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What is RID?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:15 pm
by Arev
I know this probably won't make me very popular, but this has be said and discussed. And if the majority decide all of my arguments are rubbish, then so be it - at least it's been said.

That's the real question, isn't it?

It's a question that must be asked and, at this moment, cannot be answered easily. When this question is answered, then you have a solution to the problem. What is the problem? They are numerous.
    1. Poor communication between members which is caused from the lack of forum usage

    2. Lack of communication between the members and crafters (more on this later)

    3. Lack of purpose or goal for the organization

    4. Vague sense of responsibility to the greater organization

    5. Motto does not convey a clear message
When the theory of evolution became mainstream in the late 19th century, it started with a question, "Where do we (mankind) come from?" When the question was answered, "We evolved over millions of years," the purpose, the mannerisms, and outlook of mankind changed dramatically. No longer was law rested upon the Deity, but on man himself. Society as a whole is "progessing" becoming better than it once was. Western civilization is based upon man's accomplishments, that is what "progress" has achieved: "diversity", the choice of women to have an abortion, the glorification of homosexuality, and the rapture from traditional marriage (promoting cohabitation, children out of wedlock, etc). All of these were caused by the normalization of Darwin's theory of evolution.

Now, what does any of this have to do with RID? Everything!

You see, by answering that one simple question, you get an answer. And from that answer spawns countless consequences. But, we can't be relativists and say, "All answers are acceptable." Why not? Because that doesn't solve any problems. Rather, we need to look at the symptoms and then diagnose them.

    1. Eliminate Guild-Wide holomail usage - this will require members to use the forums which are organized according to specific need - allowing all members to quickly find the information they need without sifting through numerous mail messages.

    2. I know there is already a thread started, I would like to throw my support behind it. But the problem is that few people use these forums, so my inbox still quickly fills up with messages that are entitled "Looking for..." or "Selling...". Perhaps one way to reconcile these issues is to allow guild mail based on profession (in other words, only Traders will receive this privilege).

    3. When a game like SWG is five years old, and the game becomes geared toward spoon-fed content, it does become hard to have goals, such as "Create 1, 2, or 3 Metropolises" when the planets are capped, or build 5 bases on X planet, when those are capped as well. So, we're forced to think outside the box. How about this? We have "progressive" goals. In other words, we decide to hold one Static base for 48 hours. If we accomplish that, we extend that another 48 hours and add another Static base to this goal. Which one do we start with first? We start with Talus, as we have a city already on that planet and since we do, we should try to claim Talus as "our own".

    4. Recently, we had a member leave because she played during the day and was disgusted when she found that "the role-players wouldn't take a break to help out another guild member". I'm not here to point fingers, not at role-players (being one myself) or anyone for that matter. The point is that the Defenders need to be able to help each other out, so that we may become better (evolution), not only as a strong Imperial power, but as fratres in armis (brothers in arms), and realize that we serve the greater good. When this is tied in with #3, then RID will have progressed to new heights.

    5. The motto is the battle cry, the rallying banner that we must all hold dear. Currently, the motto is RID the motto is "RID that Rebel scum". This, however, comes off as a violent, passion-based. We need a new motto, something like SHC's: "Heart to guild; Life to Empire." Simultaneously, we need to instill a sense of pride into ourselves. Relook at the guild colors (as red/black is pretty common and not very exciting) and distribute guild uniforms for events and meetings.

In the end, we must allow a new mode of thought to penetrate us, and bind us together. And this all starts with a question, "What is RID?" Based on what I've just said, it's clear what RID is, and what RID should become.

What do you say, Regal Imperial Defenders? Are you ready to stand tall, stand proud for the Empire!!?

Arev Basten is a Senior at Concordia University Wisconsin where he will receive a Major in European History and a Minor in Classical Languages (Greek/Latin) in May 2009.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:38 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
We did have a goal that was certainly a success...operation sandstorm.

i think more guild events should take place. not enough people in guild for an instance? go hunting. mission terminals are kinda fun too, i remember back when CU hit and they introduced respecing into the game, i had so much fun on Lok hunting gurks. we need some kind of event schedule as well so we can better organize events. i had a huge list of events i wanted to get started, but nobody really seemed interested in sponsoring them with me, and i hate feeling like i'm running stuff by myself.

here is an example of what one of my events would be like, these missions would be done in this order:

Sector Control
Destroy Rebel hideouts located by missions from the Imperial mission terminal

Special Forces Surgical Strike
Take out 1 vulnerable Rebel base

Destroy Rebel terrorists in a rebel controlled city

Wrath of the Empire
Go to Rebel POI on the planet and eliminate all the rebels there

Breach and Destroy
Board a Rebel corellian corvette and destroy it

Supply Run
Go to the weapon depot, weapon research facility, and tactical training facilities to remove them from rebel control and acquire supplies to use in battle

Battle of Restuss
Team will transport to Narmle, Rori and take the shuttle to Fort D'aroo, once there they will pick up the mission to take out vrinko, ambush the supply, and destroy rebels and rebel commandos.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:48 pm
by Arev
My good friend,

You hit the nail right on the head. Your problem is highlighted under #4. Goals, which are enacted through events, are great. But, we need a long term goal (an "evolving" goal) that keeps changing and getting bigger. We can't rely on the Devs to spoon-feed us content. When we create our own, we not only have fun, but we also make our organization and our relationships with each other stronger.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:56 pm
by Lexx Yovel
I will go through all the points you mentioned, and outline what I agree or disagree with in general, starting with the poor communications aspect.

After some discussion on our RID Representatives Forum (private section for Commanders/Captains), we've agreed that it would be a good idea to implement the following system to encourage forum use -- require potential recruits to register on our forums and make a "hello" post prior to the standard application, interview and recruitment process. It's really simple, and while it does not neccesarily ensure that the player will actively post on these forums, it will at least ensure that they have no excuse to miss an event or Trade Forum post.

The next facet of communication is the use of voice chat. It would be nice to put some use into the game-implemented voice chat. Simply said, it would aid in communications during PvP, PvE heroics, or other demanding activities. If nothing else, it increases socialization amongst members.

I've got no complaints with guild chat, in my opinion it's used frequently whenever there are members online. People ask for help on groups and they help. People bring up topics and conversations begin... there's honestly nothing else to say about guild chat, other than that some people may fall under the impression that they are being ignored if no one is able to assist them with a group.

Now, I'm going to have to disagree with you on the guild mail ability. If properly used, guild mail can work in conjunction with our forums. Granted guild-mailing could be used less frequently, but this can be resolved by simply informing members during their interviews to only use guild mail when neccesary. There are many moments where it's simply too cumbersome or excessive to make forum posts. If someone wants a quick tidbit of info or quick advice on expertise, why not send a guild mail? Also, traders can more easily advertise their shops through use of guild mail, especially with the convenience of attaching a direct waypoint. In addition to this, if it becomes apparent you're recieving too many mails you can simply hold down the "shift" key and delete the mails in bulk.

Granted, perhaps traders could retain the guild mail ability wheras others may not use it, but I believe a simple "use guild mail in moderation" is all that's needed to be said.

Also, Mikal is currently working on compiling a list of guild traders. I plan to assist him in this endeavour and once complete, will send this updated list of traders to all members upon recruitment to our guild. This in addition to active use of our RID Trade Forums will allow traders to easily sort out orders for members. Another problem is simply our lack of traders in the first place, and the traders we do have may not be able to produce the quality goods comparable to those outside the guild. If they are to appeal to current members, we need to help them in gaining resources since crafting is no easy feat.

As for goals, I do feel we have plenty of them... they are ongoing. One of these is Operation Sandstorm, and it's still being worked on (although it has been slowed down recently). We plan on destroying every single Rebel base on Tatooine, and implementing an Imperial base in each Tatooinian city. Our destruction of Rebel bases can also move on to other worlds. Yet this isn't our only goal, we have other ones which are perhaps unwritten. These are get as many members as we can through heroic instances so they can get the Aurilian jewelry neccesary to excel in PvP or other ventures. This would be assisting pilots to become Ace's, so they too can help win for the Empire during weekly space events. Other goals could be to set up our own buff-bot medic again, strengthen ties with other guilds, perhaps win a war against a Rebel guild. I do feel we have plenty of goals, although we definitely could do more in the way of making them know to the rest of the guild.

As for the member who left the guild disgusted at the "selfish roleplayers," I don't have much to say. Not only do we not really have a substantial amount of roleplayers in the first place (although that's besides the point) it appears as if that member felt everyone should drop what they are doing and help him/her that instant. Which in my opinion seems rather selfish in itself. Perhaps I am wrong though, and simply drawing conclusions from what I just read.

Now it's quite possible the playing hours weren't helpful to the member, since after all we are a mostly east coast guild that plays during the evenings. Either way though, help comes with socialization. People are not as willing to help a member they do not know opposed to one they have friendly conversations with in guild chat each afternoon. So I think this can be simply resolved by holding weekly convocations in one of our cities, basically to serve as a way for older members to get to know the newer ones. True friendships will be built and they'll feel more obligated and willing to assist them in quests. This is also another benefit of forums, for the relationships we forge here will manifest themselves in-game and the guild will feel more like a close-knit community that needs to look out for one another.

As much as I wish it were the case, it's not realistic to expect the members of RID to immediately drop what they are doing and assist members whom they do not really know. Relationships have to be forged and respect must be earned.

Now, I'm going to have to disagree with you when you say we need a new motto and "look." The motto "RID that Rebel scum" has always been used on our forums, website and recruitment posts since the birth of the guild, and to change it now just doesn't sit well with me for some reason. Even more upsetting to me would be changing our red/black guild colors. Even though some may believe the colors are boring and common, the combination has and always will scream out to me, "we are RID!"

Red/black are also simply the colors of our RID flag (which you can see in most of our RID movies) and represents the colors of the Emperor's cloak and his Royal Guards. The Royal Guard Interceptor, our signiture spaceship for space combat events also has those colors.

Likewise, all of our uniforms (which I actually plan on issueing out soon, perhaps even during the meeting now that you mention it) are already red/black. To change it now would almost be an inconvenience, not to mention that all the housing signs in Fort Oasis, in conjunction with housing signs in other cities, are red/black. So while it may be a rather common combination, it's rather been ingrained with the personality of the guild.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:11 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
maybe if we focus on individual members, like the all for one, one for all concept, it would do us good. for instance, take a few days and have a bunch of guild members pull together and get someone through

legacy/kashyyyk/mustafar/pilot, then get them outfitted with the best gear for their profession, start by doing that for each member, then work from there and this way we get to know each other better, and people would be more willing to return the favor, i think.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:18 pm
by Ruh Shi'od
I have plenty of thoughts on this and have shared them with the officers. After I get myself some sleep (I have been up for over 24 hours...yet again) and can't really gather my thoughts.

One thing I will say is that I think a big issue is that we lack numbers. Numbers in general and even more specifically numbers when it comes to experienced players. I think this makes it hard to recruit and retain new members (not neccesarily new to the game).

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:15 pm
by Apium
Because I do not currently have a subscription to the game, I will refrain from commenting on the points that I do not have enough information on.

First, Arev, you are most certainly correct, in that, there needs to be more pride and companionship within the guild. I believe every RID member needs to take a step back and find the reason why they personally enjoy the game. This little slice of SWG then needs to be brought to the guild. For example, I played SWG for the comunity and the brotherhood I felt within RID. With this in mind, I took on various leadership positions in order to better RID itself (albeit I often took on way more than I could handle) and to increase the pride members felt for RID.

Think about what would happen if every RID member did this. Kioet' is another great example. He loves pvp and the GCW and he brings that to the guild for everyone to enjoy. Erougn makes it so even the poorest Fledgling pilot can take part in a true star wars space experience. Ruh slaves away in his workshop to provide RID members with the best equipment possible. Kurke captured one of his favorite parts of SWG and gave RID a city its members can be proud of. And Lexx, Lexx crafted a wonderful history for RID. What Fort Oasis citizen doesn't feel a little pride as a citizen of one of the oldest and most famous cities on starsider? A member doesn't have to be an officer to accomplish magnificent things. I would like to see an interior designer throw a party. I would like to see a tailor design guild uniforms in earnest. I would like to see a roleplayer weave an enthralling tale that all of RID could take part in. These are things people do everyday in SWG and enjoy greatly; these things just need to be brought to RID.

On a side note, I am going to advise strongly against changing any part of RID's motto or colors. I'm not the biggest fan of the motto, but it, along with the guild colors, is an important part of RID's history. And RID's expansive and glorious history gives the guild an anchor that can be used to drive the very revival you have outlined.

/salute RID

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:12 am
by Fishy
On a less serious note.. Lexx, Before I quit, I was thinking about submitting an application for Purple/Yellow Officers uniforms.

On a more serious note.. When I was playing, I noticed that alot of the newer members don't like to talk in Guildchat. I started like this too, with RID, But.. Turns out they don't bite. Most times, The only one I can find, who will talk, is Ruh. Thats why me and Ruh are "Teh Tight" right, Ruh? :P

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:03 am
by Ruh Shi'od
Mistur<>< wrote:On a less serious note.. Lexx, Before I quit, I was thinking about submitting an application for Purple/Yellow Officers uniforms.

On a more serious note.. When I was playing, I noticed that alot of the newer members don't like to talk in Guildchat. I started like this too, with RID, But.. Turns out they don't bite. Most times, The only one I can find, who will talk, is Ruh. Thats why me and Ruh are "Teh Tight" right, Ruh? :P


<3 Mistur! When you come back I will light off many fireworks in your honor....mostly they will be the ones I was supposed to make for you in the first place :p.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:17 pm
by Xoseh
Mistur<>< wrote:On a less serious note.. Lexx, Before I quit, I was thinking about submitting an application for Purple/Yellow Officers uniforms.

On a more serious note.. When I was playing, I noticed that alot of the newer members don't like to talk in Guildchat. I started like this too, with RID, But.. Turns out they don't bite. Most times, The only one I can find, who will talk, is Ruh. Thats why me and Ruh are "Teh Tight" right, Ruh? :P

I would talk to everyone and anyone that would answer me:p
And I'd always help whenever needed.
I wish I didn't have to leave, I'd love to help an amazing guild get better.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:59 pm
by Saurat Seerdon
i always talked in guild chat. i had my spatial chat set up so i could immediately see if anyone was using guild chat...when i get back in the game, i'll help organize hunting trips. i'd like to help get everyone set up with good gear and stuff.