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Minimum recruitment requirements?
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:23 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I'd like to start this thread by working out some minimum membership requirements, so that our Recruiters have a better idea of who they should recruit.
This will also be covered whenever we get an in-game guild meeting rolling, but until then, we can do some preliminary planning here.
As it stands, we don't really have any minimum recruitment requirements per se. As per our new Code of Conduct, new members will be considered Recruits during their 30 day trial period (during which they are eligible for removal if they are not a good fit). In their guild annotations, we'll probably put the date in which they cease to be considered Recruits.
Aside from ensuring that all recruits are mature, and have a decent understanding of what type of guild we are, I cannot think of any other minimum requirements.
I think eventually we should not recruit people who are still on their starter planets. Because the game is still relatively new, I'd probably wait until February or March before enacting this. The way I see it, newer players who are on their respective starter planet may not be committed players. There's always a chance they're just "seeing how things are," before actually deciding to play the game. Conversely, we could just make a minimum level requirement -- maybe level 10, before letting them in.
Of course, alts are an exception in this case.
Re: Minimum recruitment requirements?
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:10 pm
by Osar
I agree with a minimum requirement level, but some people can be level 13 before leaving Hutta/Koriban or the republic versions. I would say that it be a planet thing rather than a level requirement. If they reach Dromund Kaas, or the repbulic version of it, then they will have a commitment to keep on playing. Most I see that quit, quit before leaving their prospective starting planet no matter what level they reach.
Re: Minimum recruitment requirements?
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:06 am
by Monthigos
I generally try to add people I group with, but up in the higher levels people are almost guilded, and the ones that aren't are typically douchebags. Of course I generalize. I had this crazy idea of just being this altrustic guy and getting on Tat and offering to run people through Heroics, and doing general recruitment there since it is about mid-game. I think most people in their mid twenties are starting to think about joining guilds and what not.
I'm not particular about level there a hard cap on guild numbers? Since we are just getting going, I don't think having a bit of 'fluff' is going to be too much of an issue. I know some people don't get on much, but maybe after a few months of not being online you could cut them? I do think there needs to be a requirement for having the 'Member' rank, and that is people need to come make a forum account. It's hard to plan stuff without people coming on and checking the forums.
Re: Minimum recruitment requirements?
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:34 am
by Osar
Yeah, there is a hard number for the amount, it's 500 just like SWG. As for a min requirement I still go through some of the old interview stuff, like how many toons and what faction, if they are a part of another guild or not. Unless it's a recommendation from some one, I generally have recruited on Dromund Kaas or those heading there as I chat with them. Just my particular way to keep the "I am just here for the party" people out.
Re: Minimum recruitment requirements?
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:41 am
by Lexx Yovel
Yeah just doing a quick group with them and asking them some questions could be sufficient to see if they're good for RID.
As you say, recruiting lower levelled members may be essential now due to the newness of the game, and the fact that higher levelled people are already guilded.
Re: Minimum recruitment requirements?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:43 pm
by Rafen
Figured I'd put my two cents in, what wiht me being the only recruiter. someone else really needs to step up, heh.
I've made toons that i've gotten to level 14 an don DK that I've deleted due to just not liking the feel of the toon.. that being
I still agree to the minimum level. Most people do realize they dislike a toon a lot sooner than level 14.
I agree with a waiting period to be bumped to member.. Though I think 2 weeks would be more fair. Not like they et any special options for being a member, and usually by then you can tell if someone plans to stick around. and then again, anyone could choose to leave at any time any how. Plus, in a small guild, most peopel tend to try to move on if they feel like they are waiting too long to be 'promoted'.
HOWEVER, when w egrow and have larger numbers, I would then agree with a 30 day wait..
Re: Minimum recruitment requirements?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:23 pm
by Osar
Well, I see your point Rafen, only thing I ask is since we haven't put in dates on when the "Recruits" joined, you mail me the name and dates so I can keep up with it. I will take the responsiblity for keeping up with the time. Membership does have one privy, they don't get booted out right. As members they have the right to appeal being booted out of the guild or any other action taken on them, where as the recruit is on a trail basis and has not yet earned that right. So that in mind...Lexx says 30 days, you say's something Lexx and the council will discuss. Do keep in mind that even if Monthris and myself support your 14 day trail, Lexx still has the final say weather or not to keep it 30 or go with 14.