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Application: Torian Kel

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:10 am
by Torian__Kel

Character Name: Torian Kel
Gender: Male
Species: Zabrak
Faction and GCW Rank (OOC Rank): Corporal
Heroic Instance Access: 0
Combat Level: 68
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Pilot Type (and Squadron): IMPERIAL Pilot, Cert 8 equipment currently.


Alternate Characters: Murgo - Trader CL90, would like to join R.I.D.

No family/friends on SWG.
Never been/had rebel character.
Full SWG Account.


Yes, can use voice programs, no issue.
Don't post on SOE forums.
GMT+10, Australia.
Bit of everything, PVP+PVE+RP.
21 years old.

Am a good follower, could lead once I learn how to play lol.

Additional Information:

Hello R.I.D.!

My reallife name is Alan Maher, I'm an apprentice mechanic living in queensland, australia. Have recently resubbed to SWG and looking for a guild to give me alittle bit of guidance and help. Looking forward to seeing you all ingame.

Re: Application To Join: Torian Kel

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:22 am
by Arev
Hi there, what are your normal play hours? Most of us play evenings EST, however, because I work third shift, I personally am on in the mornings EST, which is around Aussie prime time, I believe, and I can probably teach you a few things about the game and RP. Speaking of RP, if you're interested in learning more about RP, please register at and respond here with your handle, so that if you're accepted into RID, I can add you to our private section there.

Re: Application To Join: Torian Kel

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:37 am
by Torian_Kel
Username on starsider galaxy empire forum is Torian_Kel. Normal play is 6pm-10pm GMT+10. Don't know how all the timezones work is USA so just using the one I do know ha. I can understand population in guild will be low at my primetime but its universal through all online games for aussies sadly.

Re: Application To Join: Torian Kel

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:09 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Hi Torian, thanks for the application.

Indeed, your hours may not synchronize perfectly with our eastern time zone members, but you never know.

I'll try calculating the Eastern time zone difference so that we can work on some times we can meet up and talk in-game.