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R.I.D Movie Archive

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:58 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Below is a list of videos brought to you by Regal Productions. Most, but not all of these videos, have been produced by R.I.D members or persons in close affiliation with our organization. If you are having trouble viewing any one of the videos, please send a private message with your predicament. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the show!


1.) Operation V-Day (fraps): By Lexx Yovel

2.) Anti-Sean, Bestine Election (fraps): By Lexx Yovel

3.) Imperial Conference Report from Dantooine (clip): By Kuiloo Patlin

4.) R.I.D Anniversary Promotion (fraps): By Lexx Yovel

5.) Battle for the Imperial Oasis Briefing (fraps): By Lexx Yovel

6.) The Elite (fraps): By Lexx Yovel

7.) Battle of Revenance (fraps): By Lexx Yovel

8.) R.I.D Remix (fraps): By Toor Heiwa

9.) Empire Day (clip): By Lexx Yovel

10.) Galactic Newsnet: Bestine vs Anchorhead (You-Tube Version) (fraps): By Rett Vescan

11.) Fourth Anniversary (fraps): By Lexx Yovel

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:08 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Eleventh R.I.D Video Added: Fourth Anniversary