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Hello RID

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:47 am
by Guest
Hello folks. I'm interested in joining RID.

My in-game character is Vincen Anders. He's a Master Spy / Imperial Pilot Ace / Colonel. I also have Monnit, a Master Trader (Structural).

A little bit of history about myself: I've been playing SWG on and off since a little after launch. I was in SAS for a looooong time, and the mayor of Valens for quite a while as well. I took a break and when I came back SAS was a ghost town. I joined AE when Skorr formed it, and then last year I went to Basic training and when I came back AE was dead too. I wasn't really involved much in AE tho...

I've been guildless since the beginning of the year, and I've decided that I'd like to change that.

I'm currently stationed in Germany, so I run some weird hours. I hope that's not a problem - usually its early morning in the states when I play.

I've registered for this forum but I guess I've got to wait for an admin to approve - I'll be under the handle 'Monthigos' if that happens.

I'm a pretty easy going guy. Actually I like to make people laugh and almost everyone tells me I'm pretty goofy. I'm not incredibly outgoing so it takes me a little while to warm up with people, but once you get me going its hard to shut me up. ;) I'm AWESOME with some beer in me. heh.

I seriously suck at PvP. I won't do it solo, but I love running in groups. I've never done it in space though. I'd be more than happy to help people with quests and missions, both in space and on the ground.

So, here's sort of an app. If I need to do a proper one in-game I'll do it. Let me know. Thanks!

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:12 pm
by Dragonus
talk to Lexx ig please .... dats proper app.. ty for being interested in RID its a awsome guild and im sure ul like it

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:23 pm
by Apium
The guild leader, lexx is currently on vacation. I'll shoot you an application in game. I won't have any qualms with accepting a new member while lexx is gone that goes through the trouble of applying on the forums. Its just the "l337sp3ak3rs" we have to watch out for. cough dragonus cough.

EDIT: you only need an admin for access to the private forums. You should be able to post with your name in the public forums for now.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:40 pm
by Dragonus
Apium wrote:The guild leader, lexx is currently on vacation. I'll shoot you an application in game. I won't have any qualms with accepting a new member while lexx is gone that goes through the trouble of applying on the forums. Its just the "l337sp3ak3rs" we have to watch out for. cough dragonus cough.

EDIT: you only need an admin for access to the private forums. You should be able to post with your name in the public forums for now.

WATTT! !! ! ! i dont leet speak anymore ... maybe certain times or IG but i have seen tooo much l3et been used right now and it seems even the people who never knew abut it have started using it...

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:43 pm
by Jaysont
by the way just a tip you gotta be less than 50% sane to join us cuz most of us are weird *cough* toor/telemchus *cough* so anyway just ignore waucods posts cuz hes the village idiot :D

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:26 pm
by Erougn
Vincen were you the guy I posted a reply to in the SOE forums?

Either way good to meet you, and good luck! Like the others said we need to wait for Lexx to return, but feel free to say Hi in game and have a look around our main city (we control a bunch), Fort Oasis on Tatooine.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:01 pm
by Waucod Meesman
Yeah you don't have to be goofy me Tele and Drag got that covered and 2 of us don't even play anymore...

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:09 pm
by Erougn
gaddam is there ONE thread here you guys can NOT step on and derail? I don't give a fek about your post count, and since you have no idea what we are doing in the game your "old school" and "remember when" posts just piss me off. How about letting those of us who are trying to use the forums as a forum use them?

I won't even be checking this link anymore, you people have wasted way too much of my time already.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:57 am
by Jaysont
*looks up* what sorry was'nt listening.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:32 pm
by Dragonus
Erougn wrote:gaddam is there ONE thread here you guys can NOT step on and derail? I don't give a fek about your post count, and since you have no idea what we are doing in the game your "old school" and "remember when" posts just piss me off. How about letting those of us who are trying to use the forums as a forum use them?

I won't even be checking this link anymore, you people have wasted way too much of my time already.

who the fck is this directed 2??? huh

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:31 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
I can think of a short list of names...

Still, I'm locking this before we have to break out the flame retardant suits...