Improving the Recruitment Process...

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Improving the Recruitment Process...

Post by Guest » Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:21 pm

Hey guys, Eurami here. I, along with a few others within the guild have been thinking about improving the way we do things when it comes to the recruitment process. I have a few suggestions that could definitely make things better for our newer members as well as our old.

Mentoring. Members in our guild who have Mastered a profession, and can afford to devote the time and effort, should select an individual within our guild that they trust will be with us for the long haul, and assist them in anyway possible. Specifically, with advice to where to hunt, how to make money, where to get the best <insert item here>. Helping members progress through their skills will not only benefit the guild as a whole, but allow us to make new friends and allies for the tough times we may face ahead.

I realize that there are many people within our guild who already try their best to help others. That's always appreciated, but now it's time to move things to a more personal level. The idea, is to pick a member who isn't as well off as the the higher ups, (you know, the guys who are Master <insert combat profession here> and doing 30k missions on <insert advanced planet here>) and help them to make their own way to success, with a little pushing and prodding from us. It's true that some may feel that other people should make their own way without any help from others. It's perfectly alright to feel that way, but you need to realize that by helping our members we better ourselves. I for one, have made Master TKA in less than a week, with not that much in-game help from anyone else. I read forums and sought advice on my own, I made my own money, and bought my own weapons and armor. However, I couldn't have done it without information. The search function is your friend, when it comes to the official SWG forums. Knowledge is power, and it isn't a cliche.

Make no mistake, this isn't a free handout, or an excuse for people to ask for money/items or whatever, it's a way to reward people for advancing and staying with the guild. If we want to succeed as a guild, we need strong members who are dedicated to us and our cause, and we need people who we can count on. Some mentors might only feel that giving their advice and friendship is enough, others might want to help out more, perhaps by giving their "student" a new weapon when they hit a particular milestone in their training, or some new armor when they progress to another point. You need to provide incentive for people to want to skill up and STAY with us in the guild.

I would like to invite our members to offer some constructive ideas and suggestions concerning such a system. I believe Xanus had some ideas that he felt could benefit the recruitment process, and I would love to have him share them.


Post by Guest » Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:44 pm

- Another idea that came to mind:

- Higher skilled members acting as Mentor can bring their "student" with them to hunt on an advanced planet. Perhaps paying to get them buffed, and grouping with them to do missions. The student can earn experience and a half of the mission credits, (which would seem like a fortune to a low skilled player)., as well as form a friendship that will strengthen over time. Knowing that you can count on someone when the Rebels come knocking on our doorstep, is very important.


Post by Xan » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:42 am

Yes, i was around when Eurami suggested this "mentor system" in guildchat i think its a great idea, it will help strengthen out guild as a whole, as well as the individual members. In fact i have a great example, its not hypothetical, i actually am trying to get to doing this but i think its a good example nonetheless. Here's my little problem,

if i can buy some single buffs, which aren't terribly cheap, as well as get a bio suit with +25 wound treatment (helps with the quality of the buffs, as well as umm...wound treatment) ill be set on my way to Master Doc, and when im master doc i will try my best to put any side cash that i don't need for myself towards the guild, and as im sure most of you know, Docs can make a little over a million credits a day if they do nothing but buff. The problem is, i have 200k, i need a decent about more, i am a TKA monk, i could solo missions on Dant, for 30k by now, but, my armor died 3 days ago. Which means me going up against 20 Jantas unarmored even if i am buffed is like Martha Stewart Boxing with Mike Tyson. So basically i need armor, a good set, and im set for the rest of my career basically. So (this is the hypothetical part) if we had an armorsmith who could give me a set on discount or someone that had an extra set of armor, they could lend it to me until i no longer need it, and lets say then i could give it back along with some cash to make up for lost condition or just buy them a new set in the future. This process would help everyone.

As for my ideas on how we recruit, as in, get new members, not so much mentoring, i have discussed it with Lexx briefly and i will describe it in more depth with the guild as well as him once we get a TS or Vent server running efficiently, which lexx has told me is being taken care of.

Royal Advisor of R.I.D
Personal Advisor of Lexx


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:07 pm

So you want a member who has Mastered a said Profession to take someone under their wing to basically power-level them, and give them hand-outs. I have a feeeling that this comes form some people who are upset that some people have more money and or better equipment than others. The solution to that is work your but off to get it yourself. I will not power-level someone, it takes away from the whole experience. Nor will I ask someone who is not up to level with myself onto a planet that I know they do not have the skills for. For I do not wish them get eating by the first thing they see.

I have no problem giving an item that I don't use to someone who may have use for it. Yet I will not give them money that I earned, to go buy items and or equipment to twink themselves out with. This may seem like I am a dick and don't care for the welfare og this guild. I do care for this guild and I want to see us surpass Reign, and any other Imperial Guild out there. The whole fun of this game is earning the items yourself, in knowing that you have done something.

Aleksandrov Danislavko
Faithful Servant to the Empire

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Post by Lexx Yovel » Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:56 pm

I must start by saying good points are being brought up by everyone. Here is what i say we do.

I do sort of feel items and buffs and such can be given to a student. But yeah, money might not work. Because the student should have to work for his money, the way his master did.

What I say we do is add the mentor ystem, but do it like this. We have the master take one or 2 students. He would teach aspects of the game that the student doesnt already do. The master would take him on hunts and missions for money, xp, and fp. He would assist the student come to the level the master is, only you would get teachings and assistance along the way.

Like say Bob is the master. And Mike is the student. Every week Bob would contact Mike for a lesson. He would teach how to survie in battle. Like teach about the different foods and armors and how to attack. And he would bring Mike along to do missions, or go to caves and hunt.

Doing the things the master did to become skilled and trusted. It wouldnt have to be just combat teaching. It could be other aspects, like being loyal and trusted, and how to deal with people in certain situations.

This would give the student an experience, and once Mike becomes trained, he would take a student, and teach him the things he knows.

I feel supplying weapons, armors, and buffs is a good way to give the student a boost. It should be, like Eurami said I think, be a good friendship. I feel the mentoring system should be implemented for new recruits in RID, so they dont just blindly wander.


Post by Xan » Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:31 am

I totally got your back on this one. heh


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:37 am

I kinda agree with Aleksandrov here.
I have given out a few credits and expect them back... (you know who you are lol)
I don't mind training people at all, or sharing pvp tips. Arguably, i am not the greatest pvp'er but have learnt a few things over my time which may be of use to people..

I am TKA and Weaponsmith if anyone needs training.


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:42 pm

I totaly agree on this. Just as a friendship standpoint. You may know some one in the guild but as you hunt with them it helps strenthen the bond between people and makes us stronger in combat.


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Post by Santos » Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:13 am

lol mnyak for the last time i was robbed! the guy deleted his char :(
