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Fort Oasis Reorganization

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:41 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Greetings everybody!

As you walk through Fort Oasis what do you see? You probably see a collection of scattered houses and civic structures without much organization. With the guild's growing size, it has become increasingly apparent the the leadership of the guild to redesign the city layout. This redesign will be done to better represent RID's image as an organized guild. Now, this idea is in its early stages and there is still a little ways to go until we begin moving buildings around.

The first step to any redesign on this scale is to begin proper planning. Initial layout designs have already been discussed by myself, Lexx, and Xanus. I have taken the liberty to draw up an early sketch of one possible layout for the city.

Here is City_Map_1

Now, in this first layout, I have made a new boulevard that runs perpendicular to the city hall. On the west side of the boulevard we have civic structures and on the east side we have residential structures. I have also left out gardens so that there is less confusion about which buildings are what. I will add them in another map.

It has been agreed that there should be a central boulevard of some sorts that is the focal point of the city. The most logical alternative to a perpendicluar boulevard to the city hall is a boulevard that shoots traight out from the entrance of city hall. The problem with this design is that Fort Oasis sits in some limited terrain. Fort Oasis has mountains on three sides (to the north, west, and south) and has some nasty trenches that run through the main part of town. Now, it is pretty hard to map this terrain, so if anyone knows a tool we can use, that would be a great help.

The problem with this terrain is that Fort Oasis can really only expand in one direction, to the east. In my opinion this leaves us with a situation to be very creative. While in most organized towns you see the civic sturctures along a central boulevard stretching out from the city hall entrance, we can don something different. during my discussions with Xanus, he mentioned having districts. The idea of districts gives us a chance to be creative. In my plan above I have created roughly 4 to 5 districts. The first district is the Civic District. The Civic District is that which is on the west end of the boulevard. It contains the Guild Hall, Hospital, Cloning Center, and Theater. The Commercial District is very centralized to the suttleport. In this layout, the Commerical District is mainly the new RID Mall (located directly north of the shuttleport). I plan on devising another layout later on with a better Commercial District. The nest three districts are the residential districts. We have a Low-Wealth District, Medium-Wealth District, and a High-Wealth District. The Low-Wealth is the small houses, the Medium-Wealth is the medium houses, and the High-Wealth is the large houses.

Now, not only is there a lot of planning involved with a city redesign project, there are many logistical factors that play in as well. The most obvious problem is that current citizens will have relocate their houses. In order to overcome this dilemma I have devised a BTR Plan. BTR stands for Build-Transfer-Redeed. This plan entails a lot of work by mostly the architects of the guild. What will basically happen is that the architects of the guild will craft up a set number of small houses, medium houses, and large houses. The architects (or another group of people with zoning rights) will pick a section of town to begin rebuilding. The architects will then BUILD the houses at that location. Once the houses are built, the structures will be TRANSFERRED to an awaiting citizen. At this time the citizen will declare their residenc in the new house and proceed to move his/her posessions from the old house to the new house. Once the move is complete, the citizen will REDEED the old house. All redeed structures will be given back to the architects to compensate the architects for their time. All money needed to redeed structures will be paid to the citizens in order to redded the houses. I believe this will be an effective method for moving residents into new houses. Using this plan, only a small group of people are needed to really set up the new parts of town. Citizens only have to be present to move their posessions from one house to another and then redeed the structure. This does seem the easiest way to do things and is also the easiest on people's inventories.

This project is something that does need to happen and will happen. Nothing will be rushed forward without proper planning. There needs to be as much guild support for this as possible, otherwise this will be more painful than it needs to be.

I also plan on posting additional proposals for city layouts in the near future. So stay tuned for more details.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:36 am
by Lexx Yovel
Hello everyone, I am underway another City Map as well, of what we could possibly carry out. But Kurke pretty much summed up what we should do in the event of reorganization.

Before I work on the map, I must inform all of RID that we really need your support on this city reorganization. Else our city will look nothing more than a joke. So if we do ask you to move your house, be a good sport and cooperate, we will make it as easy as possble.

Okies, going to get the map.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 2:03 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Okay, here are my maps. The first one is sort of a "Dream City" so to speak. It looks like a fort and such, however, such a plan is a near impossibility due to the ridges and mountain ranges.

Fort Plan A

This here, is my recently devised plan. It would be a much more possible and do-able plan to accomplish.

Fort Plan B

Let me explain the map right above ^^^

It is rather similar to Kurke's plan, but a little different. The guild hall remains where it is for now, possibly with a medium garden added in front of it. The boulivard is comprised of the commercial structures, and merchant tents. In the center of Fort Oasis, is our bank, mall, and shuttle. Now, the shuttle may not fit there. Looking in-game, there is a ridge in the following locations.

-There is a war-trench running through inbetween the guild hall and city hall.

-In the main center of the city, is a trench running up to down, left to right where our garage and bank currently is in-game. This may limit the placement of a shuttle port in that location.

-In the lower-class residential center is a trench running north to south, severely limiting an exact grid like you see in the second map. However, we can allow for a few gaps where there are red-zones.

Also, you will notice middle to higher class residential areas are in the back of the city. Where you see the large homes is a mountain range right behind it. There are mountain ranges and/or hills to the west, south, and north of the city. The east allows for the widest expanse, where the UK Utopians are residing in, not far from our city. Later, we plan for industrial centers to move towards the east, where there is expanse. Military bases will be placed as close to the shuttle port as possible for security. This is still up for debate, whether we should allow Rebel commerse. This is conflicting between military versus commerse, which we can speak of in the future.

The cantinas, theater, med center, ane cloner are a little different from Kurkes plan. This is because of the impossiblity of placing the cantina looking at the south, however, I am not 100% sure about that.

Back to the lower-class residential area. Me, Kurke, Xanus, and a few others will assist in the forming of the boulivard (commercial centers) and our lower-class residential centers (small house grid). Like I said earlier, an exact beautiful grid like you see in the map wont be 100% feasable. There will be about 5 homes which wont fit, and about 3 that may be slightly mis-aligned. However, because of Kurkes new BTR Plan, we will be able to make our city very wonderful looking. Eventually we plan to become a metropolis, however, we are working hard to get from 43 residents to more than 55 residents so we can place a shuttle port ASAP.

Once we place the shuttle, credits will roll in as tourists come here to plan for a hike to Fort Tusken, or do missions at the Imperial Oasis.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:19 pm
by bizob
all these plans look good to me. i agree the city looks very disorganized in places. the BTR idea sounds great to me. although ive been spending a bit of time decorating my new house, i would have no problem moving it all to a new house to help make our city look better. u can count on my support as always

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:11 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
It has come to my attention that in order to properly set up any type of boulevard, we will need to take some measurements. Basically these measurements will determine where the mountains are located in relation to the city hall and also where the trnches are. Depending on which boulevard plan we decide to go with, we will be limited on how long the boulevard cna be. Proper measurements of the areas surrounding the city hall will allow for more accurate planning.

On that note, I will be spending any time I have tonight performing measurements. Please, do not send me any furniture/housing orders tonight. This way I can concentrate on performing my measurements. Thank you.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:24 pm
by Lexx Yovel
Thanks for your support Biz :)
Ack, chances are I have to move my homes too lol :P

Okay Kurke, I got an order for you tonight.... 10 large hou... um measure away. I am horrible at math actually. And how do you determine what terrain would be red-zoned?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:38 pm
by Kurke_Aumea
Here is another city layout I have made.


I have gone with a more centralized boulevard with the shuttleport and a couple of gardens in the middle. The medium house at the end of the Boulevard is the new RID Mall. The small houses along the west edge of the boulevard are shops and stores. The civic structures have been put on the backside of the commercial district. I have added some bigger gardens to spruce it up a bit. I don't know if the big gardens are within our budget or not, but I thought I would put them there for show. Let me know what you think of this new layout.

As far as measurements go, I wil be doing it by hand. This is only because I do not know of any applications I can use to measure things. The measurements I am performing are only basic numbers to help define the city limits. As far as what is red-zoned and what isn't will be a little bit harder. About the easiest way I can think of is to attempt to place some structure and as I attempt to place it, monitor the red-zones and try to record themn somehow. Suggestions on this would be great.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:33 am
by Guest
you guys have my support on the BTR plan.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:11 pm
by Guest
Looking good, Lexx, Kurke and Xanus. Hopefully we'll be able to get the full cooperation of our guildmates pertaining to this matter.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:17 am
by Xan
Yes good work on the layouts guys. I wont be pissed if i have to move the recreation center/Commanders HQ even though it took me several hours to decorate since im going to plan on transferring it to a large house in the future. Bcuz making a medium house adequate as a Recreation Center for guildmates/Commadner and Council HQ and my own personal house is a bit of a toughie hehe. i plan on getting a large house later though when im more financially sound. Btw just my personal opinion but i like lexx's very first city plan. (btw why not make the Mall a large house? more space for growth and we must take future artisans joining into account.) since we aren't doing a guildhall for it......yet...anyways.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:18 pm
by Guest
Just wanted to let you guys know, that you don't need to ask for my support on reorganizing the city. You have my support no matter what we do as long as it's to better RID. I like all the ideas proposed, and Kurke's BTR plan is great. It'll make moving alot easier on us all.