Old Man Assassinated

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Old Man Assassinated

Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:08 am

Just to let you all know, if I happen to be standing near you when the old geezer shows up, I will not hesitate to kill him. :twisted:


Have a nice day!

(BTW, I know I probably can't kill him. I really want to though)



Post by Guest » Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:40 am


Hehe.... thank god you suck at combat, he might have died!

You don't mind if I, uh, stay away from you in the next few days, do you?

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:05 pm



Post by Guest » Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:57 pm

isnt the old guy a white dot?



Post by Guest » Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:04 pm

I've heard so, the bastard hasn't come to visit ME...

Lol, by the way, Kurke, I do agree with you now on some things regarding the jedi... they probably shouldn't be in the game, but then again, the game wouldn't sell as well if you couldn't be a jedi (unless everyone was like you).

Second, it is WAY too easy to become a Jedi! I have a friend on another galaxy who made a brand-new character and got inner glow in TWO DAYS! Also, I was able to do it, and I have no skills :)

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Post by Kurke_Aumea » Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:48 pm

Remember, that is jsut the ability to become force sensitive. I hear that actually beoming a full Jedi is much harder. Of course, this is what I hear. And leave it up to the SWG community to prove the Devs wrong on something. LOL


Well, yeah its hard but...

Post by Guest » Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:09 pm

Of course it's hard to become a full Jedi! But think about it. If a person goes to the Jedi village, and the carrot of Uber Jediness is constantly dangled in front of your face, you are going to go for it, no matter how hard it is to get.

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:37 pm

He's right you know ^
But so is Kurke. What I think the devs should have done is instead of just adding jedi to be somthing everyone would go for, they should have added a wide variety for everyone else to go for. Wouldnt it be much better if instead of just being a jedi, you could unlock a droid character, or jawa character? You would only be able to choose one, but if there were more things to choose from then jedi, the game would be much funner. I geuss more people would want to be a jedi though lol. Jawa? Bleh, if they arent all powerful then forget it lol.


What if...

Post by Guest » Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:53 pm

What if, maybe, instead of just saying, "Here, go do Jabba, Nym, and the Imperial/Rebel theme park, do the warren, visit three jedi locations, master a profession, and throw in another ten random badges just to be sure"... what if they made it so that you could be force sensitive in a way that actually MADE SOME GODDAMN SENSE.

I remember waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when the game came out, the devs were all excited about the Jedi system. It was a secret, and nobody knew how to become a Jedi. The devs were saying that "anyone can be a Jedi, whether hardcore or casual player." One assumed that you would be randomly chosen, and have the great responsibility that is weilding the force thrust upon you, without any choice of yours in the matter. That was the Jedi system at its finest.

Unfortunately, even though "anyone could be a Jedi", most people couldn't become Jedi. It turns out that to start upon the path, one had to master four Holo-professions, and twenty other professions. Since when can "anyone" acquire four Holos, master those professions, and master the additional twenty professions? You expect the "casual gamer", as you call him/her, to actually be able to master twenty four professions?

What if the system was the kind that they implied existed when the game launched? What if instead of doing a few quests and visiting random locations you had to go out on a long and difficult journey to become one with the force? Is that unreasonable? Sure, it would take the devs a *bit* more work than they have put into any previous game-related project, but these are JEDI we're talking about here! Anyway, just my two cents.


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:03 pm

Well getting to the village is just part 1. Part 2 is aquiring millions of expierence to acculy get jedi. Which i heard its almost equal to mastering 8 or so proffesions, and my friend got jedi on 8 profs you only need 5 profs, but you usually dont pick the 5th proffesion but some people are lucky and do so just wanted to say that. Kurke you should go force sensitive and get the crafting trees, because you dont have to go for jedi like im not i just want the combat tree thing
