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Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:06 pm
by Rafen
Since you three are the guild officers, I am bringing this to your attention..

I now have Chiquita on ignore. I was asking questions about PvP vendors, since I have been looking at them more lately and doing more PvP. Kach and Chiquita had been answering questions, and then Chiquita began complaining imo by making comments about how this stuff is really obvious, go look, and people need to learn on their own from time to time, and a comments about "expecting to be spoonfed answers is.. sad"

More than hapopy to show the logs of my reply (yes, I screen shotted, learned that trick on star sider), Chiquita got the standard that I give in planetary chats when I see this same crap, which is "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were in an MMO, where people help each other. Guess I was wrong, I'll remember that next time". however, I did also send "Chiquita, GFY".

Crap like this irritates me when we see it on planets, I know a few others in the guild are bothered by seeing the same crap on planets, one person in the guild even sent me a whisper thanking me for speaking up to the snide remarks chiquita made. Within the guild, imo, its completely uncalled for.

Fact is, I put up recruiting posts describing this as a friendly, helpfull guild. And though Chiquita did answer some questions, the snide remarks afterward were unnecessary. And could well prove detrimental in my opinion if we get new recruits and it happens.

And now, it has been brought to your attention...

Re: Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:04 pm
by Osar
Ok, thank you for your concern, and I understand your concern. The council (officers) will address this issue you have, I do ask that you give us some time to figure this out as some times we are not online at the same time.

Re: Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:39 am
by Lexx Yovel
Hi Rafen, sorry to hear about this dispute. For the future though, please send issues like this via PM rather than on our main boards.

I haven't been able to get online this weekend due to some school meetings, but things are finally calming down for the weeks ahead. So we'll be sure to resolve the matter as soon as we can in discussions between me and the Council.

Re: Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:41 pm
by Monthigos
What Lexx said! We have been discussing this at length. :)

Re: Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:15 am
by Chiquita
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Being helpful is one thing, and answering questions that may not be blatantly obvious is cool. As people level though, they gain a lot more by taking the time to learn things themselves. I've helped a few people on their class quests and also with different tips when asked, but I'm also the type to put my foot down when it benefits them more to learn. I won't say that I'm sorry if you don't feel that way, because quite frankly, I'm not. I do find expecting to be spoon fed answers at all times pathetic, but I also work and pretty much live in an environment where critical thinking and self reliance are promoted right alongside teamwork when it's necessary.

Congratulations on the hypocrisy though. For someone who wants to talk about being friendly and such, you were pretty quick to tell me to go fuck myself [twice]. Best of luck to you all, especially those I knew from SWG. RID is down three 50s, but I'm sure you guys will do just fine.

Re: Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:03 am
by Monthigos
Well I'm of the opinion that there are no stupid questions. Given the nature of the game and the casual aspect of many of our guild members, it is important that we have an environment in the guild where people feel comfortable asking questions and asking for help. What may seem apparently obvious to some people may not be so to other members of the guild. I've done a lot of research on this game because there are mechanics that are not well explained. I've also put in a lot of hours helping out guildees because I feel that their successes are also mine. To me it is an investment on keeping people interested in the game. If our guild members are having fun then I know they will stick around when it comes time to do the higher level content like operations.

I respect your opinion Chiquita and I personally am sorry to see you go. You've answered questions for me once or twice and you've listened to some of my venting and that I appreciate. I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to get to know you better.

Re: Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:12 am
by Osar
Monthigos wrote:Well I'm of the opinion that there are no stupid questions. Given the nature of the game and the casual aspect of many of our guild members, it is important that we have an environment in the guild where people feel comfortable asking questions and asking for help. What may seem apparently obvious to some people may not be so to other members of the guild. I've done a lot of research on this game because there are mechanics that are not well explained. I've also put in a lot of hours helping out guildees because I feel that their successes are also mine. To me it is an investment on keeping people interested in the game. If our guild members are having fun then I know they will stick around when it comes time to do the higher level content like operations.

I respect your opinion Chiquita and I personally am sorry to see you go. You've answered questions for me once or twice and you've listened to some of my venting and that I appreciate. I'm sorry that you didn't get a chance to get to know you better.

On what he said, it's just a game and not alot of us has time to get into the game. Alot of us are Casual Players who play only when they can and can only learn from asking. It's sad to see you leave with your knowledge, I gave you as much as I could in SWG and was hoping you could do the same here. I only say that because not all of us was prevy to any Beta, and to the few who did, it was the weekend stuff. Hope you find what you are looking for, take care.

Re: Lexx, Osar, Monthris please read

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:17 am
by Lexx Yovel
Seems everything that needed to be said has been said. I'll go ahead and lock this thread now.