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Elder Jedi App

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:55 pm
by Jon' Alamar
Hey whats up this is Jon' Alamar. I'v been playing SWG since launch and then after a couple of years i took a break and went to WoW...during post CU i played again and i remember screwing around with some people and Lexx the rifleman as i remember. My friends got me to get of WoW for a bit and play Swg so im lookin for a Imperial guild.

Im currently lvl 81 and trying to get to a Elder my jedi during the Aurlian trial shit. Just bought ther expansion so im planning on questing alot and gettin good loot with my friends.

My Name is Jon' Alamar ingame. U can also find me at XRJon0609 on AIM

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:57 pm
by Guest
and im always up for RP and PvP mainly, cause i like to pwn noobs

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:16 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Nice to meet you, and welcome. I'll send you an application in-game first chance I get :D

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:39 pm
by Amaroo
Howdy Howdy, and welcome to the RID boards. Oh, and as for the PvP stuff, great, we need more of that!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:55 am
by Gounk
welcome, I hope your application is succesful.
I'm level 84 and havent done any of the Mustafar quests so will be looking to team up with some of you guys