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Recruitment and preparation for Hoth

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 2:38 pm
by Costello
I often see unguilded CL90 Imperials running around Mos Eisley and think to myself they could be a useful addition to RID. With the introduction of Hoth we will not be able to assemble mixed groups of Imperials and Rebels (which I can't wait for). This will though mean that we will need 8 man groups and it will be much harder to pick up a couple of extra people from the search engine.

So I was wondering if there were any plans to cash in on the recent Guild Spot light and the people transfering in from the low pop servers. Sort of things I mean is when I loaded into Mos Eisley for the first time I was met by 'Citizens of the Empire......' a recruitment message for a space and ground event. Likewise i often see Loss 'nightsisters' sitting on their rancors outisde the star port giving a very good imperession of the guild.

So I was wondering if there were any policies on using spam droids on promoting the guild, or guild info mails that could be sent out to possible recruits. I always figure the more people in a guild the more chance there will be instance runs or PvP or things happening.

Which kind of brings me onto the part about Hoth, its going to be hard. Every instance that gets added is harder than the last and this is months or work and the devs don't want people getting through it and finished too quickly. Which means having the top end gear and top end buffs, and most of this comes from running instances. Having a good jewellery set can make all the difference, most high end weapons come form rare lot drops as well as the stated backpacks. Which means if we want to be ready for Hoth the people that haven't had a chance to do instance runs need to get on them. But don't even have to want to do Hoth to have a use for the stuff. High end PvP has become the Buff wars, if someone is getting off a few extra attacks to you cause they got that jewellery set is going to make beating them harder.

So if we got a bunch of guildies on and 20 mins do the IG-88 instance, it only takes 15 mins once your inside to try and get the head drop and another token. If you got longer try a different one.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:27 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
excellent points. Also, good armor and weapons makes alot of difference.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:24 am
by Jaysont
i pvp in hawtpants and /win so HA