The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:10 pm

I'm not sure. I get the feeling it's not going to be around as long as the SWG:CE was. Maybe there will be a 2nd batch but some people are saying it's sold out on Amazon now. If you do decide to buy it but can't find it online, try some local retailers.

I found this read up on the forums just now. An interesting read:

This was my day so far at the event at the BioWare base at the Hilton. For info on the PvP, scroll down to the highlighted portion for the start of it. For a full recap, feel free to read the whole thing. Sorry for the wall of text. Not really.

Hi all

I'll start by saying I live in San Diego. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a pass to the comic convention, so when I heard they were bring TOR to town outside the Con, I couldn't have been more excited. Reports from other events like PAX mentioned long lines at events like this, so it was my expectation that this would be no different and so I planned to arrive early. Unfortunately for me, I arrived TOO early; when I got the the Hotel at around 7AM, there was no line, there was no BioWare rep, only a security guard who looked upon me with pity in his eyes.

I did not loose heart however, as I met up with two other fellow fans who had arrived around the same time as me, and so together we hunkered down and watched the great Con come to life around us. R2D2 rolled by, beautiful women of all shapes and colors struted their stuff in every costume imaginable, giving away nick nacks we had no use for but were to polite to turn away. We had a front row seat to this as we talked all things Nerd.

Soon; at around 8AM or so, the good folks at Darth Hater showed up and stared at us, amazed someone had actually arrived ahead of them. As we hung out BioWare's own David Bass come by to greet us, giving us an idea of what was in store. I had come thinking I would be playing an origin world, but lo and behold, instead we were to be the first public guinea pigs to try our hand at Alderaan's PvP! Sweet!

Time flew by and before we knew it, 12AM rolled around and, after signing in, I was in the first group to play said PvP, and here is what happened...

By now everyone knows the objective in the Alderaan PvP Warzone, so I won't get into that here. Instead I'll focus on what I played, what I did, and my impressions of the experience.

I sat down with the the Imperiall Agent Sniper. Yes, being first in line, in the first group, I had the pick of the litter, and somehow that is the class I started with. This might be due to the musical chairs nature of how we were allowed to select what to play; we were led into a darkened, air conditioned room where the computers where set up in a circle facing away from each other. Republic on one side, Empire on the other. You go in and quickly decide which class to play, knowing the longer you wait to make up your mind, the faster the seats filled up as people took classes and chairs behind you. But I digress...

The Imperial Sniper was built for, obviously, long range, so stealth was not an option. What I did have was portable cover, stun grenades, a group buff, and a host of ouchie single shot options with various cooldowns. Our characters were standing around some kind of station, and to get into the warzone, we had to enter it ourselves by going to the radar mini-map in the lower right portion of the window and select a button that was a Republic symbol or an Empire symbol, depending on which faction you happened to be.

This brought up a tab that allowed you to put yourself in the queue to enter the Warzone by clicking on a "enter solo" type button. Clicking the button makes the symbol on the bottom right blink, showing it worked, and after a minute or so a pop-up informs you the warzone was ready. Clicking enter warzone brings you into a hanger bay area, where we all collectively waited for the match to start, and hurriedly tried to figure out what all of the buttons did.

Before we were really ready, it was go time and you had to click on a speeder bike to enter the actual battle area. I found out later there are multiple bikes and taking a different bike takes you to a different part of the map. (I might have misunderstood this, so correct me if I'm wrong there). Good to know, I think. So we raced to the turrets and started the face off with the republic.

The fighting is fast, feirce, fun and requires every bit of your concentration. This is no WoW, where you can click on someone to start a normal attack while you use other abilities on top. In this game, you pick which ability to use and you better choose wisely because every choice matters. The abilites themselves were mapped to the keyboard's 1-0 , and also to the mouse, which also had more than enough buttons. This makes play very intuitive and easy to learn.

Buffs dotted the landscape that did everything from helping you hit harder, get tougher, or run faster.

I was worried before my hands on time that combat would be slow paced due to reports of it taking longer to kill each other. In reality, this only made victory more sweet, and harder won. When you take someone down, usually with a teamates assistance, you feel like you just went to WAR. On top of that, when you're cornered and outnumbered, you have a chance to survive if you can just hold out, or run, long enough. In my opinion, they NAILED the difficult tight rope of balance between too easy and too hard.

In my first playthrough, the Empire lost, but I still get bragging rights. During the fight I did well enough in the battle that a zone wide announcement trumpeted the fact that I was invincible, in big letters, which really me feel like I made a difference. So even in defeat, I took away a cookie.

All in all the PvP expereince was polished, FUN, and fluid. If BioWare serves up more interesting Warzones and scenarios, I can see this game going the distance.

I plan on going back tomorrow and trying out different classes, and also to play Mass Effect 3.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:12 pm

The amount of activity in the forums is unreal and the demand for this game is insane. I actually think this MMO has a chance of getting some serious WoW-sized subscription numbers, and I never say that.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:18 pm

Well BioWare is a great company, and I'm glad to see that PvP looks like it'll be fun in that game.

I never really cared much for PvP in SWG, which became too much about out-buffing you're opponent rather than having any true skill. I do like SWG battlefields though, and it'd be cool to see batlefields in SWTOR.

I really do hope SWTOR succeeds. At first I had reservations that it may be too "WoW-like." While it does have similarities, after researching the game more, it seems more original than I previously suspected.

I've heard bad things about EA though, hopefully they don't mess anything up, but it'll be exciting to play a new MMO.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:31 pm

Bioware IS a great company. I've heard some bad things about EA, but then again I've heard a ton of bad things about SOE and never really had any serious issues.

I can understand the buffing issue. I always found it kind of a turn off that I needed to be buffed to have a chance in PvP. It just seemed like an extra step before I could jump in and play.

I do miss the sandbox elements of SWG though. There is not another game with that type of complexity out there for cool stuff like player cities. Speaking of which, my download is almost done so I should be online either later tonight or tomorrow. Then begins my crusade to hit up all the content I missed before. I will probably be begging people for groups and such! :)

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:33 pm

Do you have a big version of the RID logo? I thought about making a SWTOR recruitment poster for kicks and giggles. BTW, I applied for the guild over on the SWTOR site.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Lexx Yovel » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:39 pm

Yay thanks for applying :D

Will be great to get many RID's together -- past, present, and future.

I'll see if I have a large logo and get one posted for you. Now that I've made the decision to go forward with a SWTOR RID, it only makes sense to push for recruitment now.

It'll give us a head start, and perhaps an even greater chance to make RID bigger than it ever was in SWG.

And yes, I will always miss the sandbox elements of SWG. I've somewhat of gotten over the fact that SWTOR won't have player cities, but I hope they at least have something like guild capital ships, or private guild outposts or something.

I support some sort of player housing system in SWTOR, in addition to a day/night cycle and full space. Those would be nice.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:06 pm

Great! I'm excited. I've been soaking as much information up about the game as possible. I followed it for a bit a couple years ago, but stopped when I realized the game was a long way off. Waiting for a MMO to come out gets a bit tiring. I'm afraid I'm already caught up in the hype. They posted up this video this morning:

I was going to play a trooper, but since the guild is going to be Sith I've been debating which class to play. I noticed that we didn't have an BH representation yet, and since the BH is supposed to be similar to the trooper I decided that my main will go that route.

There is a ton of SWTOR guilds out there, but I think we can set ourselves ahead of the crowd with some media that showcase that RID has been around for a while.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Lexx Yovel » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:58 pm

I saw the trailer, and it really does make the troopers look cool, lol. But yes, BH will be the "foil" to troopers so to speak. I'm sure they'll get just as cool armor, and similar heavy weapons the troopers use (plus they get jetpacks).

Here are some RID logos. We could work on some RID video briefly showing our activities in SWG, and then end with a SWTOR theme, "looking to the future (or to the past rather)."





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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Jaysont » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:59 pm

Guest wrote:i didnt read your post lexx cuz it was to much writing but i shall defo hope to see all yu over on tor cuz even if the space is lame all the ground content should be pretty epic.

woops this was me forgot to log in

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:11 am

I was messing around in the middle of the night and made a dilapidated version of the logo. What do you think?


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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:23 am

That's pretty good. Plus it looks clearer at the bigger size :D

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:21 pm

Yeah I wasn't sure what you'd think about the style. I very much like the worn look because to me it's very Star-Warsy and thought it might be fun to switch it up a little bit for SWTOR. Actually I was thinking about putting together a whole recruitment brochure (a one-page site) in addition to a recruitment poster. It would help my online designer profile, and we could make a recruitment video and put it on there as well. If you want, you can send me SWG clips. I've actually got some video editing software and some experience! We could mash-up some old RID events, some clips from the game and some music from the movies & the KOTOR game, to sort of tie it all together. Once the game gets going we can make more recruitment videos. :)

Let me know what you think!

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:22 pm

Oh, BTW, I host with, and they let me host as many domains as I want so if you want to register a domain or two (for the recruitment brochure or for anything else) let me know.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Lexx Yovel » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:57 pm

I'll think about the domain, but yes a brochure would definitely be great.

I'll see to posting some RID clips as well too.

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Re: The Final Sunset: An Official Notice on our Future

Post by Monthigos » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:10 pm

My first attempt at a recruitment poster.

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