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Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:33 am
by Bumpn Glow
allright so we gunna have a metting in the RID vent.... i had it out with issele in TRGA vent the other night and chose not to talk on the subject anymore w/o everyone being there.... she requested Resik-J because he has some things to say on her behalf that could help me see that she is not as bad of a person i took her as i guess....

I went and got a time from Resik-J and were looking at Saturday between 1 and 9pm EST

Im going to let yall and Issele sort that out I definatly want SZUL to be ther as well as BIZOB & LEXX as for the exact time we will have this meeting.... that ball is in yalls court so do what u gotta do...

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:03 am
by Szul
This sounds more like a personal issue with Issele than having anything to do with RID. Issele is just a RID member, like myself. Lexx is the RID Leader, we're just members. IMO, any beef with one of us should be personal, and not involve any other RID member. Which was actually why I got involved to begin with.

But I will be able to make time as long as its before 6pm EST.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:07 pm
by bizob
I'll have to check my schedule for Saturday to be sure I'm not working late but otherwise I'll be there.

For the record:
Issele isn't in RID anymore, she's wearing the TRGA tag now so anything she does wouldn't reflect on RID anyway.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:51 pm
by Guest
Szul wrote:This sounds more like a personal issue with Issele than having anything to do with RID. Issele is just a RID member, like myself. Lexx is the RID Leader, we're just members. IMO, any beef with one of us should be personal, and not involve any other RID member. Which was actually why I got involved to begin with.

But I will be able to make time as long as its before 6pm EST.

you will come.... i would like to take this time to show you a picture of my desk.....


how could u deny a dude who play on a desk like that? :cry:

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:40 pm
by Waucod Meesman
at least you use axe!!!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:54 pm
by Takura
and I thought mine was bad..

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:39 am
by Jal'Hadon
thats not axe. bumpn knows what im talking about.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 2:13 am
by Szul
Jal'Hadon wrote:thats not axe. bumpn knows what im talking about.

Matron is confused, thought it looked like one of his own toys. Waucod was right. :lol:


Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:43 am
by Jal'Hadon
lol szul. inside joke with bumpn. but yea, close enough.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:15 am
by Guest
nah ya man when i posted the pic for jal to see i cleared up real quick what the axe was.... so he is just busting my chops

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:13 am
by Ri'Me
I can't even make out the axe in that mess lol.. that room is one of the most ghetto ever

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 3:22 pm
by Bumpn Glow
u should see my old room in cali..... but ya

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 12:52 pm
by Cannar
wow, well your room certainly matches your personality.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:27 pm
by Issele
Szul wrote:This sounds more like a personal issue with Issele than having anything to do with RID. Issele is just a RID member, like myself. Lexx is the RID Leader, we're just members. IMO, any beef with one of us should be personal, and not involve any other RID member. Which was actually why I got involved to begin with.

But I will be able to make time as long as its before 6pm EST.

It began as a attack on RID the day after I meet with IMPHL on behave of the Network when IMPHL posted on SS boards they were leaving the Network. The day after I meet with them is when I got the /tells that Rid was a joke, I was a joke and Lexx was a joke. I sent the logs to Lexx. This totally surprised me because I had thought we had worked out any issues and that IMPHL would come back into the Network. Bumpn had told me the reason they left was because IMPHL felt left out. I wanted to fix that and find ways for them to feel apart of and what it has gotten me has been 2 months of grief and personal attacks. A lot of this stems too from miscommunication. It is like that game telephone we play as kids, 10 people sit in a circle, one person whispers something to the person near then and it goes around the circle. By the time it comes back to the person who had said it, its all distored from what people think they hear...

The few times Bumpn has come directly to me about something he heard I said, it was set straight and things were ok. You stopped doing this Bumpn and just assumed what someone told you was fact.

To Bumpn:

When I started making the new Imperial Palace I contacted Resik-j to show him the place. I also told him I wanted to have all Imperial Units involved and asked him for a banner and plaque for OC. I showed him the example of RIDS. He even made RIDS plauqe. I asked him if he contact IMPHL and get them to make one too. He said he could make both OC's and IMPHLs. We spoke about all the misunderstandings and I shared with you some of the views from the Network. Resik-J knew my position in the Network going back to SHBF and TIO. My position has always been to do events to bring the Imperial Units together. Every event I did was posted on the Network boards and each step approved by all the guilds. I sometimes acted as a Diplomate if any guilds were having problems so no one would feel left out. When OC and IMPHL had there problems did not I post on the Network boards for you guys to work it out ? It was during this time things got bad in the Network and many wanted it to stop even if it meant removing IMPHL and OC. I did not want to see that happen and that is why I asked the Network if I could meet with IMPHL to find out what happened. I wish know that I had not done that because so many things were taken wrong. You guys took it that I lead the Network which I have never claimed that any where, any time, nor have I have felt or thought that. The Network was and is always ran by ALL the leaders in the Newtork. After the NGE we took a huge hit. The Network all but crumbled. Lexx, myself, THM, WAVE, SHC did not want to see that happen so we started to gather the guilds again. We put up a new site and WAVE worked hard on that site for us all. I started working hard on some events to bring us all together again and even was working on some events that each guild could build up again. Moral was very low and we were struggling hard.

I knew what the Network would offer us so I worked really hard to not let it die as did a lot of us. In the 3 years the Network was active, to my knowledge, I never saw guilds at each others throat like this, Jaedy, Lexx, me and SHC tried very hard to come up with a solution but things got worse. There was talk to let IMPHL back in on a probation period. It was not my idea. My idea was to meet with IMPHL and sit down with you guys and talk it out and find out why you guys really left. In that 2 hour meeting we had worked out some soultions but then like I said above, the next day I was asked to come in your vent, I said I was not feeling good, could we do in another day. Next message I got was not so great and I sent the logs to Lexx. From then on things got even worse. IMPHL was getting private post from our boards which were taken out of context and not even about IMPHL.

You really want to fix this? What I have posted here is the truth. I wanted to try to save the Network and bring unity to the Imperial guilds like we use to have. I got attacked for it. The attacks became personal. The attacks were aimed at RID. Lexx and I spoke about this many times trying to come up with ideas to end this. We even sent out a guild mail asking all members of RID to please reframe from bashing anyone. 2 days we got it tossed in our face that IMPHL had a copy of this RID guild mail. Rogue confrimed that IMPHL had a spy on our private RID boards. I sent the pm from Rogue to Lexx. I even told Rouge back then that the comments were not about IMPHL but about TRGA and proved that fact to him and it was taken out of context. I can show you the pm from Rouge and my reply back to him.

You came into TRGA Vent and started attacking me. You would not listen to my answers to your questions or my replies to your verbal attacks. When I saw you were not willing to work it out, I dropped down to another room till you chilled out. Jal told me you had calmed down and I agreed to a meeting that night. You came back in the room a few moments later and said Resik was not going to be on after all and that you had to be up in 5 hours. I understood and said ok. If this new meeting is going to be a bash feast I will tell you right now I won't stay in it. If the meeting is to clear up the misunderstands and get above that, then I am all for it. As I said, the ball is in your court. My goal was and is always just to get Imperial guilds working together again, like we once was. Tht is not a reach for power, that is just one persons wish to see us all getting along again and basically I got ripped apart for it, accused of leading the Network and accused of saying I wanted the Network to kick out IMPHL. Iwish the old Network borads were still up so you could read the truth. Maybe Wave achived, I am not sure. Lexx can tell you what happened after you guys left. The boards were taken down by a Network vote to stop the mudslinding by all the leaders and new ones were created.

Oh, also Sat night I am going out. I do not know what time I will be home. Sunday would be better for a meeting.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:39 pm
by Santos
Is that what looks like a crap stain on your bed? and how can you even use your computer without anywhere to sit/use your keyboard aside from your lap? Its not that hard to build a desk, just go buy some boards and nails, anything beats that setup :shock: