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Looking for RP?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:22 am
by Arev

If you've been following the activities over at SSG, you know that I'm highly involved in a roleplaying plotline with the Rebel PA Duskrunners, whose leader is Juroden Halcyon, possibly one of the most well known players on Starsider (prior to the transfers anyways). While Arev and Juroden have their own plotline going (as does Arev and Juroden's ex-wife Tadinan), I'd like to see more RID involvement in this RP as a whole. We've managed to get SD-O, DSA, and RS (or RA) dragged into this as well. This could turn out to be quite epic in the next few weeks.

Because of this, I have the following positions open. If you meet the requirements, I'll do an in-character (IC) interview to see if you got the part. If you're band spanking new to RP, let me know. We'll work some things out OOC, and then transition into an RP setting. Here's a good introductory guide to RP.

Also, all these positions will include combat, but, they are open to everyone, including Jedi. However, the Jedi may not use Lightsabers. Finally, once your in a position, you can flip-flop the next day. You may decide to change later on, but don't make it a regular thing.

Preliminary Requirements:
  • Have a basic understanding of what roleplaying is - you take on a character persona, doesn't have to be anything deep or serious this early, just know who you are, where you've come from, and what you want.
  • Know and use satisfactory English spelling and grammar
  • Understand basic RP etiquette including heeding advice from experienced RPers.


    (Unlimited number positions available)
  • Be Human or Zabrak, average height, weight
  • Own a suit of Stormtrooper or Scout Trooper armor
  • Own either an E11, SR Command Pistol (Stormtrooper), Scout Pistol (Scout Trooper) or T-21
  • Listen to directions and execute them when given (no going rogue)

    ISB Agent
    (Two positions available)
  • Be a Human or Zabrak, average height, weight
  • Own an E11 or SR Command Pistol
  • Maintain an average/short haircut and no facial hair (except sideburns)
  • Be an experienced Roleplayer, familiar with the role and specialities of the Imperial Security Bureau.
  • Listen to directions and execute them when given (no going rogue)

    Bounty Hunter
    (Four positions available)

  • Be familiar with the RP Bounty System.
  • Usually works alone or in pairs, encouraged to be a Combat Profession
  • Act tough - no sissy BHs
  • Contact target in advance and ensure the employer is online for payment before execution.

As a good rule of thumb, when participating in Roleplaying PvP, here's some guidelines:

  • No buffs, unless notified in advance
  • Only health/action stims, unless notified in advance
  • Profession heals allowed
  • No droids
  • Acknowledge opponent before attacking*

If you have any questions, let me know.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:44 am
by Mikal
My necro/scribe/mage would be perfect for the position of....oh wait, wrong game, drat. Good luck with your storyline bro, and make sure that Mr. Halcyon doesn't get away with anything, he is a rebel after all and needs to be punished :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:37 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
I like the idea, Arev. I'd have to take the bounty hunter position.

Corellian Dream....god i miss that place. best times...I can't remember. XD

damn i need a new computer.... :cry:

@jonem: if you don't like it, troll it, right? asshole. :p

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:53 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
roleplaying is a whole other game, it requires a bit of skill in words and how to respond in situations. basically what arev said

* Have a basic understanding of what roleplaying is - you take on a character persona, doesn't have to be anything deep or serious this early, just know who you are, where you've come from, and what you want.
* Know and use satisfactory English spelling and grammar
* Understand basic RP etiquette including heeding advice from experienced RPers.

that's one of the reasons why i miss the game, roleplaying develops character, and you're not just playing a game anymore, you're creating a story. it's great!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:32 pm
by Apium
No wonder we have difficulties getting people to use the forums. The primary purpose of this forum is to host threads like this, even though, we allow a plethora of other subjects to be discussed.

I'm not asking you to post only positive things. Just think about how your post contributes to the thread, and if you (as the poster) believes it is going to start a flame war, then save the moderators the time and don't post it. At some point, Lexx is going to grow tired of this and he is just going to start banning people. I'm leaving Lexx's post up as a warning of sorts.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:34 pm
by Bovive
I support all RP, even though I rarely partake in it. Nice thread :)

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:59 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
i miss damn game won't keep a constant frame per second.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:06 pm
by Sawyilartia


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:11 pm
by Arev
Kio dun broke his SWG! Dude, I totally thought of you when someone asked, "Does RID have any BHs that take RP bounties?" But, alas, no Kio.

Sawyilartia, we'll still be here when you get back. :)