cost on the open mkt

assigning a guild trader is like taking the price tag off a whore...yeh its fun for a while, but eventually we all get AIDS

EDIT: this is not a rick roll...enjoy the funny!
