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Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 5:57 pm
so the truth comes out.... you have been drug along by Issele

all i see on the forums is yall defending yourselves and thats fine.... I too would support my guild all day everyday!

but it all comes down to the fact that.... you have all been misled, as i told the new IMPHL ex RID members WE WERE DONE DIRTY BY ISSELE!

SZUL if you care to shut your mouth long enough to hear the full story instead of acting like a RL badass on these forums u can contact me anytime....

Lexx.... i have given u the story behind my distate for RID more then once, but you are too closed minded to even consider it! I have sat back and watched as you have twisted my words and manipulated them to your benefit..... for instance when you where told about the IMPHL core... your post said that i told you "IMPHL WOULD LEAD THE CORE AND NO RP'ERS WOULD BE ALLOWED!" .... this is a flat out lie and you know that!

i said we would start a core for PVP anyone be them rp'ers or strict pvpers it doesnt matter.... anyone was welcome to join it! and another point i stressed was THIS IS NOT A CORE LED BY IMPHL but a network of alliances where everyone is equal and IMPHL will be a member in the core that they will start

.... up until i seen this post i had alot of respect for lexx, he is far more mature then I would have ever expected from someone his age.... but after that post! /thumbsdown

this whole beef between IMPHL and RID was not started by IMPHL! Yes we did drag it out a little and maybe over react in a couple cases.... but it began with ISSELE and her EGO! my whole guild was misled by her to believe that she was the leader of the core and she ran it with an iron fist.... to my own suprise lexx revealed that the core was run by all guilds equal!

we were told by issele that all victories by former greats such as Nos and Axis were won by her supreme tactic and the "Network" that she runs....

after sitting in NOS's TeamSpeak for an hour or so.... i mentioned this idea to Stridder and STL... and thier responce (and i quote) "who the fuck is issele?"

after talking to old axis memebers i have learned that they did in fact join her network... they stuck around for about a week and decided it was useless and left and cut all ties...

i cant prove this and i dont expect you to believe me... but ive been bugging lexx to let me in yalls vent alone, for some time so that i could give my side of the story....

i dont mind being flamed here, or being called a liar... i dont mind at all simply because i have told my side of the story and i know for a fact it is true! and if you choose not to believe me thats up to you!

SZUL you are the worst form of hipocrit! how are u going to call us exploiters and griefers then say that you will exploit sher kar to come get us? Well buddy ill see you tonight at the tounry!

Issele you are the worst kind of liar and fake! You claimed for so long to be the most hardcore imp and imp guild.... then you go rebel ROFL! plus u said repeatedly how rebels need to die and so on... then i have pics of you on leave tickling them while pvping... and to go even further u have a post on here where u stated you would hire rebels as mercanaries to kill us? Very hardcore rebel!

Lexx.... you have been misled by issele, and i really really DO hate to do this... but I TOLD YOU SO! dude i called it out, told u she was up trga's ass.... you guys are called by 90% of IMP pvp'rs as rebels in disguise, and i wanted nothing more then peace and an alliance and pvp but lies and manipulation wouldnt allow it... im very dissapointed that you twisted my words in that post but... oh well nothing i can do!

my story is told!


its really up to yall

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:03 pm
by Bumpn
By The Way:
if you have time and would like a longer version of all the facts! please go here and read ym posts!

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:35 pm
by Apium
I offer no retort. I won't say whether I agree or not. I have a high respect for IMPHL. Maybe there were a couple weeks right after reirae was removed that I disliked IMPHL. Maybe this is just a battle of leadership, but not many in RID care or dislike IMPHL. Some of us even held IMPHL in great esteem. Including phow and me.

To all RID, do not flame bumpn. There is no point. He did not insult RID in his post, he just stated his opinion. Just as you can go to their forums and do the same. A flame war on the forums will solve nothing.

/salute bumpn

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:44 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Bumpn, I respect your side of the story... but this is exactly the problem. Drama is being sparked again. If we would just ignore things for once, then things would be a lot easier.

Issele didn't mislead us. Honestly I'll respect any decision she makes, but she's still considering even going Rebel. Either way I dont mind, and it wont affect me personally in-game or out.

I respect IMPHL more than I used to. At least when we walk past one another an insult is rarely (maybe never) exchanged between either two guilds.

Lets face it, you dont have to like everyone in our guild. It's inevetiable that there will be those you like, and those you dislike.

Honestly our forums are a place for the exhange of opinions. If your going to go against those who said anything negative in the Private RID section forums, then that is a wrong thing to do. We have a right as a guild to discuss amongst eachother. What matters is we have not yet hurt anyone publically, and if we did, I look into it seriously with the most impartial way possible.

Of course we'll sugarcoat things on the SS forums to make us look better, but it's done to hurt no one... and that's politics. Everyone does there best to make their guild look like the best, and that's just the nature of the guild.

I dont want to be enemies with IMPHL, you have many nice members whom I dont wish to be against. Yes, I wish to get Szul and everyone else to quit their anti-IMPHL stuff, but the things you stated are months old.

Unless I overlooked something, there has been no negative comment about IMPHL as of late, and if there is, I honestly dont aprove of it.

In your second to last line, you state, "FLAME ON GUYS ..... or LETS MOVE ON." The first step to moving on is to avoid bringing up this pointless drivel. Saying, "I told you so," makes me neither feel more idiotic about myself, nor does it improve or decline any relationship we already had with IMPHL.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:45 pm
by Takura
Stuff like this is usually why I remained guildless..

Re: To RID

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:16 pm
by Szul
BUMPN wrote:SZUL you are the worst form of hipocrit! how are u going to call us exploiters and griefers then say that you will exploit sher kar to come get us? Well buddy ill see you tonight at the tounry!

What is it that you want from me? An apology?


You and IMPHL have my sincerest apologies for what I've posted and said.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:01 pm
by Erougn
I don't PvP much. In fact I have very little time for the ground game at all. I do know one thing. Szul is a straght shooter and if you have a problem with him you have a problem with me. He may be old, but at least he's crusty.

As far as Issele is concerned, I haven't been here long enough to know who she is. But I have been here long enough to know when a high profile player is bailing. I also know that Imps griefing Imps belittles us all, bumpn, for that your guild sux and is totally guilty. If you were a real leader you'd give those 12 yos some direction. So screw you and your condescending bullshit.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:22 pm
by Erougn
"and i wanted nothing more then peace and an alliance and pvp but lies and manipulation wouldnt allow it... im very dissapointed that you twisted my words in that post "

Do I need to post here who petergriffin really was? Dang Lexx that was only a couple weeks ago. Bumpn is feeding you more bs than Issele ever did.

DO NOT give him and his cohorts access to comms, they will only ruin it like they did last time. Remember we just got it up (thanks to bizob) and IMPHL came in and ruined it. If you doubt that, then ask me. I'll send a list of five IMPHL that came in and ruined our comms.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:38 pm
by Lexx Yovel
P.S: I am quite flattered that you dedicated an entire section to RID on the IMPHL forums. It made me chuckle to see an entire post with an accumulation of everything RID has said on the RID forums against IMPHL. The fact that you hate RID with such a fanatical passion only tells us that you and the rest of your members cannot get RID off your minds. I know your provoking us so we can give you an excuse to bother us in-game. I know your looking for every little oppurtunity to bash RID, and let me tell you, I'm sitting back and laughing about it.

Pure comic relief. That really made my day bumpn :P

Too bad IMPHL cannot harm RID. You can insult us over and over again in-game. The cure for that is /ignore

Say what you like about RID on the SS boards. The cure for that is /report

Bounty hunt us all you like. We'll fight back, or die trying. We wont bounty hunt Imperials ourselves but we'll defend ourselves. And quite frankly, no RID minds suffering death penalties... oh, there are no death penalties. Cure for that, /shrug

IMPHL, I have quite frankly had enough trying to be diplomatic with you. You failed at that the second you failed to grasp basic logic. If a RID member or two leaves our guild to join IMPHL, fine. We'll respect their decision. We'll look for someone else, and the cure for that, /recruit

IMPHL needs to relax and stop making posts with such passion. At least our posts are made in a semi-civilized manner without an expletive every 2 sylables.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:50 pm
by Erougn
edited cuz it was only funny to me

please give me a linky to the imphl forums....i promise i'll post as a guest (sten420)

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:25 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Bumpn posted a link in his second post to the IMPHL forums.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 11:31 pm
by Waucod Meesman
Erougn wrote: If you were a real leader you'd give those 12 yos some direction.

I resent that statement.
and how did he gain access to these forums (the private ones). It wasn't you Phow was it?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 12:19 am
by Szul
Well I don't see any post on the SS forums, I expect that the Mods are probably deleting the threads as they pop up. So I'd like to elaborate on my previous apology post to Bumpn and IMPHL in the public section of RID boards.

edit: Yes, I am serious, and since I edited what I pasted over on his IMPHL link, I will do a flip and copy paste my post from there to here

I am offering my apologies for the hateful comments that I have posted about you and IMPHL in the past. I sought to be supportive of my guildies, but I reacted to a negative situation with more negativity and that was wrong.

I have no ego when it comes to admitting to mistakes, and I made a mistake in the way I involved myself in this situation, and the result of that mistake was that I made several comments that were completely out of line, and for that I offer my apologies to IMPHL.

You are correct, I was out of line and any excuses I have for being mean and hateful are inexcusable. I'm trying to put my griefer days behind me, but as a recovering grieferholic, I still make slips.

I am sorry.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 12:29 am
by bumpn
Szul wrote:Well I don't see any post on the SS forums, I expect that the Mods are probably deleting the threads as they pop up. So I'd like to elaborate on my previous apology post to Bumpn and IMPHL in the public section of RID boards.

Yes, I am serious. I am offering my apologies for the comments that I have posted in the past. I sought to be supportive of my guildies, but I reacted to a negative situation with more negativity and that was wrong.

I have no ego when it comes to admitting to mistakes, and I made a mistake in the way I involved myself in this situation, and the result of that mistake was that I made several comments that were completely out of line, and for that I offer my apologies to IMPHL.

it is cool man i would have done the same... like i said FLAMED OR NOT.... in my opinion shit was tossed aorund and yall werent given the 100% truth, i put my whole story up about why i got so pissed at RID if you took the time to read it.... im done with all the bullshit and im done with the drama, i felt that I and my guild were done dirty in the past by a few mebers here just as Szul felt about his guild and we both reacted pretty much the same way.... so for me to actually be mad at you would be the pot calling the kettle black!

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 2:22 am
by Szul
Good to hear.

Lexx is a good kid, he works hard on RID, he has a lot of enthusiasm and dedication to his guild, and I have high respect and admiration for him to be the kind of person he is at such a young age. I have yet to see him insult or react negatively to anyone. Sometimes his adolescent enthusiasm comes across as condescending to those who do not know him, but he is just a teen with a lot of love and enthusiasm for his guild. You cannot fault him for that, I wish I could get that enthusiastic about things.

I'm going to ask that the other members of RID take example and just let this go as a misunderstanding gone horribly wrong, and Bumpn, I ask that you please ask the same of IMPHL. In another month we're going to have some new GCW content and we need to unite and be fighting the Rebels, not slinging hate at each other.

We cool?