Food For Thought

A place for members to discuss general information about RID.

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Joined:Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:11 pm
Food For Thought

Post by Kurke_Aumea » Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:30 pm

I found an interesting post on the official Starsider forums. Check it out.


It brings up a lot of interesting notes and a lot of good points about what guild should be about. This quote stuck with me the most.

I enjoy inviting newer people to go on hunts in groups, and watch them advance. I am very happy with our guild and many of the newer people have advanced to be very good. I can even say that our guild was not always like this and it took some people leaving the guild to realize where our focus really should be: on our members.

I think that quote right there is exactly where RID is at. We have gone through a lot of anguish and pain lately with a large group of members leaving. But, the end result is that RID is left with a core group of members who are dedicated and loyal to not ony RID, but the members in it.

Regardless of what command structure we pick or whether we should wear uniforms, the main concern of RID should be its members and just to have fun. While we may have missed this point in the past, it gives us a focus point for the future. We have a lot of work ahead of us in order to make RID righteous once again, let us not forget to have fun along the way.
