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Thaes's Defence

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:31 pm
by Guest

BTW dont mind the rebel theme UI, i just like the red color hehe :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:27 am
by Lexx Yovel
Hmm, it looks like near the end things got a little out of hand. I really dont know if Thaesus was joking or telling the truth. Onslaught- didn't do anything really. Cell was just being annoying. (For crying out loud! He leaves the guild but he still uses and lives in my city :x ) Rakuda I geuss was just trying to maintain control, only to have things go a little out of control.

I think the real problem is Thae. Rak apologized for his harshness, Aem, Ty'e, and Kurke were just spectating.

I interrogated Thae about the incident. Me and Ty'e agree she is starting to worry us. She claims to have been friends with the CATS. She says she invented their stupid CAT symbol that goes somthing like this -^^- with little eye under it somhow.

Anyways, she has connections with CATS. I asked what she knew about them, but she refused, then she said oh, I am always more loya to RID. She just said they had 5 jedi... heh, big surprise, they are everywhere now.

And after when I was done talking to her, she sent me a tell saying how she didn't like me asking her questions. I just said I wanted to be fair and hear your side too.

I really dont know about Thae, in a way I came to her... but she also came to RID. She was wandering around Fort Oasis when I saw her. Just being nice I said hi. Then she started being interested in joining RID and I said, eh... shes neutral, but she can add another citizens to RID (Even though she didnt really want a house :x )

Thae keeps saying she is going Imperial, but I cant be so sure about her until she goes Imp. By the way, do to our growing number of members, I propose only Imperials will be allowed to join RID. This is to allow a slower ammount to get in, while Imperials are more loyal and skilled than neutrals most of the time.

If any of you witnisss anything strange from Thae, tell me.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 10:26 am
by Kurke_Aumea

New members coming into the guild should be Imperial. It will allow us to control our numbers better and make sure everyone has some degree of loyalty. Also, what is RID without Imperials.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 6:42 pm
by Guest
i would like to add that when cell was there he was acting like we were still friends or something. i mean you betray us and then coem back and act like were still friends.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:44 am
by Ty'e X'lor
Im just not sure Lexx.... As you said she was angry when asked questions and she claimed she had connections with the cats and saying she was going to go Rebel and Normally when somebody is actually joking they use j/k sign.... And how she was defending cell... and She went somewhere with cell and sat down im sure they were talking by private message. who knows what they could've exchanged while they were talking. And the next thing im about to say is not proof of anything but she was wandering around RID.... she could've been looking around for something or just waiting for someone to recruit her... she could be a spy.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:16 am
by Guest
yes and then she was inspecting houses i don't know what she is up to.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:32 pm
by Lexx Yovel
There are some interesting things about Thae. As for her inspeacting houses, she claims she was looking for decorating ideas. Didn't really think much of it. But as for her statement of joining the Rebellion, thats pretty odd.

Like Ty'e said, if she were joking naturaly you would type j/k, :P, or lol.
She didn't do that. And even joking about the mere fact of joining the Rebels may to too much.

Then when I asked her questions, she said she would be Imperial soon, and claims to be absoulutely loyal to the Empire. She has connections with CATS she says, but she didn't say too much of them.

And when I asked what she though of CFM and Cell, she said somthing along the lines of, "Oh Cell, he was a pretty nice person." This made me pretty upset, and I got it into her head that he was a traitor of RID, and not a very nice one.

I am keeping my eyes on her, and you can speak freely here. She doesnt have access to these forums. She never registered.

If anything odd turns up, tell me.