Hello RID

A place for forum users to meet and greet the members of RID.

Moderator:Lexx Yovel

Hello RID

Post by Azaelle » Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:10 pm

Hello RID and Hello Lexx,

I am not back except on the forum. I left the game since a few weeks now.

I hope you still enjoy SWG. What's new there ?

I might create a new toon on a trial account to chat with you but I won't play anymore.

I was invited in the Tabula Rasa beta test and I bought the game when it was launched on november 2nd. So I will be a veteran there.

You can meet me on the Centaurus server and my character name is.....Azaelle Gaïa (it was Aiga on SWG). I should create a guild soon.

I really had a lot of fun meeting all of you and being a RID member and I miss you.

Take care.

Eric aka Azaelle and Ayalla