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Application: Sharpea Darklight

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:39 am
by Sharpea Darklight
Character Name: Sharpea Darklight
Gender: Female
Species Zabrak
Faction & GCW Rank: Imperial Private
Heroic Instance Access: none at the moment
Combat Level: 19
Profession: Jedi
Pilot Type: Tie Fighter Level 1. Lt. Akal Colzet Pilot trainer

I have a total of 8 characters 2 on Chilastra, 2 on Eclipse, 2 on Gorath and 2 on Starsider. Both characters on Chilastra are in different guilds. 1 is a level 45 Medic the other is a level 15 Bounty Hunter. The 2 on Eclipse are not in guilds. 1 is a level 26 commando and the other is a level 11 Jedi. The 2 on gorath are in the same guild and are both level 90 one is a jedi and the other is an Entertainer. And the 2 on Starsider are both Jedi level 15 and level 19. And both have been asked by different guilds. I don't personally know anyone in the guild or in game.

The guilds that the other characters are in are both rebel and imperial

Both Characters on Starsider are Imperial. One is being recruited by Old Academy and the other by RID.

I'm In Georgia. I'm off and on the game all day long between characters. I'm interested in PVP, Instances etc. I'm 45 years old.

Re: Application To Join

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:42 am
by Osar
Hey, sorry we missed your application. If you still wish to join RID please respond ASAP to this post or we will have to consider this application VOID, due to the time this was posted.

Re: Application: Sharpea Darklight

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:06 pm
by Sharpea Darcklight
I would also like to add my alt Aiviw to the guild if possible do i need to do a whole new app for her and my lap top won't work for playing the game and my desk top is being worked on had a bad virus on it be back in the game as soon as i can will keep up dated on situation

Re: Application: Sharpea Darklight

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:04 pm
by Lexx Yovel
We can arrange for your alt to join RID without an additional application :)