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more information for my smuggler :)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:05 pm
by kris'tal

i finish to grinde my smuggler and i need some information :

what do you think of this expertise :


and for my AA i think that :
exotic : pistol action cost , damage , critcal chance
other : luck , precision and one half constitution and other half agillity

if you don't understand tell me , sorry i not very good in english :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:29 am
by Daiho
Hey Kri'stal!

I really don't know anything about smuggler lol.

Maybe Arev can help you with this. He's one of the best smuggler of SS :P

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:19 pm
by Arev
Ahaha, thanks Daiho. If you're looking for best Smugglers on Starsider, I'd recommend talking to Cybo (Smuggler from Imp Operatives). Or, Iheam-something, the Smuggler Senator.

Kris'tal, the first thing you want to do is ask yourself what you're going to be doing the most of, PvE or PvP.

Based on your current Expertise, it looks like you're setup for PvE. The Lucky Break proc, while very powerful in its own right (works great for EK), is more favorable to PvE than PvP, because it's random. In PvP, it doesn't do you much good if it procs while a BH is using Shields or a Jedi is using Saber Block/Reflect. Also, I would recommend removing the two points in Idiot Proof Plan, unless you're planning on investing the five-points in the Off the Books buff, giving you a total of 10% damage reduction, which is more helpful in PvE than PvP.

Now, since you have Lucky Break in your expertise, and if you're going to be doing more PvEing, I would recommend dropping Break the Deal and the Hammer Fanning proc and using those points for the Off the Books buff. On the other hand, if you're going to be doing some PvPing, I would move the two points from Idiot Proof Plan and move them over to Quick Fix, giving you a 4900 Heal.

Here's a good read on Hammer Fanning.

For you SEAs, they look great, except for splitting up Constitution and Agility. Invest in Agility because it stacks with Luck which stats with Precision, and they all compliment each other.

I hope that helps!

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:40 pm
by kris'tal
lol i forgive something :)

thx for the answer

in generally i'm more pvp than pve but i can pve too .

i juste forgote this because i'm juste kill npc during a long time for grinding all my character :)

i prefere kill rebels it's more fun .

i have another question : what pistol do you use and witch elemental ?

lol other question :

which type of armor ?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:30 pm
by Arev
kris'tal wrote:lol i forgive something :)

thx for the answer

in generally i'm more pvp than pve but i can pve too .

i juste forgote this because i'm juste kill npc during a long time for grinding all my character :)

i prefere kill rebels it's more fun .

i have another question : what pistol do you use and witch elemental ?

lol other question :

which type of armor ?

Oh, then you'll definitely want to change some things around then if you're PvPing! :)

I use Acid for PvP and Cold for PvE.

For armor, I use Battle Armor with an Assault chest piece. This gives me about 300-400 extra Kin. I may grab some Assault pants sometime too, because the extra Kin helps with some of the Carbine- and Pistol-users.