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RP Division Feedback

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:22 pm
by Lexx Yovel
During tonights guild meeting, Arev and Dila'ae brough up their proposition to start an RP division. Basically this divisions would take part in RP to the canon. It would only allow humans and zabraks.

Arev and Dila'ae would maintain the division. This would pull Arev out of his second in command position of the Intel Team.

The topic kind of dragged on for a bit, so I'm posting it here for additional feedback. It's lot more easier to discuss things when it's done in a structured format... not the chaos of spatial discussion.

As far as benefits go, it would give RP'ers a place to go. Some concerns may be that it would thin out our guild further between divisions. It may also be difficult to fill the division. Divisions such as Intel, Army, Navy, and Commerce are still struggling to get division members.

Also, creating the division may people give the impression that we should keep making new divisions. This should not be the case. Since RID was born we've been changing our division structure constantly. If we do go through with this, we need to stop changing the structures. However, it may seem a bit hypocritical to turn down Erougn's Marine Division concept while accepting the RP Division concept.

Everyone please post here for suggestions, comments, concerns, etc.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:21 pm
by Mikal
My biggest concern is the "EVERYTHING must work ICly". Therefore, if Flashlight joins the division, but goes on an outting with Intel or Army or Navy, how would that be explained ICly? What about the officers who would be interested in the storyline (such as 'Red), but their responsibilities to their division are also great? And can Dila'ae really promise more "good" members? If so, what types of members are we talking here? Just good RPers? Or good PLAYERS. I myself have always had an elitist mindset towards RID, even when I was a Rebel many years ago and not a member. RID represents the best in most everything we do. Yes, more members would be great and all, but I would like to make sure we are still the most feared Naval Pilots out there, some of the most feared PvPers, and definately the most sought after crafters. Would just adding members for RP sake really be in the best interests of the guild?

Now, Arev and Dila'ae seem to have thought this idea through, and I give them credit on that. My worries lie however on what this would do to the guild as a whole. I'll admit, I don't RP much, and I would like to be able to RP when I want. I'm not too sure about this being a "strictly IC" thing. I can just imagine someone getting booted from the division because they lol'ed. There is nothing in my mind wrong with RP, or even wanting an RP division, it just needs to be non-exclusive (even though RID once was, and the Empire still is). And as far as them allowing Zabraks in, the Zabraks are more accepted into Imperial Society, but they still aren't human, and therefore couldn't be storm troopers...I have never seen a Zabrak as a storm trooper in any of the canonical works that I have read, and I have read most of them.

These things in my mind would need to be ironed out before voting to give the go ahead. And on a sidenote to what was said at the meeting after Lexx left. Guys, this is NOT a's really all up to Lexx. I just hope that we can all come to a compromise on the issues at hand and make everyone happy.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:40 pm
by Erougn

IMHO there is a big problem with making ppl choose a division already. Good pilots don't join the Navy because they are worried that they will be forced into a particualar type of gameplay. I think we should remove divisions entirely and set up the guild in the circle format that is canonistic. Adding a Role-Playing division is insanity, unless we are looking to make 2 man divisions. I totally support a RP squadron in each division, it seems to fit in our present unworking system without alienating players.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:53 pm
by Erougn's really all up to Lexx. I just hope that we can all come to a compromise on the issues at hand and make everyone happy.

Best point, this is Lexx's guild. No matter how he deals with this I will still be RID, loyal to Lexx.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:55 pm
by Mikal
Can you explain the "circle format"? I'm lost with that one.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:01 pm
by Erougn
There are 4 rings of the circle, recruits, members, officers, and lexx

In the inner circle are the commanders. The Emporers Fist (Army) The Emperors Reach (Navy) The Empoerers Eyes (Intel) and the Emperors Hand (Intel). The inner circle is free to use any of the outer two circles for their purposes...a soldier is a pilot is a spy, depending on his mission.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:11 pm
by Mikal
Ahh, I see. I wanna be the hand...I wanna bitch slap people :p

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:15 pm
by Erougn
It's elegant and it works. It just won't happen here. I'll never leave RID, so I'll just think of what could be....guild with no divisions, but command intact.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:35 pm
by Apium
I think the divisions need to overlap. Let RID members join any division they wish. If you are a roleplaying, ground-pvping, pilot then you should be able to join the navy, the army, and the RP division. Only the officers would have to be in only one division.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:14 pm
by Mikal
But what about those of us who want to be a roleplaying, ground-pvping, pilot, crafter? Oh wait, SOE has done solved that for us. DARN YOU SOE AND YOUR STUPID NGE!!!! hehe, sorry, couldn't resist.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:47 am
by Arev
Getting back on topic.

First, some of the rhetoric needs to be clarified. It's not an inclusive "RP Division" where everyone and their mother can join. It's the 826th Stormtrooper Corps. The difference? Where's our Army and Navy? We have neither. We have a squad of armed men to form our "Army", and we have a squadron of a few fighters and transports to form a "Navy". Neither of the previous examples could be considered "Divisions" in the military sense of the word. They are divisions to nurture a very basic role-playing atmosphere. Case in point, the purpose of this "RP Division" is not to funnel all the RPers into one little corner, but rather to create a Division that promotes role-playing in true Imperial fashion.

Second, while RID members may officially be in a division, there is nothing preventing a member from attending another division's activities. I'm in Intel, yet I've participated in Space Events - I'm a pilot, I like to blast things from my ships. But, my interest, my primary focus, is not in Space, hence, I didn't join the Navy. It all comes down to a player's interest. If he likes to RP most of the time, if not all, then RID should offer an outlet for that. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but hardly any new players are coming SWG for PvP, PvE, or Space. They are coming, and staying, because of things like the open-endness, sandbox game play, and RP. I can't count the numbers of transfers I've befriended who came to Starsider solely for the RP. If we're looking for new recruits, then we need look at the demographics of new players. This is especially important, considering that we have a strong OOC presence is PvP and Space. We lure them in with the strong RP presence, and we keep them because of our OOC atmosphere.

Third, to address the issue of "Division"-status; I clearly support it, under the condition of merging Army and Intel which will cause our divisions to have a clearer purpose: Army/Intel - Ground, Navy - Space, Commercial - Trade, 826th - RP. Like I mentioned in my previous contention, there's nothing to prevent an Army/Intel guy from participating in Navy events, except that his focus is not in Space, but being an ground-pounder. There's a certain pecking order with all the divisions. Members of a certain division are required to accept the commands of their Commanders and Captains - the same is true with the 826th. If you join, you'll be required to accept certain preconditions. Some examples include: No, you're not a Colonel or a General; No, you can't be a mercenary on the weekend; No, you can't be a Jedi (Force Sensitivity is a different issue), etc. If the player cannot agree to these terms, then he isn't a suitable candidate for the 826th, much like a someone joining Navy, yet he does not like to pilot a ship. Role-playing is not for everyone, just like PvP and Space. RIDs are more than welcome to RP with us, but under the condition that they abide by certain rules to help foster RP within the PA.

I hope this clarifies some things. Never hesitate to ask any questions to myself or Dila.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:27 am
by Ruh Shi'od
Now probably isn't this best time for me to reply to this as my head is killing me and I had a pretty stressful day at work. However, my thoughts on the whole thing is this:

If you are looking to foster further RP within the guild, why create a separate division for it? Why not just promote an outlet without some of the restrictions?

Personally, I think the biggest downside to the whole idea is how restrictive some things can be. I understand wanting people to have an in depth knowledge of Stormtrooper Canon. However, I think discouraging people who do not have an in depth knowledge will further push people from the idea. Even people interested in RPing a Stormy.

Like I said before, I've been reading the posts on the topic, but since my head is killing me and my mind (mentally and physically drained atm) isnt right at the moment it is hard for me to really give a solid opinion. It has probably taken me an hour and a half to formulate those two paragraphs which I will probably withdraw after I've had time to recoop and actually process the issue at hand.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:56 am
by Arev
To address some of Ruh's comments:

Divisions are created for interests, members may participate in separate divisional acitivities, but they're based in the division that interests them the most. If we have a division dedicated to space or trade, given the changing player demographics, it only makes sense to have one dedicated solely to RP.

In regards to how "restrictive" it is that is up to the individual. Role-playing, by it's very nature, is restrictive. Dila and I settled on Stormtrooper role-playing in particular because now that Fort Keen has its own "Events Coordinator" (Kai'lek), more and more people are arriving in Keen for role-playing. What Imperial Fort doesn't have a couple Stormtroopers patrolling? Storyteller props are one thing, but real interactive Stormtroopers are something else. Now, let's take this a step forward. Stormtroopers are the Elite of the Empire, right? So, these Stormtroopers would take on assignments off-world, to help defend the farthest reaches of the Empire. RID, whose name is synonymous with Imperial Might, will have a new face: the 826th Stormtrooper Corps - armor-clad soldiers who shun the Rebellion with every bone in their body, and defend the Empire to their last breath.

That, my friends, is why we need an RP Division - it's all about PR. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:08 am
by Arev
One closing thought before I turn in:

Think about the Big Picture. We are getting so caught up on the little things that we're forgetting about the "Cool Factor" of being in RID. Look, fellas, we're in the the best PA on Starsider, heck, all of SWG. I agree with Mikal about being "elitist" - we're the best of the best and we should be proud. But, let's take it a step farther. We can take say, "RA, we'll take you on in space." "TRGA/FRDM, we'll take you on in PvP." Now, we can say, "COA/ARC, we'll take you on in RP." And to all of them, "We don't have to form three different PAs, we may have our different interests, but in the end of the day, we are the Regal Imperial Defenders. "

I caught an RID talking with Kai'lek about her new business and he told her, "I'd love to help you OOCly, but I'll never leave RID."

RID that Rebel Scum!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:08 am
by Ruh Shi'od
Arev wrote:To address some of Ruh's comments:

Divisions are created for interests, members may participate in separate divisional acitivities, but they're based in the division that interests them the most. If we have a division dedicated to space or trade, given the changing player demographics, it only makes sense to have one dedicated solely to RP.

In regards to how "restrictive" it is that is up to the individual. Role-playing, by it's very nature, is restrictive. Dila and I settled on Stormtrooper role-playing in particular because now that Fort Keen has its own "Events Coordinator" (Kai'lek), more and more people are arriving in Keen for role-playing. What Imperial Fort doesn't have a couple Stormtroopers patrolling? Storyteller props are one thing, but real interactive Stormtroopers are something else. Now, let's take this a step forward. Stormtroopers are the Elite of the Empire, right? So, these Stormtroopers would take on assignments off-world, to help defend the farthest reaches of the Empire. RID, whose name is synonymous with Imperial Might, will have a new face: the 826th Stormtrooper Corps - armor-clad soldiers who shun the Rebellion with every bone in their body, and defend the Empire to their last breath.

That, my friends, is why we need an RP Division - it's all about PR. :)

I don't know if its that I've had some sleep now or this last explanation, but that does make more sense. One thing that I will say though is, I don't think roleplay has to be restrictive. I see some of the colorful RP that there is on the server (people being one species ingame and RPing a species not even availible), that is just my personal thought on that point. Maybe it was just the way I read it as Dila put it that I could see people being turned away from the idea if they cant quite conform to that mold. It sounded almost like once you decide to join the divison for RP you are locked into being IC 24/7 and then in a character that you might not truly even like.

Another issue I see is that there will be problems with, as stated previously, the creation of another division within the guild.