Afternoon, RID!

A place for forum users to meet and greet the members of RID.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Re: Afternoon, RID!

Post by Guest » Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:22 pm

Tuco! wrote:First off, I wanna throw out some MAJOR respect and congrats to you guys. We've had some really impressive and fun battles, and you guys have been a class act.
(Not to mention the fact that the main advantage me/my "team" has had has been buffs!)

So... why am I here?


Would you gents (and ladies, if any!) be interested in some organized PvP "events"?

The thought has crossed my mind, as you guys are a good bunch, and seem to be online a good amount. Myself and my group are relatively new at PvP, so it's more or less suicide for us to go against some of the guilds like REIGN. PLus, I'm more interested to begin with in events with some more thought/organization put into them.
PLUS- If we're going for something organized, doctor buffs would certainly NOT be part of the plan (NO doc buffs=faster, more action, level playing field)

An example that crosses my mind... Fight over that Oasis outside ya'lls city.

We could set up victory conditions, and so on. And... whatever the event, you guys would easily outnumber us, which would help level and experience/weapon difference.

Any thoughts?

I'll check back here, or feel free to email/tell me in game.

CHEERS, fellas!


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Post by Apium » Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:47 pm

well nevermind then
Last edited by Apium on Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
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Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
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Post by Jal'Hadon » Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:48 pm

i dont understand :?

who necro'ed this?


Post by Takura » Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:00 pm

lol, the post is over 2 years old..

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Lexx Yovel
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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:24 pm

Some mysterious guest copied the original post... :shock:


Post by Cannar » Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:29 am

who ever it was, kudos, those are some old school memories!

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:49 am

well it kind of made sense being up to date cause you said you were leaving for a few days and who checks post dates anyhow?


Post by Jal'Hadon » Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:13 pm

could it have been tuco cannar? :shock:


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:42 am

could very well have been :twisted:


Post by Cannar » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:43 am

damn, forgot to log in, lol, last post was yours truely


Post by Jal'Hadon » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:45 pm

lexx you owe me like 200 posts still :D

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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:16 am

Kurke owes me 200 too!!!


Post by Jal'Hadon » Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:52 pm

village idiot :lol:


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Waucod Meesman
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Post by Waucod Meesman » Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:04 pm

actually its villiage idiot Lexx spelled it wrong


Post by Jal'Hadon » Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:51 am

lol @ lexx


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