To Lexx Yovel

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Moderator:Lexx Yovel

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Post by Santos » Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:49 am

SWG lags no matter what specs you run since they haven't updated their servers since launch.

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Post by Apium » Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:14 am

yea, most of the lag can be attributed to their servers and not your comp. I run SWG fine on medium to high settings with a GeForce FX 5200.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by Thyse » Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:40 pm

Al righty then, posting on thelaptop now, I'm gonna download the SWG so I should be on today. :P


Post by Thyse » Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:15 pm

Hrm, my first launchpad for the game didn't work so I'm downloading the trials launchpad to logg on in that one and see what it does. I WILL PROBABLY (50/50) be on tomorrow. :shock:

Kurke Aumea
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Post by Kurke Aumea » Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:22 pm

Thyse wrote:Hrm, my first launchpad for the game didn't work so I'm downloading the trials launchpad to logg on in that one and see what it does. I WILL PROBABLY (50/50) be on tomorrow. :shock:

Try the link in this KB article. ... faqid=1812

It's worked great for me lately.
3134 Posts + Whatever I have now


I hate life

Post by Thyse » Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:30 pm

Gah!!! My laptop did not work either! I installed the Star Wars Galaxies with the Complete online adventures disk, yet once I was on the launchpad at the end part when the game was SUPPOSED to launch, a window pops up saying: "Download error. Please check our internet connections and try again." I did that, everything was connected, tried it again and the same thing happened. My God, I am so enraged!!! :x I wish it would work. I hate not being able to play Galaxies just because of my stupid bad luck!



Post by Thyse » Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:08 pm

Err... I think you have 120 posts... but that's just me... 8)


Post by Jal'Hadon » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:09 am

Thats the point of his sig. He HAD 3k, but they got dumped.

Kinda like Matron's... you owe me 300 posts Lexx :(

Or is my post count the casualty of my deception? :lol:

Kurke Aumea
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Re: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Post by Kurke Aumea » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:04 pm

Thyse wrote:Err... I think you have 120 posts... but that's just me... 8)

Actually, I think Lexx is the person who put that in my sig... As well as my old banner... Thanks Lexx!
3134 Posts + Whatever I have now

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Post by Apium » Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:46 pm

Jal'Hadon wrote:Thats the point of his sig. He HAD 3k, but they got dumped.

Kinda like Matron's... you owe me 300 posts Lexx :(

Or is my post count the casualty of my deception? :lol:

Yea, lets go with the second option. It seems like more fun.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by Jal'Hadon » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:53 am

I didnt hurt anybody =/

im doing the same thing again lol. cept this time people will know its Jal. i want to find a guild that will take my alt for runs and the like. he'll just never be overt.

transfering mejion from lowca. 90 bh

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Post by Apium » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:19 am

Jal'Hadon wrote:I didnt hurt anybody =/

im doing the same thing again lol. cept this time people will know its Jal. i want to find a guild that will take my alt for runs and the like. he'll just never be overt.

transfering mejion from lowca. 90 bh

You hurt the Emperor and the millions of little zabraks and little bothans that looked up to you. Everyone else is fine with it though.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith


Post by Jal'Hadon » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:28 am

Please say you can see the irony in an all human army having bothans and zabrak's looking up to me? :lol:

And if the Emporer is half as skilled as he thinks he is, he would have known. duh.

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Re: I hate life

Post by Monthigos » Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:50 pm

Thyse wrote:Gah!!! My laptop did not work either! I installed the Star Wars Galaxies with the Complete online adventures disk, yet once I was on the launchpad at the end part when the game was SUPPOSED to launch, a window pops up saying: "Download error. Please check our internet connections and try again." I did that, everything was connected, tried it again and the same thing happened. My God, I am so enraged!!! :x I wish it would work. I hate not being able to play Galaxies just because of my stupid bad luck!

Did you get your connection problems sorted out? What version of windows are you running?

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Post by Apium » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:01 pm

Jal'Hadon wrote:Please say you can see the irony in an all human army having bothans and zabrak's looking up to me? :lol:

quiet. I don't believe in my own unintended irony. Besides I'm a zabrak. :(
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith

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