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Application: Klinn Nif

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:56 pm
by Klinn

Full Name: Klinn Nif
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Faction and Rank (If applicable): Neutral
Number of PvP Kills: 0
Heroic Instance Access: 0
Combat Level: 14
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Pilot Type (and Squadron): Neutral - Corsec
Political Status (Type yes/no if a Politician or not): No


Do you have any alternate character(s)? If so, mention their name(s), faction(s), level(s), profession(s) and any additional information. List if they are in guild(s). If any are not in a guild, state if you'd like them to join R.I.D:

I have no alternates.

Do you have any real-life friends or family within R.I.D? If so, what are their names? Do you know anyone personally, elsewhere throughout the game?:


Have you ever been in any guild(s) on this server on any character? If so, mention the name of the guild(s), their faction(s), why you are no longer a part of the guild(s) and any additional information:

No, I recently switched to this server.

Have you ever been in R.I.D before on any character? If so, how many times? And why were you removed/leave?:

I was never in R.I.D

Have you ever been a Rebel on any character you played with on Starsider?:


What is your current housing status? Do you have any homes on any worlds? If so, how many homes do you have, what type of home(s) are they, and what planet(s) are they on? Would you be interested in holding citizenship in a city associated with the Regal Imperial Fort Network? If so, mention a preferred city (If able):

No home at the moment, I am interested in holding citizenship in a city associated with RID.

Are you on the SWG Trial Account, or on the Full SWG Account?:

Full SWG account.


Would you be willing to use the current in-game voice-chat system, if you aren't already? What about alternate voice programs?:


What is your SOE forum user-name? Do you use the forums often?:

I dont think I remember it, I havent been on the forums in a long time.

What time zone are you in? If you don't know, mention the country or state you reside in. What are your playing hours? What days of the week, and at what times are you usually most active?:

Eastern. I usually play at least an hour a day from 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

What are your interests (IE: PvP, PvE, RP, space, etc.)? Feel free to list more than one:

At the moment PvE and a little bit of space.

What is your real-life age? If not willing to answer this question, you may leave it blank, or give an approximation (IE: Younger or older than 18 years of age):

15 years.

What are your traits? Are you a good communicator, leader, or follower (feel free to list others, and more than one trait if applicable)? How do you feel the guild can assist you, and how do you feel you can assist the guild?:

I guess I would say Im a follower, Im kind of new to SWG again. I quit for a long time and came back a few days ago so I dont really know whats going on now. I feel the guild can assist me in ways of asking for help on something or just asking a question.

Additional Information:

Re: RID Application - Klinn

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:38 am
by Arev
Application looks great. But before we conduct an interview, we do have one tiny favor to ask:

Klinn wrote:Faction and Rank (If applicable): Neutral

We would greatly appreciate it if you declared Imperial. That can be done at any Imperial recruiter of NPC Imperial officer. Recruiters are found in Theed, Talus Imperial Outpost and Dantooine Imperial Outposts (closest Recruiters from Starport).

I look forward to seeing you in-game.


RID Executive Councilman

Re: RID Application - Klinn

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:49 am
by Jaysont
Arev wrote:Application looks great. But before we conduct an interview, we do have one tiny favor to ask:

Klinn wrote:Faction and Rank (If applicable): Neutral

We would greatly appreciate it if you declared Imperial. That can be done at any Imperial recruiter of NPC Imperial officer. Recruiters are found in Theed, Talus Imperial Outpost and Dantooine Imperial Outposts (closest Recruiters from Starport).

I look forward to seeing you in-game.


RID Executive Councilman

in my day nuetrals where allowed in RID, has this changed or just a personal preference for you arev?

Re: RID Application - Klinn

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:42 am
by auren
Jaysont wrote:
Arev wrote:Application looks great. But before we conduct an interview, we do have one tiny favor to ask:

Klinn wrote:Faction and Rank (If applicable): Neutral

We would greatly appreciate it if you declared Imperial. That can be done at any Imperial recruiter of NPC Imperial officer. Recruiters are found in Theed, Talus Imperial Outpost and Dantooine Imperial Outposts (closest Recruiters from Starport).

I look forward to seeing you in-game.


RID Executive Councilman

in my day nuetrals where allowed in RID, has this changed or just a personal preference for you arev?

you can officially be neutral and still be a part of RID
but the guild does prefer people to be imperial this is because RID is considered by lots of people on starsider as imperial.

Being neutral does mean as a bounty hunter you can hunt imperials and rebels in game,
but im very very sure that RID dont allow RID members to kill imperials.
Why would i mention this ?
Because the person applying to join is a bounty hunter.
This is something to bare in mind Klinn with your appliation.
If you kill rebels there isn't a problem, if you kill imperials with a RID guild name over your head i think we all know what would happen to RIDs reputation with other imperial guilds

please dont see my above opinions as negative or a push towards making you make your character imperial, if anything i just like to enjoy playing star wars galaxies and i dont really see people as rebel or imperial or neutral in game. But a guilds reputation is important you only have to look at some of the other guilds to see what happens when there are no rules :D whatsoever. I hope to see you in game and hope some of the whole being neutral or imperial favourism wont put you off being part of a great bunch of people.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:14 am
by Lexx Yovel
Like Auren said, technically we allow neutrals, but we prefer that you declare Imperial.

Generally speaking, we don't mind neutrals if you are of a non-combat profession (trader or entertainer) or an alt of an Imperial member in RID.

That's not to say we don't allow neutral Bounty Hunters per se though. If you really want to remain a neutral Bounty Hunter, we just ask that you only bounty hunt Rebels (we forbid bounty hunting Imperials). You also may not be able to take part in certain activities (such as battle fields or other PvP events), but we'd have no trouble accomodating you in heroic instances.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:11 am
by Jaysont
lol that cleared alot up on my mind lol.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:13 pm
by Klinn
Faction and Rank (If applicable): Imperial.

I was planning on going imperial I just wanted to stay neutral for a while. Theres just something about that imperial restuss armor that really gets me :)