RID Website?

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RID Website?

Post by Jonem » Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:25 pm

How many of you would be up for having a website for the guild? Ive been wanting to this for awhile just because im starting to enjoy web design and stuff..I can probably cancel my second account which..i havnt even used since i got it >,> and use that money to pay for a domain.

I can probably do the design myself if i can get some general idea of what we would want on it..So yea who would be up for this?

The price of the domain would be
Domain(s) Total $15.00
Package(s) Total $9.95
Sub Total $24.95
Coupon (spring 20% Off) -$4.99
Total Due $19.96*

That would mean 20 dollars would be due the first month and the next 12 months would be 10 dollars a month..And each year would be 15 dollars.

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Post by Apium » Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:35 pm

What would we do with a website?
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Post by Waucod » Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:06 pm

actually I think Lexx does have a website for the guild... although it is rather outdated, unless of course he took it down.
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Post by Kurke Aumea » Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:57 pm

Waucod wrote:actually I think Lexx does have a website for the guild... although it is rather outdated, unless of course he took it down.

I build it for Lexx about four years ago or so... And he never updated it... lol


Edit: Oh yeah, that brings back some really old memories of RID. lol
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Post by Jonem » Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:42 pm

I dunno what we would do with a website heh :P Figured lexx would figure out what to do with it

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:44 am

A new website would be nice, although I wouldn't want to pressure anyone into paying for a domain unless they are up for it.

I think that if the website is frequently updated (the one we have is ancient), it'd be a better place for people to look up information on RID.

Something like SHC's website may be nice, but it may be difficult to make without much knowledge on web-designing: http://www.swg-shc.com/e107_plugins/con ... ?content.6

Otherwise, I think we could go with Jonem's website template site, which may be easier to make, if everyone decide they could use one.

Kurke Aumea
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Post by Kurke Aumea » Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:57 am

LexxYovel wrote:A new website would be nice, although I wouldn't want to pressure anyone into paying for a domain unless they are up for it.

I think that if the website is frequently updated (the one we have is ancient), it'd be a better place for people to look up information on RID.

Something like SHC's website may be nice, but it may be difficult to make without much knowledge on web-designing: http://www.swg-shc.com/e107_plugins/con ... ?content.6

Otherwise, I think we could go with Jonem's website template site, which may be easier to make, if everyone decide they could use one.

The SHC site is a template as well.
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Post by Aedean » Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:42 pm

The only thing with a website is that it's a 2-edged sword. If you put up a website, it's got to be good and kept current. If you have a clean, concise site that looks good and is useful, it paints a very good picture of RID, especially for recruiting. If you have a dated site that is cluttered or otherwise lacks appeal, the perception is that RID isn't a real guild.

I ran the THM www site since the guild was formed at launch, and it was a GREAT tool for not only the guild, but for folks interested at joining. It was a php template site as well (which incidentally would work well with these forums), but incorporated events calendar, image albums, forums, recruitment information, etc. Anyone interested in joining THM had to go to the site to read up on us, and always got a good impression from what they saw.

I'd be happy to run a server and site for RID. Although I'm not particularly skilled with graphics.. give me someone who is and a couple of hours of their time and an excellent site could be up and running in days. If the officers are interested in looking at THM's old site, I can fire it up and point you to it.

A domain would still have to be registered, as well as DNS services paid for annually, at a cost of about $45 or less.. I would strongly recommend that if it's purchased, it should be done so my Lexx or someone he knows personally, simply to ensure the longevity and continued control over domain.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:00 pm

The THM website was pretty cool. But wasn't it taken down? I haven't been able to find their site since THM seemed to fade away.


Post by Aedean » Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:22 pm

LexxYovel wrote:The THM website was pretty cool. But wasn't it taken down? I haven't been able to find their site since THM seemed to fade away.

Yeah, I took it down because they faded away. ;) I still have it on my server, but the domain has elapsed and everything.. I can still direct you there via IP address though.

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Post by Jonem » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:53 pm

...DNS server? >,>

Like a host or something? *shrug*

Ill work on something this weekend to try and get a little preview or something if we do want to do it.

Well if some one wants to pay for it (im not much of a reliable source or whatever as i tend to get bored and take a few months break..) id be happy to code it though. If i code it i would REALLY suggest the person paying for it to use Hostgator (the price in the first post is what it would cost).


Post by Aedean » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:12 am

Jonem wrote:...DNS server? >,>

The domain name is just that.. essentially reserving the right to use the domain name, such as swg-rid.com or whatnot. The name by itself does nothing.. you need to have a DNS (domain name server) service point the domain name at an actual web server. It's the DNS that tells the internet which actual server on the internet to go to when you type in www.whatever.com

For THM, registered the domain name (which you can do at many places) and handled DNS through a place called DynDNS.org. You pay $15/yr for the domain name, plys $25/yr for the DNS service, which points the name at my server. I then managed the server myself, giving me full access to add anything I wanted to the site, do regular backups, manage spam, add new facilties to the site (galleries, calendar, etc.)

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Post by Jonem » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:42 am

Okay..Im pretty sure Hostgator (which i used the first time i did a website for a little group) did all of that for that price...That is i think they did.

Kurke Aumea
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Post by Kurke Aumea » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:44 pm

I don't mind lending a hand, but since I'm also running four other websites and planning a wedding, I'm not sure how much help I can be. Let me know what kind of assistance is needed and I'll see what I can do.
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Post by Mikal » Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:59 pm

I have taken a bunch of web design classes recently as part of my IT Multimedia Degree I'm almost done with. If anyone has any graphics and/or programming questions, hit me up. I'll either be here or hopefully soon back in the game. I'm just hoping this comp I cobbled together can handle it hehe.

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