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Application: Tuskano De'Raidaro

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:57 am
by Tuskano

Full Name: Tuskano De'Raidaro (RP name is Kentt Em'asep or Ghost)
Gender: Male
Species: human (RP species is Tusken)
Faction and Rank (If applicable): Imperial who is a Sergeant Major (RPs the rank of a SFC)
Number of PvP Kills: 180
Heroic Instance Access: Access to all and have the 5 piece Ghost jewlery set.
Combat Level: 90
Profession: Spy
Pilot Type (and Squadron): Black Espion Ace (formaly a RSF Pilot Ace)
Political Status (Type yes/no if a Politician or not): No


Do you have any alternate character(s)? If so, mention their name(s), faction(s), level(s), profession(s) and any additional information. List if they are in guild(s). If any are not in a guild, state if you'd like them to join R.I.D:

I also play a rebel Lvl 90 Entertainer within Holowoood Galactic Studios who goes by the name of Pappeto. Though he is only rebel oocly as I just wanted to have someone who I can have fly the rebel ships with.

Do you have any real-life friends or family within R.I.D? If so, what are their names? Do you know anyone personally, elsewhere throughout the game?:

My parents and 2 younger brothers used to play SWG until they decided to leave to play free online games. Though they were never within RID.

Have you ever been in any guild(s) on this server on any character? If so, mention the name of the guild(s), their faction(s), why you are no longer a part of the guild(s) and any additional information:

I have been in 2 guilds since I had transfered here back in '08. First one was <XLII> 42nd Imperial Stormtrooper Legion (which was made up of most of the active players from Kettemoor's guild of <SD> Stormtrooper Detachment Omega who had transfered to Starsider before the bulk of the origional Legion had transfered over). Soon enough after 4 or so months, the guild was swarmed with alts and became quiet thus forcing the active players to leave and reform a new and clean guild.

I with others had helped found the new guild which I currently was last with that is called <CCXX> 220th Stormtrooper Recconnaissance Platoon (Long Range). I had left that guild to join with <RID> because of 220th's quietness and little guild activaty, wishing to expand my RP with more interacting within a guild. And last but not least, I have my alt called Pappeto currently within <HGS> Holowood Galactic Studios.

Have you ever been in R.I.D before on any character? If so, how many times? And why were you removed/leave?:


Have you ever been a Rebel on any character you played with on Starsider?:

Pappeto, but he only has the symbol floating above his head to enable him to fly the rebel fighters. I was also Rebel for a week with Tuskano to do the Arc Fighter mission.

What is your current housing status? Do you have any homes on any worlds? If so, how many homes do you have, what type of home(s) are they, and what planet(s) are they on? Would you be interested in holding citizenship in a city associated with the Regal Imperial Fort Network? If so, mention a preferred city (If able):

I own a set of buildings up in the Talus mountains that serves as a Listening Outpost. I also have a small Detention Center and a small generic house that used to be in the city of Mos Eclipse, Lok. Aye, I am interested in moving my home into Fort Keen, Talus and possibly the Detention Center to one of the RID Forts that require one.

Are you on the SWG Trial Account, or on the Full SWG Account?: Full account.


Would you be willing to use the current in-game voice-chat system, if you aren't already? What about alternate voice programs?:

I do, at most I usually like just listening in and then converse through guild/group chat. I also have Ventrilo installed that I used to use. I also used to use TeamSpeak when I was in a previous guild on Kettemoor (though that one has been uninstalled from quite some time).

What is your SOE forum user-name? Do you use the forums often?:

"Sand_Man42" I think it is. Not alot, I mostly visit the SSG RP forums under the username of "Operative Ghost / Operative Geezer".

What time zone are you in? If you don't know, mention the country or state you reside in. What are your playing hours? What days of the week, and at what times are you usually most active?:

Pacific Standard Time over in California. As I am currently working day shift, I can usually be found online from 1600ish PST till 2000ish PST during the weekdays. Then it is usually guarnteed that I would be on most of the day on weekends unless I have to do a watch at my squadron.

What are your interests (IE: PvP, PvE, RP, space, etc.)? Feel free to list more than one:

I swim in alittle of each. I do light Pvp, do Pve, I do pretty well in space, and I major in RP.

What is your real-life age? If not willing to answer this question, you may leave it blank, or give an approximation (IE: Younger or older than 18 years of age):

I will be 21 in a few months.

What are your traits? Are you a good communicator, leader, or follower (feel free to list others, and more than one trait if applicable)? How do you feel the guild can assist you, and how do you feel you can assist the guild?:

I can assist leaders and communitacte well. I have also assisted pilots leveling up while within my Decimator or Arc Fighter along with helping with ground missions that require an extra hired gunman. <CCXX> itself unfortuently has slowly gotten quiet due to a chuck of inactive players and I want to feel like I am part of a living guild community again. I wish to work with an organised guild once more and after talking (and lots of RP) with Arev and reading RID's history, I am interested in it. While within RID, I hope to enhance the playing experiances of others as well as my own.

Additional Information:

RP: Tuskano is ICly a Tusken leading a false life to save his people by learning of the non-Tusken's ways so he could eventually fight back the ones who have settled on Tatooine, fire with fire. That's the life goal but I don't plan to have that happen for a long time, possibly not even have it happen. He has also never yet removed his helmet or reveil any skin since I had began to RP a Tusken Raider and I intend to leave that as one of the many unsolved myseries of SWG. His full bio is on the SSG wiki under the name of T'usken' Raid'er for further information on those topics, but I may be putting it up here as well.

IRL: In the real world, I am a SH60B helicopter mechanic within the US Navy almost 3 years in, and currently assigned within the states training new guys to my squadron. Within the next upcoming weeks, I will continue to work day shifts from 0600 PST to around 1600 PST.

Game-wise, I have played SWG since the first year in 'o3 staring on the server of Bloodfin and then moving to Kettemoor years after, basically staying wiht the same toon. Other then that, I look forward to working with you guys.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:16 pm
by Arev
Welcome to RID, Tuskano!

We're going to have to talk about how to integrate Tuskano into Fort Keen. I guess, at the moment, we could tie him with either Corrt or Feynrir (ISB and Intel respectively) or even trade off between the two.

Hmmm...let me know what you think. I'll be pondering this.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:42 pm
by Tuskano
Arev wrote:Welcome to RID, Tuskano!

We're going to have to talk about how to integrate Tuskano into Fort Keen. I guess, at the moment, we could tie him with either Corrt or Feynrir (ISB and Intel respectively) or even trade off between the two.

Hmmm...let me know what you think. I'll be pondering this.

Yay! Thank you. Yes he could always do what he has been doing in his previous guild if you want. Though I doubt he would do ISB given his backround (Empire doesnt know of his real species as he got through Boot Camp with pretty good plastic surgery) and the heavy screening involved on the members. He could be good at doing Intel.

Also, Fort Keen (as well as RID Navy) can add a new transfered VT-49 ISS "False Hope"to the lists of active vessels. Arev can alsways ask for a tour seeing it is within the stockpile now. I just need to de-christmasize it now lol...