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Application: Or'vin Kahn

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:37 pm
by Or'vin

Character Name:Or'vin Kahn
Faction and GCW Rank (OOC Rank):LT.
Heroic Instance Access:All
Combat Level:90
Pilot Type (and Squadron):Neut ACE


Do you have any alternate character(s)? lvl 90 Domestic trader also Imp

Do you have any real-life friends or family within R.I.D?nope

Have you ever been in any guild(s) on this server on any character? nope moved from Bria and Bloodfin
Have you ever been a Rebel on any character you played with on Starsider?:NEVER!!!!

Are you on the SWG Trial Account, or on the Full SWG Account?:Full


Would you be willing to use the current in-game voice-chat system, if you aren't already? What about alternate voice programs?:i have Vent ,TS3,TS and use them

What is your SOE forum user-name? Do you use the forums often?:Djkritikal and kinda when i have stuff to sell or buy

What time zone are you in? If you don't know, mention the country or state you reside in. What are your playing hours? What days of the week, and at what times are you usually most active?: EST TZ and all hours from 7am to 3am the next day

What are your interests (IE: PvP, PvE, RP, space, etc.)? Feel free to list more than one:All of the above

What is your real-life age? 26

What are your traits? I dont lie and i kinda cuss alot although i try not to (worked in a print shop for a long time so i have a shop mouth which i am working on)

Re: App

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:38 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Thanks for filling out the application. I'll be sure to speak with you some more in-game.