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Probably leaving swg....

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:50 pm
by Guest
OK everyone its been fun but I'm probably causing it quits... Tonight I logged on and got buffs and then I asked myself "why am I doing this? isn't this the same thing I have been doing every day? So I opened my inventory and skills window:

no room to advance in my profession: check
not able to get better armor: check
not able to get a better gun: check
not able to advance in pilot: check

Soooo I went to guildchat hoping someone would prove me wrong... Most of the arguments were:

"Try rping" --> if you take an mmorpg... take away the "game" part... then you have The Sims.

"Theres plenty left to do" ---> see my check list

"Theres plenty of things to get" ----> all of the rare loots are only for decoration; they don't advance your character.

I think I upset Lexx by stating my tiredness of the game so he told me to leave guildchat, which tells me i'm not really wanted anyways. I had a few fun times I guess... but there isn't much left to do...

Who knows, tomorrow or the next day I may wake up and have rekindled motivation to play.... but right now a new mmorpg is looking tempting.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:54 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Who's going to help me get master pilot now... :cry:

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:24 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Aaalright. First off, never in my life would I state you weren't wanted. The reason we argued in the first place was so you'd stay.

But the main problem is this Fing. Look at that check list... rather lame list isn't it? I am 90% certain you will wake up tomarrow without being depressed by the complainers on the SWG stating whats wrong with the game, but the reason they are complaining is because they dont have a complex imagination. They look at this game like it's your average game, a begining, and an end. Well look at it this way Fing.

I have a never ending list of things to do. And I am 100% certain you haven't seen every POI, done all the quests, or done the race tracks. But besides that, and other things, here is what is on MY list.

The Obvious List
1.) Get the proffesions I want, blah blah
2.) Get the POI badges, explore
3.) Do some of the cool quests
4.) Get items, so on

The Important, yet non-imaginative list
1.) Become a metropolis
2.) Grow the guild to be orderly, strong, perfect, famous, and feared
3.) Destroy several Rebel bases

The Important, imgainative, non-boring things to do
1.) Become ruler of the galaxy... well, sort of :P . Get all cities to join ICOS, and become known across the galaxy as RID, with the support of our fellow members.
2.) Start a Spaceliner Company
3.) Bring fall to corrupt cities
4.) Spread establishment of cities, territory, blah blah
5.) Create a vacation resort on the Lake Retreat Island (Once that guys stupid medium house decays)

There is so much more... but the weird thing is you cant exactly put it all in words. Isiimorcs said somthing along the lines like, you got to stop playing the game the way it is, you have to find ways to play which are not absoulutely what was intended... no no no, not exploits fools :P

The best way to understand what else to do is to think back at what has happened. I have many memorable moments, long before RID even started. Defending the Fatalis base was incredibly fun, battles were everywhere, massive, massive battles. Starting my unsucessful business's was also fun. I also remember when I got my first ever faction pet, only to have it killed 2 minutes after I got it. I remember exploring all the dangerous worlds on foot. I would discover things you wouldn't see in any POI list. The vastness of thw rolds seemed overwhelming, you would see open space everywhere. First time mounts came out was also a great time. That was also the start of the birth of RID. I remember buying my Storm Trooper armor riding a Dewback like a sandtrooper. One time I was in a hot pursuit with a Rebel, only I was being chased. The Rebel chased me, brought the blaster out and shot me off :lol:

I will spare you the moments of the guild, seeing how those are obvious the main highlights of me playing. But when vehicles came out, another cool time. I remember going overt, then taking my speeder bike. I would play a game of chicken with the town of Anchorhead. There would always be overt Rebel in Anchorhead, and for thrill, I would zoom through the town in the blure. During the instance I would zoom through I would see the attack window, but I would manage to make it out alive in one piece. I remember I did it another time and one time a Rebel hopped on his bike and chased me. I saw him in pursuit, and I curved around towards Bestine in hopes an overt Imperial there would catch him. I zoomed through Bestine and remember losing him. Not sure if he got killed or not hehe.

Ugh, I could type a novel Fing, but the point I am trying to make is there is so much more to SWG then meets the eye. Your looking at it like... okay, look at my tree... okay, lets do mono drone missions all day...

I cant force you to stay, all I am saying is you really should open your eyes more. The people who look at this game as static are really missing out, and frankly, I feel sorry for them. The choice is your whether to stay or go Fing, but dont bring others down with you because of what you think.

In the mean time, I got a galaxy out there whos in need of fearing RID ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:16 am
by Guest
No-one can really tell you what to do. If you feel that you can no-longer advance in the game, take a break for some time then come back maybe you might feel different. I mean if your looking for a challenge, why not start your own guild and a sister city on another planet. Why not master every single prof in the game, just only for bragging rights.

There are things out there for you and everyone, you just have to look hard enough. Who says this game has to be about the best equipment, the best PvP template, the best whatever.....

The final choice is your alone and its a decision that you must make


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:32 am
by Lexx Yovel
I would be all for fing if you decided to set up a second city even. Even a guild for allying if you really want to. Being a mayor and/or leader really has its benefits, and you feel good for doing such a large act. I know you want to see the bloodshed of Rebels, but that can be achieved through other means. You can always improvise. It doesn't need to be about templates and equipment. It can be through overwehlming you opponent, trapping them and what not. I think when I think about it more Fing is your upset that the game wasn't like the way it was before. Where you could go to Anchorhead and see battles constantly, and feel like an Imperial. But who says theres no fights now, you just go to look for it.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:13 am
by Guest
POI, done all the quests, or done the race tracks

I have seen all the POI's, can't do the race tracks(lag/don't have an av21), and I have done all the quests I care about: Pilot trainers and spacestation missions, the other badge imp quests, and as much of the jedi village as I can stand (I don't want to be a jedi).

I'm hoping what alek said is right; that after I take a break i'll have new incentive. But you have to understand that the real fun I get from mmorpgs is from being able to advance my character and to upgrade my gear. I love adventuring into dungeons and finally getting a legendary piece of armor or weapon (something that improves me- not just a vanity plate). I'll be honest with you- I hate getting to the endgame in an mmorpg. I want an mmorpg to be so vast that I probably never get there, always have room to advance and upgrade, and so I always have something to look forward to. Politics/ city running/ guild running just arn't my thing.

It's not that i'm not opening my eyes Lexx --> It's that I'm missing out on the thing I enjoy the most. And also if you think I am bringing others down, it's because you realize there is some truth in what I say. Since you no longer want me to "bring people down", I will no longer discrace you with my posts.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:02 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Fingolfin wrote:don't have an av21

Well theres one thing to achieve. Besides, if it's getting all those cool items like you just said, then get them! They are difficult to get for a reason, so you have to try again and again untill you succeed. The game was designed for everything not to be done all at ones. It was done to savor the moments and enjoy your time getting what you want. Last but not least, Fing, there is some sense in what you say, but the bigger question is like... sheesh, whats the point of *anything*? There is no point to any game Fing, other than to escape from reality. Everything we have ever done in SWG is ultimately... pointless, but it doesn't mean we never had fun. And as for bring other people down. Well, I was just happy to get the shuttle placed in Fort Oasis. Last thing we need is to make people feel bad for playing this game who are finding ways to enjoy it.

But Fing, take a break. It's not like your the first one to leave SWG. Kasan, Ty'e, they all left. Thing is there really isn't going to be another ultimate game. There just that, games ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:19 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
The whole point of this game is to have fun. Why play if you don't have fun playing it?

I'l be honest, there are still many things in this game that I can do and should do, but I don't because I know I either won't have fun doing them or I have fun doing other things. Sometimes, sitting in guild chat and shooting the breeze is all the fun I need. If I wanted to I could sit and grind out profession after profession, but why? Many of you say to do it because of bragging rights or because it gives you something to do. But why do it if you aren't going to have fun doing it? There is a reason why it takes me months to grind out one profession sometimes, it is because sitting there grinding out a profession simply for xp isn't fun to me. I'd rather craft when it's fun to me than sit there hours at a time doing nothing but crafting. I'd rather shoot the breeze in guild chat than go hunting just for the xp.

Everyone has their own goals in SWG. When you accomplish all your goals and you aren't having fun anymore, then it is time to move on to better things. For some people, they are at this point. For others, they are a long way from getting there.

But remember, have fun overall. Play your own game, not someone elses. If you want to leave, so be it. You will be missed, not only as a great guild member, but as a great friend.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:26 pm
by Lexx Yovel
True, it's not like I can force anyone to have fun. There are many other games out there, but stay put here on the forums. I sort of wonder about the last day I will play SWG. It probobly wont be out of boredom, but I will probobly quit the game when everything is "perfect". That way I will quit finnaly doing somthing I acomplished rather than staying, and watching it not last forever.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:39 pm
by Guest
Thankyou Kurke, I think you are the first one to actually understand the reason I am considering leaving. I am not insulting the game itself, but saying I have little left to accomplish in it. There is no need to get insulted by anything I say. I am just not having any fun anymore, and instead of gritting my teeth and playing, I need to try something else. This morning I went out with all my friends and I had more fun than I have had in the past month with swg. I am still hesitant to say my final goodbyes as I am hoping something new and exciting will come out that could spark my interest; afterall I have a whole month left on my account. All I can say you guys have been some great companions and I would've quit long ago if I hadn't joined RID.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:42 pm
by Guest
I realize I've already somewhat quit the game, but had it not been for RID, I would have quit loooong ago. I find hanging out in this guild, chatting in guildchat and the like are the most enjoyable things one can do. The best times of my Galaxies career have been when I have exposed Xanus as a pervert obsessed with Lexx's... hindquarters. Remember the good times!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:43 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
By the way Fing, check the PM I sent you and please write back to it. Thanks.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:44 pm
by Myzia
Hey Fing,

Just had to pop in with my own advice. (Yes, I've been a lurker on these RID boards for a while :) )
If you feel like you've achieved all you can with your character, why not start anew with a new character?
Take the plunge- scrap Fing - and make a new character. Maybe try a different race that can give you new benefits or challenges. Try a new profession, even. If what you enjoy is advancing your character and getting as good as you can get, why stop when you reach the top? Do it again, only differently. I don't know, just my opinion. In my own guild it isn't uncommon for people to start new characters with new goals. It keeps things fresh and there's nothing like a good reminder of what it's like to be a n00b again, running around in generic clothes to get you motivated to succeed!


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:45 pm
by Guest
I was going to suggest the same thing, but I couldn't think of a good way to phrase it. Myzia is right. Hell, become a crafter and put Kurke out of business or something. That could be amusing (for you at least). :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:05 pm
by Guest
Yay an idea from someone I don't even know :lol: . I may try that or Kurke had a nice pm for me. I know even if I stay in swg, I will eventually move on to another mmorpg. I'll just go with the flow for a few weeks and see how I feel.
but now I'm going out for lunch :wink: