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Application: Krashok Fenn

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:37 pm
by Krashok
Full Name: Krashok Fenn
Gender: Male
Species: Zabrak
Faction and Rank (If applicable): Imp private
Number of PvP Kills: 0
Heroic Instance Access: N/A
Combat Level: 39
Profession: BH
Pilot Type (and Squadron): N/A
Political Status (Type yes/no if a Politician or not): no

Basically to keep it short I played extensively Pre-CU, finished my template of BH/Pisto, was an imp colonel on EU-Chim did pretty much every but become a Jedi. When the CU rolled round I quit in a fit of nerd rage and started playing WoW. Now after a few years I've decided I'm after a game with depth and have come back to SWG. So this is my first new character, been playing only 3 days though, but levelling steadily.

I'm perfectly fine to use IG voice chat, vent or TS. My timezone is GMT but i'm more than fine and able to play regularly in prime time hours in EST etc. I generally play 3+ nights a week atleast really, but obviously it varies week to week. My interests IG lie in a decent mix of PvE and PvP, though I haven't taken the time to sample any of the space based content yet. RL age is 20, from the UK. I'm perfectly fine to head up groups when in end game, with experience as Raid/Guild leader in SWG and other MMO's, but perfectly fine to take a backseat role in politics and the bigger picture to deal out damage. What I'm looking for in the Guild is guidance and knowledge in getting started again in SWG, and to participate in PvE and PvP group content when high level.

Anyways I've dragged on a bit more than intended, so thanks for taking the time to read my application and am looking forward to hearing from you soon.