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Persisting Crashes

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 5:28 pm
by Thyse
Greetings Regal Imperial Defenders,

I have had some recent problems with the machine I currently own. It seems that it is not capable of maintaining the Star Wars Galaxies program up 100%. Of course I wouldn't expect it to keep up all the time, but these "Crashings" (As some may call it) persist in numerous occasions every day. For example, after a "Crash", I attempted to Re-logg, but when I advanced to the load-out screen (The page with the Temple of Exar Kun), it did not allow me to go further, the screen froze and I was forced to turn the Computer of and switch it on again. Yet after all that, I tried logging on the Program again, but the same thing happened. I have yet to find the source for these very annoying problems. Ontop of that I have had Real Life problems, including School, Parental Issues Ect. I have decided to lay low of the Star Wars Galaxies Community to try and straighten my Real Life problems, then proceed to the "Crashing" problems.

Only one more thing to show/say (Wichever) : :cry:


Regal Naval Division

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:18 pm
by Waucod
For the crashing problems my computer did exactly that when I played and it eventually died because of the graphics card I believe while I was playing.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:45 pm
by Mikal
Run a spyware check too. Seems my comp that I had just gotten from a cousin (the one I use now) crashed a lot, on top of the lag I was getting. The problem was spyware and viruses that my cousin had picked up along the way. Run a full scan of SWG too from the login screen. One of your files may have become corrupt on a crash, causing it to crash repeatedly.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:19 am
by Apium
If nothing else solves the problem, I have found that overriding your pixel shader and and choosing all the options that lower your graphics helps. (these are found under "game options" on the launchpad, not in game). This will pretty much solve your problem if the graphics card is messed up, and that is what it sounds like. The other option is to turn your in game sound down very low and then turn up your speakers. It sounds silly, I know, but some of the older sound cards are having trouble for some reason.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:23 pm
by Thyse
Well, I try all those scans, also including "Registry Smart" and "Fix Internet problems" located on my tool bar. Nothing seems to improve. BUT! , Adware Alert reported my computer having 30 something parasites. I try fixing them but it says I have to Pay and Register. BUT I ALREADY DID!!!! I swear, this is so stressful. :cry: :( :evil: :x


Regal Navy Division

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:04 pm
by Kurke Aumea
I have a very short list of spyware/malware programs that I trust. Ad-Aware is probably near the top of the list. Click below to download. ... d=10837062

Trend-Micro's Hosuecall is the other one I like to use as it is virus scanner and spyware scanner in one. Click below.

Anything else, I don't trust.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:15 pm
by Barney
I was having this problem a LOT and I discovered I had some mis-matched memory sticks in my computer, and for some reason only SWG was overloading them. I dropped the 1g stick of memory that didn't match the 3 other 512meg sticks and haven't had crashes since.

Funny thing is, SWG ran just fine on that mismatched memory up until Ch 8. I think they changed something in the game in how it utilized my memory.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:11 pm
by Thyse
Well, I've tried the Ad-Ware, Registry Smart again and it still doesn't work. I think I'll just get a new computer, because the Laptop I bought (While my Desktop was broken) for playing SWG DOESN'T WORK!! :evil: