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Interesting Article...

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:14 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Found this over at

Five Reasons Galaxies is not Worth Your Time
by Tom Night

    1. Customer Support is understaffed, unfamiliar with the Game Mechanics, and unwilling to assist in many matters. While you may at some point find a knowledgeable CSR, willing to work with you, it is the exception.

    2. Without an existing group of friends in the game, it will be very difficult for you to advance. Because grouping is now required, even and especially as a Jedi – it will mostly likely be difficult to find a group you can trust and who share your interests right away. It may be possible, but that should be the first thing you start looking for if you do decide to play.

    3. Non-combat professions are becoming more and more marginalized. With the introduction of anti-decay kits, better-than-craftable weapons as rewards of quests, and marginalized entertainer buffs, crafters are left trying to learn a profession that changed for them greatly in the Combat Upgrade, that now limits artificially what they can produce while rewarding players for not contributing to the economy, and entertainers are left struggling to find a role as something other than an AFK bot.

    4. Every patch brings with it as many if not more major bugs, as it does fixes or features. A major User Interface bug (resetting chat channels at login) went an entire month without being corrected, and some bugs have persisted since beta, two years ago, without being corrected.

    5. The Developers have shown a surprising lack of concern for the playerbase, with an emphasis on meeting deadlines instead of ensuring quality work.
These are bold statements. The first, about CS, is a recognized complaint by the majority of players. It is a well known fact that the in-chat CSR’s have made statements directly contradictory to each other, and Developers, within a one-day period. Further more, the number of tickets I have sent in and gotten a response that displays either no reading comprehension, or no knowledge of what I was talking about, number in the dozens.

The second, is an aftereffect of the Combat Upgrade. In trying to abolish Soloing – which was very possible pre-CU on nearly any enemy in the game – they went to the other end, and ensured that if you were to try and solo something, and if you were able to keep yourself alive – killing it would take much longer than say, two people finding and killing two of the same enemy. Soloing for XP is so inefficient it’s laughable. You have to have a group, and while there are pickup groups, especially at Nym’s Stronghold, they are not often reliable, efficient, or available. A group of friends make the game bearable (for some).

The third statement has most of the supporting evidence in it. Crafters, especially Weaponsmiths, have always been hurting a little bit from very powerful loot weapons. Now, with the ADK (or Anti-Decay Kit), you simply don’t ever need another weapon of that type. Before the CU most combat professions have 2 or 3 viable weapons – now, after the CU, any combat profession needs only a single weapon. Since Weapons now have capped stats – once you have a single, capped weapon, you don’t need another, ever again. Armorsmiths got a brief reprieve with the introduction of craftable faction armor, but those costs are so high many players cannot afford them. Also, since armor now only protes you from a maximum of about 50% of damage, it’s not as necessary. And since Teras Kasi is a melee profession of choice for any Melee Stacker – they have innate armor and don’t need it. Droid Engineer and Tailor are simply and irrevocably bugged at the time of this writing, and cannot produce their most valuable or in-demand wares. Chef was hit hard by the new requirement that says you cannot eat or drink two things that give the same bonus, reducing what players eat and drink. Entertainers no longer heal wounds, or battle fatigue. They give a 10% buff to XP and Factional Gain, as well as increase crafting successes. There is no requirement to interact with an Entertainer, and doing so is left strictly for Roleplayers or People acting Social.

My last two points tie together. The last publish broke crafting experimentation. This in and of itself is forgivable – there are bugs, they’re accidents. But when the Developers decided to push the patch to live, instead of fixing a game-stopping bug which was reported, and acknowledged and they were begged not to push it to Live, and they did anyway to meet the “publish deadline” – my faith was shattered for the last time. Major User Interface bugs were pushed to live, and still haven’t been fixed, 2 or 3 months later. For over two years I believed that Sony was working for the betterment of the game, and actually cared. From the evidence I have seen – I was wrong, and now think they consider it nothing more than a job, and allow such horrendous slip-ups because they don’t care that some of us cared about playing an enjoyable game.

In conclusion – if you are thinking about playing Galaxies, starting a new character – I would recommend against it. If you have an account now and don’t enjoy the game anymore – cancel it, and send a message to Sony that we’re tired of this type of business service. We pay them for a product, and if we are dissatisfied with the product – either ask them to improve it, or stop paying.

If you wish to comment on this article (preferably maturely) you can e-mail the author at If we receive enough feedback, we may do a follow-up story.

Kind of makes me glad that I quit SWG when I did.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:15 pm
by bizob
i agree completely. while the main reason I left the game was my unemployment, the main reason i stayed was because I liked hanging out with all my friends in RID. I can't believe I payed for such poor service and so many bugs for so long.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:24 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Dear LucasArts,

We know there will be a SWG2. So, do yourself a favor and revoke SOE's liscense to use Star Wars. Give the liscense to someone who knows how to actually design a MMORPG. SOE has done a disservice to SWG and SW fans alike by turning what was once a great game into nothing but a petty money making device. Should SOE desgin SWG's second incarnation, I can guarantee that the legions of fans who devoted time and money to SWG will not return for SWG2.

An ex-SWG gamer

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:34 pm
by Lexx Yovel
The only thing that scares me is if there is an SWG2, do I have to do everything from scratch... IE: Proffesions, guild, city, etc :|

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:54 pm
by Xan
Heres an interesting bit of info:

SWG has reached about the amount of 250,000 subsribers, and has been around for 2 years, and owned by a company that is proficient in making RPG MMO's and is currently the MMO giant, company wise, they have had many years of experience in creating MMO's before they created SWG. Also, they have an extremely popular subject to base the game on.

On the other hand:

World Of Warcraft, has not even been around for 1 full year, and has already bloated up to 3.5 MILLION subscribers, making it, the most popular and most subscribed to MMO in gaming History. This is Blizzards first MMO, and while based on an extremely popular subject, like SWG, does not have such a large fan base as Star Wars. Its customer service manages well especially considering how many subsribers they must attend to compared to SWG. Also add the fact that WoW does not have any expansion packs as of yet while SWG has 2.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:36 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Xan wrote:Heres an interesting bit of info:

SWG has reached about the amount of 250,000 subsribers, and has been around for 2 years, and owned by a company that is proficient in making RPG MMO's and is currently the MMO giant, company wise, they have had many years of experience in creating MMO's before they created SWG. Also, they have an extremely popular subject to base the game on.

On the other hand:

World Of Warcraft, has not even been around for 1 full year, and has already bloated up to 3.5 MILLION subscribers, making it, the most popular and most subscribed to MMO in gaming History. This is Blizzards first MMO, and while based on an extremely popular subject, like SWG, does not have such a large fan base as Star Wars. Its customer service manages well especially considering how many subsribers they must attend to compared to SWG. Also add the fact that WoW does not have any expansion packs as of yet while SWG has 2.

Don't forget that SWG peaked somewhere between 500,000 and 750,000 gamers. The fact that WoW has done so well with a much smaller fan base than SW is a testament to how well that game is handled. Hopefully, LucasArts is taking notes, because we know SOE isn't...

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:23 pm
by Leviathen
I am on the verge of leaving the game. The last of my friends have left. I was really sad about leaving the game, because I know I will imss it so much. I was so sad that my girlfriend even offered to play with me, and she hates it. And then I thought. Even if I kept playing, this really isn't the game I love anymore. I read that and it confirmed it, SWG is no longer the game I joined and fell in love with. Its not even the same world. Were it not for the CU I would probably have stayed. But bleh, I miss the old game.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:34 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Seriously, if they got rid of the CU (and a few opther updates) and just fixed what is broken in the game, I'd dfinitely consider coming back. But alas, the devs can't even fix bugs that have been in the game since it was in beta!!!!

I do wonder how many people SWG will have to lose before SOE get's its act together. Of course, it's far too late for that...

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:44 pm
by Leviathen
You know whats funny? Fixing the Theed starport would probably take one line of coding to fix. Yet they have never fixed it, and that have been around since beta.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:56 am
by Xan
leviathen why would they fix it if 1. its not an exploit 2. everyone prefers not waiting 60 seconds lol.

Ive welcomed the CU with open arms, i agree that a FEW things shouldn't have been done that they did but for the most part im happy with it.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:10 pm
by Gesro
I'm actualy fairly happy with the game now, it is much better then it was pre-cu. Though it still has its problems :?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:28 pm
by Leviathen
Combat system is better yes, its more interactive. But I always used to be one combat prof, one noncombat prof. i got the best of both worlds that way, and I liked it, no point in doing that anymore :(

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:45 pm
by Gesro
Leviathen wrote:Combat system is better yes, its more interactive. But I always used to be one combat prof, one noncombat prof. i got the best of both worlds that way, and I liked it, no point in doing that anymore :(

true, the adition of levels and such is one of the downsides to the cu, it kind of reduces the point of doing that exact thing. Now it makes more sence to be either pure combat or pure non-combat.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:12 pm
by Leviathen
There is less and less sense in being noncombat now though. Entertainers are useless now.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:18 pm
by Ty'e X'lor
*prays SWG2 is an FPSRPMMORPG*