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Republic Imperial Defenders

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:07 pm
by Lexx Yovel

This is just a quick announcement. After discussing it in guild chat, we've decided to create a Republic guild on Sith Wyrm called the Republic Imperial Defenders.

My Republic character is named J'axx.

We figure this would be a good way to allow people to try Republic characters, whilst keeping RID together closer as a whole.

Once we get more information we'll let you know, but please let us know in-game or here if you have a Republic character. If so, please list name(s).

Re: Republic Imperial Defenders

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:21 am
by Monthigos
I will have Republic characters, but not yet. Oh, and maybe you should change the Imperial part to something else. haha

Re: Republic Imperial Defenders

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:22 am
by Lexx Yovel
Haha, well we thought about it, and we kinda concluded that the Republic is essentially a de facto Empire in a certain way.

More importantly, can't think of any other suitable substitute.

Re: Republic Imperial Defenders

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:18 pm
by artimaes
To be precise, I pointed out that not all empires have an emperor called an emperor(think about the British and American empires during the period where we are considered to have been one). The republic is an empire, and thier emperor is known as a "supreme chancellor". So Imperial fits, we are the defenders of the Republic's empire. After all, what really changed immediately upon the transition from the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire? It took decades to change it from being a republic, it was still an Imperial Republic until just prior to A New Hope. It just slowly changed to a Dictatorial Empire. So anyway, it makes perfect sense. And....ya....the other option we thought of was "Regal Republic Defenders" I think, which wouldn't be RID anymore. Correct me if my memory serves me poorly, though. I can whip out that sith racial "punish" on it.

Re: Republic Imperial Defenders

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:46 pm
by Rafen
Next thing you know, we'll be starting a guild on a RP server.

Re: Republic Imperial Defenders

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:59 pm
by Monthigos
You can't put republic and empire together. >_< A republic is where the supreme power lies with the citizens and an empire is where supreme power lies with it's emperor or it's governing body. You can argue that a republic is actually an empire but saying it's both doesn't even make sense. If it's trying to be ironic, the irony is going to be lost on the uninformed and the educated alike.

If you're looking for naming you should have asked me. I love this stuff and could probably think of a thousand different suitable RID names. Here's a few:

Republic Intelligence Division
Republic Independence Defenders
Republic Investigation Detachment
Republic Imperious Defenders
Regal Imperative Defenders
Rotisserie is Delicious (sorry couldn't help myself)

Anyway this is my one and only protest. I'll go with Republic Imperial Defenders if that's what the guild wants and not say another word.