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Another guild, another server, a little more activity maybe

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:15 pm
by artimaes
I know I'm not around on Sith Wyrm a lot anymore, I've been playing on my main server a lot more since I've gotten several of my friends interested in the game, and I have come to the point where I am about ready to actually open up the guild we have over there to become a real guild instead of a character holding pen. Before we open up recruitment I wanted to offer the opportunity for any of the members of RID to start up or transfer(don't know if you can transfer yet) on my other server and have a spot in the guild. Here is the basic breakdown:

The server is Jung Ma, and it is an RP-PVP server. It's got a high level of activity and it's not real hard to find a group or to find some people RPing in common areas. I'm quite active on it, and so are several of my RL friends, as well as my wife. It's a good server, and I've enjoyed it so far. As for the guild I have, I have the name Sith reserved. Never would have thought it'd be allowed, but I got it on day1. I have a lvl50, and within a week or two we will have 2 more of them. We currently have an active member count of 4, so we can just about always form a group for something. I'm glad to help people out with runs for gear and helping out with heroic quests on my main(or on a lower level if we have enough people in the right range). I would love to see some of you guys show up over there.

I just wanna clarify something here before I'm done. I'm not trying to steal members, and I cleared posting this through Lexx. It's just that I've found that RID is not really taking off on Sith Wyrm, activity is really low, and most of us when we are on are on alone. I just want to offer the opportunity for the guild to migrate into a more active environment at the leisure of it's members. If you decide not to take me up on the offer right now, but later you decide to make a char over on Jung Ma the offer is always open to RID members past and present.

If you hop onto Jung Ma, my main is Artimaes and I check his mail at least daily. If you send me a mail I'll let you know what alts I'm on frequently so you can catch me and I'll watch for you to be online, and we will get you in the guild. Also watch for Laurie(my wife's char), I'd give you the other names, but they wouldn't know who you I'll just leave you with Artimaes and Laurie(you might know her as Sceeri from SWG btw).

Oh, I almost forgot the brief on the guild. It's called Sith, and it's going to be an RP guild, but it's not going to be an "all the time hardcore RP guild" it'll be a guild with RP storyline and events, but that's to support your own fun. We will be working on PvE an PvP, and we will help our members out as much as possible(which is a lot). The guild is called Sith, but that doesn't mean you have to RP as a member of the Sith order, Sith race, etc. It's an old school sith house, complete with retainers who are in no way sith race or the "upper crust" sith darksiders. Ranking will be done roughly according to a caste system, and I'm gonna try and make it easy to relate to a middle ages european house(you might call them noble houses).

Okay, now I think I'm done. Hope to see some of you(ESPECIALLY YOU LEXX) over on my main server.

Re: Another guild, another server, a little more activity ma

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:04 pm
by Monthigos
I'm really sorry everyone. I got bored of the game already. In addition I've been busy working, going to school and keeping my wife entertained. When I have had spare time I have been playing other games. So I take some measure of responsibility for the guild being somewhat dead.

I don't know if I'll get around to rolling another toon but I'll certainly consider it if I get the drive to play again.

Re: Another guild, another server, a little more activity ma

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:19 pm
by Lexx Yovel
No worries Monthris -- in the end its my responsibility! :P

I think I'm more focused on reaching 50 eventually, and once I graduate from college here I'll have more time to focus on recruitment. Plus, once I'm 50, I'll be better suited to organize and lead groups.

Until then, I'll still do my best to focus on recruitment here and there. It's just been tough juggling everything myself too.

Re: Another guild, another server, a little more activity ma

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:19 pm
by Monthigos
Maybe once things can get more settled down we can do a recruitment drive. Honestly when I do play I just play my alt solo so I don't really mind that there isn't a lot of people on right now.

Re: Another guild, another server, a little more activity ma

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:21 pm
by Fishy
I'll be playing again midway through April - my subscription runs out in a week and I've been focused on school lately and going on a trip soon, but mid April I'll be back and I'll probably have another friend of mine who'll start up. I agree with a recruitment drive, and when I return I'll see if I can't get at least a few decent people.