A new armorsmith in the Guild...

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A new armorsmith in the Guild...

Post by Azaelle » Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:08 pm

Hi all,

I am new in the RID Guild and it is my fisrt post on this forum.

Unfortunately you don't often see me in the game as I live in Europe and the time delay with the US is a real mess to meet members from the Guild (and even other US players).

However I have a trader (architect) as second character and I would like to repec as an armorsmith as the guild is lacking one.

I know I will respec as a master level 90 but I have a big big big question : as I am only at the private rank (no CGW points at all) could I buy the imperial armor schematics from an imperial recruiter or not ???

I read on some other forums that it depends on the level of the trader and not the rank in the faction but it seems weird as fighters can't buy many things at a private rank.

Last question : if I am able to buy armor schematics would you like me to join the guild as armorsmith or is Fettkamino supposed to come back ????


Azaelle (spy level 56)

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Post by Apium » Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:18 pm

Traders are able to purchase armor schematics at any rank.
swtor: Aeroxis

Apium Auvair- Master Medic
Kalice- Master Architect
Aurelie Auvair- Jedi Master
Victoire Auvair- Master Armorsmith

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:25 pm

Welcome to RID and the forums. I don't play SWG anymore, so you'll never see me in-game. However, I am one of the friendly mods around the forums, so you'll see me around here quite often. Again, welcome to RID.


Re: A new armorsmith in the Guild...

Post by DLela » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:08 pm

Azaelle wrote:
Last question : if I am able to buy armor schematics would you like me to join the guild as armorsmith or is Fettkamino supposed to come back ????

IMO, I don't think it would matter if Fett returned or not, having a Armor Crafter would be a big help either way.


Post by Azaelle » Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:30 pm

Thanks to all and especially to Dlela I met this afternoon.


Post by Dragonus » Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:48 pm

WELCOME!!! havent met you ig but i hope to,


Post by Ousi » Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:31 am

Currently thier are no plans on Fettkamino returning.. It is not out of the question but currently not slated as a near future situation.

I hope all works out for you as an armorsmith... It can be a rough crowd to please at times.

Best of Wishes

Ousi and Fettkamino
Last edited by Ousi on Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Monthigos » Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:32 pm

Welcome to the guild! I'm not online much but when I am you might run into me as I also (currently) live in Europe. Ironically, like you my main is a Spy, and my alt is a structural trader turned munitions (although all I've done with him is make SEAs). I don't know if I'll ever make armor, but if you've got any questions about spies I know a thing or too.

See'ya around.


Post by Azaelle » Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:16 am

Hi Monthigos,

Thanks for your post.

I am looking forward to meet you in the game. May be could we spy some rebel bases together.


Re: A new armorsmith in the Guild...

Post by Jal'Hadon » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:41 am

Azaelle wrote:Hi all,
but it seems weird as fighters can't buy many things at a private rank.

Fighters have a easy way to gain ranks and points, therefore gaining access to the higher level gear. Traders are pretty much limited to taging along on base busts, and space.

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