Afternoon, RID!

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Afternoon, RID!

Post by Tuco! » Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:26 pm

First off, I wanna throw out some MAJOR respect and congrats to you guys. We've had some really impressive and fun battles, and you guys have been a class act.
(Not to mention the fact that the main advantage me/my "team" has had has been buffs!)

So... why am I here?

Would you gents (and ladies, if any!) be interested in some organized PvP "events"?

The thought has crossed my mind, as you guys are a good bunch, and seem to be online a good amount. Myself and my group are relatively new at PvP, so it's more or less suicide for us to go against some of the guilds like REIGN. PLus, I'm more interested to begin with in events with some more thought/organization put into them.
PLUS- If we're going for something organized, doctor buffs would certainly NOT be part of the plan (NO doc buffs=faster, more action, level playing field)

An example that crosses my mind... Fight over that Oasis outside ya'lls city.

We could set up victory conditions, and so on. And... whatever the event, you guys would easily outnumber us, which would help level and experience/weapon difference.

Any thoughts?

I'll check back here, or feel free to email/tell me in game.

CHEERS, fellas!


Tuco again...

Post by Tuco again... » Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:35 pm

Ooops, one final point...

I've got a 25-slot teamspeak server. Would be more than happy to let you gents use up to 15 slots for any event we planned!


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:12 pm

Tuco!! what up man? your the only honorable reb i know and id like to fight you with no buffs so this sounds good to me.

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:06 pm

Hehe, heya Tuco. Good to see a Reb like you.
It would be an honor to fight down at that Imperial Oasis against you. It isn't used much anymore. CATS used to fight a lot down there but now it's like a ghost town.

Anywho, an organized attack with MEK or any other of your Rebs would be good. We still have a lot to learn about PvP but we would enjoy shooting like crazy at you :D


Post by Tuco » Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:52 pm

Cell- I'm in this PvP thing for one, and only one reason- FUN!! I'm not out to make any real enemies (besides the obvious rebel scum issue :wink: ) or grief anyone. Like when i took out that RID guy's bike... as soon as we hit it, I was like, what's the point of that? Took no skill or anything on my part... :oops:
I mean, yeah, I'll boast a little here and there if I have a good engagement... but in ALL honesty, the most fun engagement I've had was that one where you guys and that Terre character nailed us after a long, drawn out battle. Yeah, the MEK team lost, but damn that was fun!

I think the only real advantage we have in PvP is experience in game- I've been in SWG for about 6+ months now... you guys are already giving us damn good fights- without buffs!

(One quick note- MEK is NOT a rebel guild, we're neutral. Some of us (about 4 atm) are rebel, and we're the ones who do PvP.)

I'll see what's up with some of the MEK guys, and we can get right to planning!

I do have one favor to ask... could you guys un-city ban us from the cloning center? Reason- if we do some of these events... if we have to clone back in mos espa, we'll go back to covert. If we can clone in your city- we can stay Overt Rebs, and hence continue fighting.

I'll keep checking in here, and we'll get in touch in-game as well.

You guys use teamspeak at all? Live voice-over-internet program.
Free software, and I can hook you'all up with our server here and there.


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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:22 pm

Hey Tuco, wouldnt mind un-banning you. Although you would have to be back in city limits before I can do that. By the way, all that taunting and banning is just to fire up the Rebels or because of the excitement we get from shooting a Rebel :twisted: . PvP for fun, of course, we hope thats the reason behind everything in this game. We would look forward to any fights between you though. We sort of learned now that most Reb's dont attack the base just to destroy, but to draw some attention.

By the way, we dont use team-speak, but ya, we should use that.


Post by Tuco » Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:15 pm

Heh... to be honest, I don't even know HOW to destroy a base... but we wouldn't anyway... no point.
Like you said- all for fun, we couldn't really care less about faction points and stuff.

And everyone does some boasting/trashtalking, man! :lol:

We can get to the unbanning thing whenever... again, I only suggest it so we can stay overt. I have a feeling.. without being buffed, I bet we'll need to clone a few times! :lol:

If you guys grab the teamspeak software client from that site (free), you can use my server a bit, give it a shot, see if it works for you guys. The server I rent is only $20 a month, and it's damn stable.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:46 pm

Hehe, good to see a Rebel who cant destroy bases either :)
Thanks for the info by the way, and eventually we would look forward to attacking you!


Post by Tuco » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:28 am

How many of you RID'ders are going to be online Friday night (tomorrow)?

At the moment, we're looking at about 4-6 people on our rebel Squad, and we could probably get together friday, thinking maybe 10-11pm ET, maybe a bit later.

What times are you guys usually online, what woudl be good for you?



Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:16 pm

hey tuco, im gonna be on like all day on friday, so damn right i wanna fight. ill be there and im sure we can get eniugh peeps to have a decent fight, if not then come tot he base and have some fun! 8)


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:21 pm

ill be on

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:05 pm

I MIGHT be on around then. But nonetheles I hope my RID's have a good fight :D


Post by Tuco » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:37 pm

Lol, figures... now that I throw Friday night out there, it's looking like I might not have any MEK Rebels online friday night!
Geez... :roll:

We'll figure something out... I've got a buch of you gents on my friends list, so maybe just the next time we're all online, we can do something quick.

And yeah, there is your base... that ATST really helps even out any fight! Damn, I wish rebels got some toys like that! :lol:


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:50 pm

heh there really fun not that i have one :?

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:47 pm

Hehe, dont worry Tuco. Whenever your ready :lol:
Hey, you can even surprise us if you like lol.
I am going away for this weekend, but if my guild members would like to fight when I am gone, I will let RID have a good fight against you guys :twisted:

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